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Son took Dads truck, Dad calls cops to teach son a lesson, kid gets shot.


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A father's attempt to teach his son a lesson for taking his truck without permission ended in tragedy Monday after a local police officer shot the teenager dead.


James Comstock told the Des Moines Register he called the police on his son Tyler after the latter took the former's truck in retaliation for refusing to buy him cigarettes.


Ames Police Officer Adam McPherson reportedly spotted the lawn care company vehicle and pursued it onto the Iowa State University campus, where a brief standoff ensued after Tyler allegedly refused orders to turn off the engine.


McPherson eventually fired six shots into the truck, two of which struck Tyler who was later pronounced dead.


The official report claims the action was necessary in order "to stop the ongoing threat to the public and the officers."


<<<<edited by copperhead - here is a high quality version of the dash cam video. Please watch before using your jump to conclusions mat.

>>>>> Edited by copperhead
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Read this this morning. All kinds of fuckery in that situation.


I'll start with spoiled kid to think Dad should buy him smokes. Dad probably has caved on too many things in the past and it had spiraled to a point dad had had enough. Decides he's going to put his foot down. Kid pushes back on dad putting his foot down. Takes the truck. It looked like a landscaping company truck the kid too. Dad calls cops. Shit went down. Now dad will feel terrible forever. Nothing good came of it. Kids Grand Father is pushing pretty hard for the cops to be investigated for excessive force. Not enough detail to have an option, for what I did read.



Just sucks.

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As a father, that is a horrible situation and I genuinely feel for the family.


However, taking that story at face value, that is one stupid kid if he refused to obey orders from police. The pic shows one beat-up F-250 waaaaay off-road, and the kid sounded like a menace. There's always more to it, though. :(


I'm dressed in a suit, driving the speed limit and my a$$hole puckers when a cop passes me on the road. Kid sounded like he had a real problem with AUTHORITAH!!!

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Welp, looks justified in my eyes: didn't stop, nearly hit people, damaged property, continued aggressive moves against the cops...


Yep, seeing the video, there is no way you could do that and not expect the cops to shoot you.



^^ this. kid got what his actions brought him. no degree needed to know that if you flee in such a manner for nearly 5 minutes then use your SUV as a weapon that you're asking to get shot dead.


I approve of those shots.

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I hope the parents feels like shit for a long time to come. This is ultimately their fault for raising a fool.


1. For using the police force to reprimand and correct your child. That's your fucking job, not everyone elses.


2. For not raising your child right in the first fucking place and it leading to this.

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after watching the video, the kid was fucked up and doesn't deserve to be behind the wheel and needs his ass beat, but I think that it could have come to a better conclusion than a police officer unloading his magazine into the truck in the kids direction... at that point in time, (and I could be wrong because I didn't see the truck) but judging by all the trees etc... I would say the truck was probably pinned and not going anywhere especailly with the police cars surrounding it... I would still say excessive force.
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