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Americans = Dumber than shit


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Why strive to be more intelligent? Our society gives a trophy to every participant, regardless of outcome, and grades on a steadily-declining, Thorne-like bell curve: if not enough ididoths make the grade, lower the standards.


Mediocracy is accepted, even encouraged in certain sectors of our economy. This study doesn't surprise me at all.

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Why strive to be more intelligent? Our society gives a trophy to every participant, regardless of outcome, and grades on a steadily-declining, Thorne-like bell curve: if not enough ididoths make the grade, lower the standards.


Mediocracy is accepted, even encouraged in certain sectors of our economy. This study doesn't surprise me at all.


It's called no child left behind. Maybe if it wasn't so PC to cater to dummies people could rise to the challenge, and we can just leave the weak links behind. Why would the dummies get smarter if they are enabled to be dumb? If you're too dumb to live, just die, and die off we will.

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Why strive to be more intelligent? Our society gives a trophy to every participant, regardless of outcome, and grades on a steadily-declining, Thorne-like bell curve: if not enough ididoths make the grade, lower the standards.


Mediocracy is accepted, even encouraged in certain sectors of our economy. This study doesn't surprise me at all.


Minus the part where i sit in the top .2%

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You're an idiot. I need a 'Thorne Filter' to decipher your posts.




21% of our tax money already goes towards public healthcare...and it is only projected to increase. AWESOME.


Translated it for you since deduction was to complex.


We pay more for less.

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My name is Virgil and I am a 55 year old disabled veteran that started going to school online a few years ago seeking a degree in the web publishing and design field.


I was born in a little log cabin in the hills of Kentucky where we did mostly farming and I spent most of my early youth splitting rails to earn extra money for my family. When I got older and in my late teens I went north to the Ohio river and got a job on a riverboat working in the boiler room and over the next few years worked my way up to become a riverboat captain where I worked till one day I had saw an airplane fly overhead for the first time and then I was amazed at the way it flew with such ease and then it dawned on me how it will soon overtake the riverboat as a means of transportation so I decided to quit the riverboat and learn to fly.


My first job of flying was flying a mail route out of St. Louis, Missouri. I had done this job for a few years till I had heard of a contest to fly across the Atlantic Ocean and so I decided that if I did not want to be working for others the rest of my life that I needed to do something spectacular and so I decided to take this chance to get my name in the history books and make this grand attempt. As I was flying over the Atlantic I had come across a huge ocean liner that was having problems staying afloat. I then noticed that there were scores of people in the water so I decided to try and rescue as many as I could by flying low close to the water and then snare some of the survivors with the landing gear of the plane.


Through this maneuver I was able to rescue twenty seven people that held on till I had reached Paris, France where I flew low to the ground to give them the opportunity to fall off before I was to land. Once I was assured that all were safely on the ground I then continued to land where I was greeted with a Hero’s welcome and met by Winston Churchill. I apologized profusely to him and explained to him that I did not have time for tea with him that I had to quickly get back to the United States where I was to start my astronaut training for the Gemini project.


During the next few years while in training we had come across several problems. The main one was a way to escape the earth’s gravitational pull and get into outer space. But I devised a plan to use a huge rubber band to launch the rocket into space. This of course was made possible with the use of three hundred oxen to pull the huge rubber band and fifty men with axes to cut the rubber band at the same time to shoot us into space.


It was during this time in space when John Glenn looked over at me and asked if I had any idea as to how we would get back down safely. I just calmly looked at John and told him that getting into space was my job and that anything after that was left entirely up to him and that I cannot be expected to think of everything. It was during this period that we were so preoccupied with arguing over who’s fault and whose job it was that we did not notice falling down out of orbit and we splashed down in the Pacific Ocean next to the seventh fleet that was at the time doing maneuvers and they sent out a helicopter to rescue us and again I got another Hero’s welcome but this time I decided to not hog all the glory and let John take most of the credit

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My name is Virgil and I am a 55 year old disabled veteran that started going to school online a few years ago seeking a degree in the web publishing and design field.


I was born in a little log cabin in the hills of Kentucky where we did mostly farming and I spent most of my early youth splitting rails to earn extra money for my family. When I got older and in my late teens I went north to the Ohio river and got a job on a riverboat working in the boiler room and over the next few years worked my way up to become a riverboat captain where I worked till one day I had saw an airplane fly overhead for the first time and then I was amazed at the way it flew with such ease and then it dawned on me how it will soon overtake the riverboat as a means of transportation so I decided to quit the riverboat and learn to fly.


My first job of flying was flying a mail route out of St. Louis, Missouri. I had done this job for a few years till I had heard of a contest to fly across the Atlantic Ocean and so I decided that if I did not want to be working for others the rest of my life that I needed to do something spectacular and so I decided to take this chance to get my name in the history books and make this grand attempt. As I was flying over the Atlantic I had come across a huge ocean liner that was having problems staying afloat. I then noticed that there were scores of people in the water so I decided to try and rescue as many as I could by flying low close to the water and then snare some of the survivors with the landing gear of the plane.


Through this maneuver I was able to rescue twenty seven people that held on till I had reached Paris, France where I flew low to the ground to give them the opportunity to fall off before I was to land. Once I was assured that all were safely on the ground I then continued to land where I was greeted with a Hero’s welcome and met by Winston Churchill. I apologized profusely to him and explained to him that I did not have time for tea with him that I had to quickly get back to the United States where I was to start my astronaut training for the Gemini project.


During the next few years while in training we had come across several problems. The main one was a way to escape the earth’s gravitational pull and get into outer space. But I devised a plan to use a huge rubber band to launch the rocket into space. This of course was made possible with the use of three hundred oxen to pull the huge rubber band and fifty men with axes to cut the rubber band at the same time to shoot us into space.


It was during this time in space when John Glenn looked over at me and asked if I had any idea as to how we would get back down safely. I just calmly looked at John and told him that getting into space was my job and that anything after that was left entirely up to him and that I cannot be expected to think of everything. It was during this period that we were so preoccupied with arguing over who’s fault and whose job it was that we did not notice falling down out of orbit and we splashed down in the Pacific Ocean next to the seventh fleet that was at the time doing maneuvers and they sent out a helicopter to rescue us and again I got another Hero’s welcome but this time I decided to not hog all the glory and let John take most of the credit


TL;DR. Someone summarize for me please, is this the typical CR homoerotic fanfic copypasta?

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