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Son took Dads truck, Dad calls cops to teach son a lesson, kid gets shot.


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After watching the video, I think they shot him for littering.


Oh and shooting tires or the engine to stop a car only works in movies.

flat tire on grass / mud.... vehicle doesn't go anywhere... I've gotten stuck in my own yard with my old F-150 when the tires would go flat from sitting. so I would say shooting the tires probably would have done the job in this case

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I don't wish any aspect of that story on anyone. A father lost his son, Cops had to kill a kid, I believe it is traumatic to shoot anyone especially a kid. I'm guessing this kid has been an issue for the parents, that is why they called the law. What normal kid is mad at their parents for not buying them smokes? Kid wasn't a 5 year old. Not gonna go to jail for beating a minor. Some kids have issues, partnering is tough, scariest thing about parenting, you can try everything, do everything, and in the end the kid is still human and may make bad/wrong decisions. Nobody here has made any of those. This whole story sucks.
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the kid is still human and may make bad/wrong decisions. Nobody here has made any of those. This whole story sucks.


Opposing view is he is an adolescent not a kid and I wouldn't exactly call road raging away from cops in pursuit and then using the vehicle as a weapon as you take the chase off-road on a college campus simply a bad decision.

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The kid could have easily ran over countless people driving crazy like that through a campus. Saw lots of people out walking, school bus letting kids off and tons of traffic. He had the opportunity to kill or hurt a lot of people and sheer luck kept them all out of the way. Glad they killed him as he put others in danger just cause he was mad.
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Keep in mind that all the cops knew is they were chasing a stolen vehicle, that wasn't stopping. And wasn't afraid to ram them. Tough call for sure, but considering the circumstances they probably chose the correct one.


And I'm editing the first post with a MUCH better version of the dash cam footage, which is here:

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I believe you really do live in a different world than the rest of us.

I hope some day you get the help you need, probably meds.


Yeah, a mentally ill child was killed, I have some compassion for an ill child, the police that killed him and the father, and I need meds.

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the kid is still human and may make bad/wrong decisions. Nobody here has made any of those. This whole story sucks.


Not a kid, he isn't 5, and I think I made mistakes/bad decisions in the past. But nothing even remotely close to what this delinquent did. Shooting was justified, if people want someone to blame, blame the parents and grand parents.

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after watching the video, the kid was fucked up and doesn't deserve to be behind the wheel and needs his ass beat, but I think that it could have come to a better conclusion than a police officer unloading his magazine into the truck in the kids direction... at that point in time, (and I could be wrong because I didn't see the truck) but judging by all the trees etc... I would say the truck was probably pinned and not going anywhere especailly with the police cars surrounding it... I would still say excessive force.


You are wrong, shot was fired at 4:00 mark on the video. The truck was no where near pinned still backing up after ramming a cop car. The kid was probably shot bleeding out and still didn't stop him from giving up. Shooting into the the cab was justified. He was using the truck as a deadly weapon, he was trying to run the cops over with it, he is speeding being wreck-less through a College Campus. He had no concern for the safety of others. I see no excessive use of force here, and not a single fuck would be given for this idiot or his parents. I only feel bad for the cop that pulled the trigger, it isn't easy doing what he had to do and I hope this won't affect him in making tough decisions like this in the future.

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At 16 you are a minor "kid", this is a fact. I will argue you are a kid at 21. Most are not adults until mid 20s.


Gone is the notion that adulthood officially started at 18, when one typically graduated from high school - or even 21, the modern-day age limit for drinking alcohol.


Now many experts simply consider those markers along the way. And it appears that Americans agree. A University of Chicago survey, released earlier this year, found that most think adulthood begins at age 26.


And regardless this 16 year old did not have the mental capacity of the average 16 year old if they are mad at their parents for not providing cigarettes. He had to have some form of mental illness. Healthy Normal 16 YOs do not behave this way.

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Yeah, a mentally ill child was killed, I have some compassion for an ill child, the police that killed him and the father, and I need meds.


Last I checked 19 isn't a child, and you have remotely diagnosed him with your E-PHD as having mental health problems, without any mention of it on the news.


He was a man, driving a stolen truck, who then tried to flee from police, which led through small town, through red lights while discarding debris along the way.

When cornered, instead of surrendering, he decides to use the truck as a weapon and ram the cops.


How else was this supposed to end?


Were the cops supposed to teleport into the vehicle while it's ramming them, and give him a package of cigarettes and a hug?

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In my opinion, I believe there are other measures that could have been taken first. I understand that the cops have no idea if he is armed or not, but I'm sure one of the cops could have tried a taser first (while the others still had their guns drawn just in case). Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the cops were completely wrong, they were just doing their job deescalating the situation. I just feel deadly force should only be used when all else fails.


He had rammed the cops multiple times already and was ramming the cop car headed towards the cops while the cops had already exited their vehicles. They merely met force with force.

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He had rammed the cops multiple times already and was ramming the cop car headed towards the cops while the cops had already exited their vehicles. They merely met force with force.


Let's play a game.

I'm going to get into a truck and try to run you over, you try to shoot me with a taser. Let me know how it works out for you.


I re-watched the video and edited my post. I originally thought he wasn't shot until the truck was stopped.

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How about calling off the chase through populated areas. Most police departments have policies for this and use them.


They tried too right before he started ramming cop cars, which I guess escalated it the first time.

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