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Anyone have any experience with a hit and run?


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i MIGHT *KEY WORD MIGHT* have a full set of 89+ tails you can have (Both sides and center section).


Ill have to do some digging in the garage but ill let you know, that should help you out.


I'm looking for JZA70 tail lights (doubtful ill find them) but if for some reason I can't find them ill buy yours from you if they are in good condition. I needed another set as the seals on mine were going bad anyways and I wanted a spare set to "restore."

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I'm looking for JZA70 tail lights (doubtful ill find them) but if for some reason I can't find them ill buy yours from you if they are in good condition. I needed another set as the seals on mine were going bad anyways and I wanted a spare set to "restore."


There MA70 tail lights i believe, the 3 piece. Might be MA71 but im not sure, been a while since ive been in the supra game.


I also got a nearly full set of a light grey cloth seat/rear seats/trunk area thing id LOVE to get rid of to get out of the garage , only bummer is i dont have the driver. Got pass, rear and the trunk mat, no driver seat though... Got screwed out of it.

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Pretty sure that's a felony in Ohio. FYI.


Meh it worked, thats all that I cared about, like i said it was a loooong time ago before everything was online so her knowing would have been tough. The insurance company said she didnt even have a license at the time so I didnt feel bad one bit.

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There MA70 tail lights i believe, the 3 piece. Might be MA71 but im not sure, been a while since ive been in the supra game.


I also got a nearly full set of a light grey cloth seat/rear seats/trunk area thing id LOVE to get rid of to get out of the garage , only bummer is i dont have the driver. Got pass, rear and the trunk mat, no driver seat though... Got screwed out of it.


Although its gray and mine is blue ill take the trunk mat as mine got soaked in what appears to be battery acid.

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Someone backed into my car a few years ago at Home Depot. Of course the individual didn't stop. I was in the store, but someone saw it and gave the license number to customer service. They called me to the service desk by my license number and gave me the license plate of the car thast hit me. I called my insurance agent...don't want to know how he did it, but he managed to find the owner of the car and sent him a nastly letter threatening to revoke his drivers license if he did not come clean. Anyway I ended up with $600 for a basically broken turn signal. :-) :-) :-)
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Someone backed into my car a few years ago at Home Depot. Of course the individual didn't stop. I was in the store, but someone saw it and gave the license number to customer service. They called me to the service desk by my license number and gave me the license plate of the car thast hit me. I called my insurance agent...don't want to know how he did it, but he managed to find the owner of the car and sent him a nastly letter threatening to revoke his drivers license if he did not come clean. Anyway I ended up with $600 for a basically broken turn signal. :-) :-) :-)


I thought about either calling my insurance provider and seeing what they could do, but they are lazy so I may save that for later if my first few resources and options don't come through. I'd rather just knock on the guys door and calmly confront him but that could be a bad idea.

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Luckily CPD swung by my work on an unrelated matter, and I spoke briefly with two officers regarding the issues. The short story is if I fill out a report they supposedly have a "division" specifically for hit and skip style things. They said I should be in good shape with with getting a reault so long as I can describe him and the bike which I can by my videos.


Looks like ill file the report and go from there. Thanks for the reaponses and ill update with more info as I hear more.

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Although its gray and mine is blue ill take the trunk mat as mine got soaked in what appears to be battery acid.


The trunk mat is part of the rear seats i believe... So youd have to swap the light grey rears in too... Be so much easier to sell if i had the driver seat!

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I hit a drunk freshman jay walking on campus one night after an OSU smackdown of UM. He got a ticket for crossing the street outside of a crosswalk. Glad I could help.


I had this same thing happen to me. except i hit a completely sober Pakistani girl that had been in the country for less than a week and just stepped off the curb and bounced off the hood of my fire bird. looking back now it's hilarious, but at the time i was freaking the fuck out cause i just hit a person!

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I had this same thing happen to me. except i hit a completely sober Pakistani girl that had been in the country for less than a week and just stepped off the curb and bounced off the hood of my fire bird. looking back now it's hilarious, but at the time i was freaking the fuck out cause i just hit a person!


After living in the middle east for a couple years now, middle easterns don't really have concern for cars, traffic, seatbelts, or general car safety. So Im not too surprised at this one.

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After living in the middle east for a couple years now, middle easterns don't really have concern for cars, traffic, seatbelts, or general car safety. So Im not too surprised at this one.


This explains our new neighbor who doesn't see an issue walking the street with baby-in-stroller. Nearly shat my pants rounding that familiar corner.

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I'm gonna give CPD a chance to at least prove their worth. If they don't come through ill figure something out.


You personally don't have access to his personal info via LP#, however, a private investigator does. You can find an online PI and a few years ago, it cost me $40, and I had all his personal info that I needed.


See linked thread for reference.



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You personally don't have access to his personal info via LP#, however, a private investigator does. You can find an online PI and a few years ago, it cost me $40, and I had all his personal info that I needed.


See linked thread for reference.




I read that whole feckin thread and no resolution?!?! What happened to the kid.

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I read that whole feckin thread and no resolution?!?! What happened to the kid.


No idea. As I had stated in that thread, I had a point at which I would no longer pursue. When he showed up to mediation looking like a meth head with odd sores on his face, (not sure if drug related or got into a scuffle with someone; I didn't stare long enough to analyze), then taking into account he lived in a sh*t neighborhood, drove a gross blazer, and worked in the guard shack at his grandparents petroleum company, I wasn't going to get anything out of him even if I took it to court and they ruled in my favor. You can't get water from a dry well.


Figured I would let the whole "what goes around comes around" thing play it's course as I was done wasting time with him, and I am not going to put my life/future in jeopardy by getting violent with him, as ultimately, what would that gain me?

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No idea. As I had stated in that thread, I had a point at which I would no longer pursue. When he showed up to mediation looking like a meth head with odd sores on his face, (not sure if drug related or got into a scuffle with someone; I didn't stare long enough to analyze), then taking into account he lived in a sh*t neighborhood, drove a gross blazer, and worked in the guard shack at his grandparents petroleum company, I wasn't going to get anything out of him even if I took it to court and they ruled in my favor. You can't get water from a dry well.


Figured I would let the whole "what goes around comes around" thing play it's course as I was done wasting time with him, and I am not going to put my life/future in jeopardy by getting violent with him, as ultimately, what would that gain me?


At least you delivered the resolution. If the courts can't fuck him in the ass, at least life did.

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At least you delivered the resolution. If the courts can't fuck him in the ass, at least life did.


I succeeded in creeping him out a bit, which was fun. People have no idea how much info can be found out about them through legal means.


With the help of some members on here, columbusdsm.com, and my own investigation, I was able to get quite a lot of info on him. From his public myspace page, to his name and address base don his license plate # I had my wife write down, to who is relatives were, where is relatives lived, blah blah. I wrote his grandparents, who own(ed) heartland petroleum, a nice long letter about their grandson's dealings and urged them to have a heart to heart with him about changing his life and the way they interacted with people. I never received a response from them, but he brought up that is was creepy that I sent them that letter, so obviously they approached him about it. I had also sent him a certified letter, placed a copy under his windshield wiper, and dropped one off at his work. Dude was freaked out.


Shoot man, a couple min on FB and I found his gf/wife Cindy just now- https://www.facebook.com/cindy.robinson.7773/photos


and him... https://www.facebook.com/Jordons.Grindin


These tards make it so easy. And he is friends with someone, who is friends with a few of my FB friends. Ohhhh the interwebz. How i love you so.


Same thing with this nutjob old lady across the street from me now. I found her husband's facebook page, their home purchase info, their ages, where they are from, their son's name, past/current employers. All acquired legally without spending a dime.


I mean, shoot, you can punch my name in google and find info/pics/friends from facebook, google, photobucket, pics and articles about one of my brother's...it's just nuts how much info is out there easily accessible.

Edited by RC K9
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I succeeded in creeping him out a bit, which was fun. People have no idea how much info can be found out about them through legal means.


With the help of some members on here, columbusdsm.com, and my own investigation, I was able to get quite a lot of info on him. From his public myspace page, to his name and address base don his license plate # I had my wife write down, to who is relatives were, where is relatives lived, blah blah. I wrote his grandparents, who own(ed) heartland petroleum, a nice long letter about their grandson's dealings and urged them to have a heart to heart with him about changing his life and the way they interacted with people. I never received a response from them, but he brought up that is was creepy that I sent them that letter, so obviously they approached him about it. I had also sent him a certified letter, placed a copy under his windshield wiper, and dropped one off at his work. Dude was freaked out.


Shoot man, a couple min on FB and I found his gf/wife Cindy just now- https://www.facebook.com/cindy.robinson.7773/photos


and him... https://www.facebook.com/Jordons.Grindin


These tards make it so easy. And he is friends with someone, who is friends with a few of my FB friends. Ohhhh the interwebz. How i love you so.


Same thing with this nutjob old lady across the street from me now. I found her husband's facebook page, their home purchase info, their ages, where they are from, their son's name, past/current employers. All acquired legally without spending a dime.


I mean, shoot, you can punch my name in google and find info/pics/friends from facebook, google, photobucket, pics and articles about one of my brother's...it's just nuts how much info is out there easily accessible.


Do me, do me!!! :-)

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i got hit once by a kid with a suspended drivers license and he was driving grandpaws stolen car. called the cops then he ran but i got the license plate number..... he went to court and pled guilty admitted fault and grandpaws insurance told me to stick it they wont pay for my car. ended up going through my insurance.
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