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Restaurants with good food that's healthy.


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HOURS???? wtf kind of cardio are you doing for multiple hours? i could see walking perhaps, but that isn't really cardio IMO



Mountain biking would be the only cardio I can stand to do for that long. Ten min of running on a treadmill and I'm ready to shoot myself...

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Running on a treadmill? Hour when you wake up and another hour right after work.


Don't forget 20-30 minutes during lunch. Maybe a quick walk/jog during other work breaks. Whatever gets your heart rate up.


Might need to invest in some shoes, though.

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I think this is one of those times where weight is not a reflection of overall health.



True, but that was also 9-10 years ago. My cholesterol is a little high these days, but I also don't eat their nasty food anymore (anything other than a Big Mac makes me physically ill).


Point is it's about making sure you use up more than you take in.

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True, but that was also 9-10 years ago. My cholesterol is a little high these days, but I also don't eat their nasty food anymore (anything other than a Big Mac makes me physically ill).


Point is it's about making sure you use up more than you take in.


The point should also be make sure the calories you're taking in are calories your body can use instead of processed garbage that your body has to fight.

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The point should also be make sure the calories you're taking in are calories your body can use instead of processed garbage that your body has to fight.


That's why I also don't eat Subway anymore. I'd rather take in 700-800 calories of Chipotle goodness than 500-600 calories of carbs and processed meats from Subway. Plus I can get 2x the dietary fiber.

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Subway. $5 footlong special, no cheese no mayo, as many veggies as you can tolerate. Fills you up and has the goodies you need.


almost all places have healthy(er) choices these days but the fact you referenced "deep fried" in the same post as "healthy food" tells me you may not be as committed as you need to be :D


Fazoli's is cheap and you can be a good boy there. A Small Spaghetti with Marinara Sauce and a Salad are your crave friends :)


If your portion sizes are correct, you can eat most places if you choose well.






PS - Also, Red Lobster ;)


That's why I also don't eat Subway anymore. I'd rather take in 700-800 calories of Chipotle goodness than 500-600 calories of carbs and processed meats from Subway. Plus I can get 2x the dietary fiber.


Everyone said it best. Subway is NOT as good as people think. A footlong piece of bread only is 96 carbs just for white. That is equivalent to well over 1 cup of pasta, which is crazy for one meal.



When I lost my 50 pounds I ate a lot of Chipotle salads...they are the exact same as a bowl, you get a little bit less rice but you get a bed of lettuce on the bottom, lifted weights and did 20-30 minutes of intense cardio. Don't eat chipotles dressing for their salad! It is TERRIBLE for you.


I swear you can eat almost any restaurant in this city (less Cheesecake Factory, my ultimate demise), as long as you eat smart. Want a burger and fries? Get a burger with no cheese, no mayo and only eat HALF the bun (half is okay to eat). Problem holding your veggies? Ask for another peice of lettuce to use as your 1/2 bun replacement. Fries are okay, they are a decent starch, although fried I know. They aren't a killer.


Use your judgement, and create a diet that becomes a way of life, not a diet. Diets fail, lifestyle changes do.

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Asian Gourmet in Stoneridge Plaza. Super good asian food and sushi, adverage prices, and it's pretty nice inside. I could justify whearing jeans and a t-shirt or putting on a dress shirt and khakis. Edited by Crash
i suck at grammer
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Point is it's about making sure you use up more than you take in.



I'd rather take in 700-800 calories of Chipotle goodness than 500-600 calories of carbs and processed meats from Subway. Plus I can get 2x the dietary fiber.


I find your posts to conflict with each other. On one hand you're saying to count calories, then you say you're monitoring the type of calories you're eating.


What you're eating has as much of an effect as how much.

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Everyone said it best. Subway is NOT as good as people think. A footlong piece of bread only is 96 carbs just for white. That is equivalent to well over 1 cup of pasta, which is crazy for one meal.



When I lost my 50 pounds I ate a lot of Chipotle salads...they are the exact same as a bowl, you get a little bit less rice but you get a bed of lettuce on the bottom, lifted weights and did 20-30 minutes of intense cardio. Don't eat chipotles dressing for their salad! It is TERRIBLE for you.


I swear you can eat almost any restaurant in this city (less Cheesecake Factory, my ultimate demise), as long as you eat smart. Want a burger and fries? Get a burger with no cheese, no mayo and only eat HALF the bun (half is okay to eat). Problem holding your veggies? Ask for another peice of lettuce to use as your 1/2 bun replacement. Fries are okay, they are a decent starch, although fried I know. They aren't a killer.


Use your judgement, and create a diet that becomes a way of life, not a diet. Diets fail, lifestyle changes do.


I'm at 60lb's lost so far and I've taken a little different approach. If I can't have it the way I want it then I just don't eat it at all. What I've found is it's everyday habits that help me. I can still drink some beers on the weekend and eat wings and shit like that but Mon-Fri I'm all about watching what I eat. I think some people let the diet control their lives to the point where they hate the diet and that makes them eventually say "fuck it". You have to cut yourself some slack sometimes with the understanding that it comes at a small price. That price is maybe a slight weight gain that week or a no weight loss week but if you stay with it that weight will come right back off. I made a few adjustments to even my high calorie stuff like I no longer eat 12" subs because in all honesty a 6" fills me up. The 12" was just habit. I pretty much gave pizza up altogether because there are other high calorie meals I'd rather have when it comes to "bang for the calorie buck".


Like you said.....I changed my lifestyle but I cut myself a little slack if I eat something shitty. It's not the end of the world......just don't do it everyday. I'm no weight loss guru and I don't think I have all the answers. I just know what's worked for me. I'm still losing weight and I never really feel like I'm doing without. I don't go to bed hungry and things like that. It's been a pretty comfortable journey so far. I'm pretty much at my original goal but if I can take off another 10-15 lbs that's cool too. I'm not sweating it either way.

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Want a burger and fries? Get a burger with no cheese, no mayo and only eat HALF the bun (half is okay to eat). Problem holding your veggies? Ask for another peice of lettuce to use as your 1/2 bun replacement.


I'll have to start doing the bun thing :thumbup:


On one hand you're saying to count calories, then you say you're monitoring the type of calories you're eating.


What you're eating has as much of an effect as how much.


For me, it's more about being aware of what's better for me to eat in combination with how much I'm looking to eat (typically more after a trip to the gym). Counting calories accurately is more work than it's worth, so I just ballpark it.


lol @ all you CR people who think you know anything about health and dieting


It's working for me, so no fucks given :gabe:

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I'm at 60lb's lost so far and I've taken a little different approach. If I can't have it the way I want it then I just don't eat it at all. What I've found is it's everyday habits that help me. I can still drink some beers on the weekend and eat wings and shit like that but Mon-Fri I'm all about watching what I eat. I think some people let the diet control their lives to the point where they hate the diet and that makes them eventually say "fuck it". You have to cut yourself some slack sometimes with the understanding that it comes at a small price. That price is maybe a slight weight gain that week or a no weight loss week but if you stay with it that weight will come right back off. I made a few adjustments to even my high calorie stuff like I no longer eat 12" subs because in all honesty a 6" fills me up. The 12" was just habit. I pretty much gave pizza up altogether because there are other high calorie meals I'd rather have when it comes to "bang for the calorie buck".


Like you said.....I changed my lifestyle but I cut myself a little slack if I eat something shitty. It's not the end of the world......just don't do it everyday. I'm no weight loss guru and I don't think I have all the answers. I just know what's worked for me. I'm still losing weight and I never really feel like I'm doing without. I don't go to bed hungry and things like that. It's been a pretty comfortable journey so far. I'm pretty much at my original goal but if I can take off another 10-15 lbs that's cool too. I'm not sweating it either way.


100% agree. Mon-Friday (day), I eat probably 90% perfect. Friday night through Sunday, I open it up to 'whatever I want'. BUT, I am not trying to lose weight anymore, just maintain.


So many people quit "diets" because they are too strict on yourself. You cannot eat lettuce and chicken for every meal for the rest of your life and be happy. There is nothing wrong with having at LEAST a cheat meal every week, even when losing weight. People just get too strict and they end up quitting. Again, you have to change your lifestyle overall, not diet. Otherwise you will lose weight, gain weight, lose, etc. You'll eat because you're unhappy, and you'll be unhappy because you eat. It'll be a viscious cycle. :gabe:

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I have lost 100 pounds over 2 and half years with mostly dieting and very little working out. To be honest I could of lost it quicker but I would maintain a strict diet for 2 month periods with not cheating and then have weeks of cheating, which then it would take me months again to get back on track. If I had the self control to let myself have a cheat day or two a week I would be at or past my goal. The biggest thing for me and what I have told people who are wanting to lose weight is do what will make you happy and find a diet you can manage for yourself. There are so many different diets, try some and find what works for you.
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Just do a few hours of cardio a day


Mountain biking would be the only cardio I can stand to do for that long. Ten min of running on a treadmill and I'm ready to shoot myself...


this. i get bored in a gym where everything is the same. i do cycling 3-4 days a week, for 2-4 hours at a time. its usually not cardio level the full time (which i think is what...like 80% of your max HR?), but its close. when we ride in groups, it ends up being more like intervals, where everyone does a pull up front for a mile or so (about 2:45-3 minutes), being up front cutting the wind you're doing the most work, HR gets higher, your turn is over, drop to the back, recover a bit, slowly move up.


THIS is from this weekend on saturday. 52 miles, just under 3 hours (with a stop half way through for 15 min or so) http://connect.garmin.com/activity/382487266


scroll down and it'll show my heart rate data. getting up to about 160-170s during my pulls, about 140 on recovery. averaged 151 HR for the ride (2:59:31 total, 2:42:46 moving). ends up being around 75% of my max, as i can still peg my HR at 200-201 on the hardest of efforts.


that was just to point out that hours of cardio isn't something crazy. that was one ride, and we usually do 3-4 of those a week. some longer, some shorter, but usually 40-50 miles is the average, and usually between 20-21mph on average (above was slower because we had a new-ish woman riding with us)


but, what i was getting to is, is that the comment isn't THAT far fetched. i used to be ~210lbs. not FAT, but bigger than i should've been. knew i needed to work on the cardio, gym bored me, i hate running with my flat feet, so i tried cycling. now, im ~175-176ish, i eat literally whatever the fuck i want, and sit right where im at. now, i know if i had some more determination to get another 15lbs shaved off i'd be even faster on the bike carrying less weight, but im happy where im at and never skip a good meal.


get into something that you can work out for without getting bored, couple that with your dieting now (while keeping in mind you have to eat calories to burn calories), and you'll do fine.

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