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Range Rover vs. Ruff Ryders


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Cant really see anything that happened but I'm guessing the group of bikers got mad at something that the range rover did and attempted to block him in? If a group of 50 are blocking me in I will floor it and aim for as many as I can then call the cops and state I feared that they were going to pull me out of my car.


Why didnt they lock the doors and just keep driving lol, I would be doubling back and forth on open roads, not going in the city


Mob mentality is a dumb thing.

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Never did like riding with a large group of bikes like that. I would think that the RR driver would have a pretty good case for being scared for his life. I don't know what transpired before the video started but being surrounded in the middle of the freeway would certainly scare the hell out of me especially if my family was in the car too. If the RR driver had done something wrong the bike riders should have called the cops and let them handle it.
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Reading news on this...


The video was posted by a biker, under the name GIXXARDR on Liveleaks, from Melbourne, Australia, this morning. He claims one biker was killed, which the police said was not true.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2438620/Shocking-video-Range-Rover-crashing-bikers-surround-vehicle-annual-street-ride.html#ixzz2gOLUYFJg

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The driver of the Range Rover was injured and taken to the hospital, police said. It’s unclear if any of the bikers were also hurt.


So far, no arrests have been made and the investigation is ongoing.



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Fuck them and their mob mentality. The dude in the RR should have been on the phone with 911 since the beginning in order to document how the incident unfolded and have a police response. The only thing that went wrong was he didn't have a CCW so he could shoot the fuckers smashing in his window.
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Fuck them and their mob mentality. The dude in the RR should have been on the phone with 911 since the beginning in order to document how the incident unfolded and have a police response. The only thing that went wrong was he didn't have a CCW so he could shoot the fuckers smashing in his window.


+1 But it's also NYC reference the CCW...



From what I saw, bikers surround him and then one decides to brake check the SUV. SUV bumps the biker and then is soon surrounded. You can't tell what happens after that but I'm guessing the bikers do something and "since his wife and child were in the car" he punched it. I would do the same thing and then later they try again, and try opening his door. His mistake was taking an exit that got himself blocked and then they smashed his drivers window, etc...


Either way I think a lawyer would have a field day if the SUV was charged...

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Cant really see anything that happened but I'm guessing the group of bikers got mad at something that the range rover did and attempted to block him in? If a group of 50 are blocking me in I will floor it and aim for as many as I can then call the cops and state I feared that they were going to pull me out of my car.


Why didnt they lock the doors and just keep driving lol, I would be doubling back and forth on open roads, not going in the city


Mob mentality is a dumb thing.


A bike cut the RR off and stopped short and his bike was hit. Not if it was intentional or a accident.

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A bike cut the RR off and stopped short and his bike was hit. Not if it was intentional or a accident.


Yea I saw that but before that there was a bike beside the driver window yelling at him it looked like. I'm guessing they were being all dumb and weaving in and out and he probably honked or yelled at them. So being the idiots they are decided since they outnumber them they can just do what they want. They got what they deserved. I would have aimed for more.


Found this on reddit about it

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Watched it again. A few more thoughts:


1. I wouldn't have shed any tears if any of the bikers that opened the RR's door or hit it with a helmet got shot by a CCW driver.


2. What is up with the dirt bikes? Seriously? Do the street bike buys show up to the dirt bike course on their 'Busas? This just strikes me as dumb.


3. I keep reading that the wife and kids were in the car. If that's true, then I think, from a personal level, I'd like to have seen him take out more bikers. I can see myself completely dissociating during something like this and just mowing bikers down. Zero fucks registered.


4. What's up with the idiot biker that punches the back window? LOL, moron, I hope you broke your hand.


5. Classic backfire on vid title: OMFG LOOK AT RANGE ROVER JERK KILLING BIKERS AND PUPPIES WE HATE HIM! Internet response: Bikers all deserved to die.

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my $.02... I have friends that ride, and I hope for nothing but their safety. But 90% of the bikers I see, down here in TX anyway, whether crotch rocket or chopper, ride like fkn idiots with no regard for traffic. Passing vehicles while in the same lane as the vehicle they are passing, cutting vehicles off, passing in between two vehicles nearly hitting them, etc. It is very hard for me to not be biased against motorcyclists when I have a negative experience with them on an almost daily basis. I just keep telling myself, these idiots do not represent them all. Unfortunately, it's only the idiots I see on the roads.
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I can't believe it's not illegal for them ride in packs like that anyways. In my experience, when they ride in packs they ride like douchebags who assume they own the road. Happens all the time out here during poker runs and such. Drunken idiots riding bar to bar, crossing lanes, pulling out in front of folks, etc. It's the large groups giving bikers a bad name.


I am extremely cautious when I am driving near a motorcycle, but for some reason when it's a large group it makes me nervous. They're so unpredictable. Just recently on route 13 out here I was was following 3 sports bikes, leaving a good 5 car distance between them and my car. We were all cruising 60mph. When out of no where a wild pack of 10-12 upper aged morons on their scooters decide to ride my ass and started passing me on blind corners. Then they started riding super close to the sport bikes and passing them, causing one to go over the white and damn near off the road.

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The biker that brake checked him looked like he was staring at him before he brake checked him. Then he was watching as he was brake checking. Seems he was pissed at the driver of the RR about something before the brake check then proceeded to act like a dumbass.
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"A bunch of bikers stopped me in the middle of a roadway, I feared for my life and wanted to leave the situation"


Case closed, fuck those bikers.





Exactly, thats the story I read... And he was on the phone with the police when he drove over the bike to run.

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