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Son took Dads truck, Dad calls cops to teach son a lesson, kid gets shot.


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I'm reading they ignored the suggestion twice.


During the chase, an unidentified Ames police staffer twice suggested that police back off their pursuit, according to dispatch audio obtained by the Register through a third-party service. Audio: Listen to dispatchers and officers during the pursuit


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I'm reading they ignored the suggestion twice.


You can hear it in the video. The first was right as they were being rammed the first time. The second is as they were firing.

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Yeah, a mentally ill child was killed, I have some compassion for an ill child, the police that killed him and the father, and I need meds.


Mentally ill doesn't change the fact that he was endangering lives and action needed taken to eliminate that possibility. Serve and protect. No clause related that says unless the life endangering person is mentally ill. Besides, cops in motion on such a scene do not have his mental state on a post-it note on their dashboard.


At 16 you are a minor "kid", this is a fact. I will argue you are a kid at 21. Most are not adults until mid 20s.


a child is considered a person who has not yet completed 12yrs of age. An Adolescent is between 12 and 18. Anyone over 18 is an adult. No gray area.


And regardless this 16 year old did not have the mental capacity of the average 16 year old if they are mad at their parents for not providing cigarettes. He had to have some form of mental illness. Healthy Normal 16 YOs do not behave this way.
Again, police won't know this. Illness to control a mentally unstable kid rests on the parents. Poor parenting and upbringing likely led to his behavior. Behavior like that is not a result of being mentally challenged. That's upbringing. Cops didn't cause the events and actions of this kid. His care or lack there of did.


I'm reading they ignored the suggestion twice.


Actually being on seen as a first responder reacting to a life endangering situation > Suggestion to call of a pursuit by a dispatcher on the other end of a radio. As a LEO if I'm in danger of losing my life because I'm being attacked by someone with an SUV using it as a weapon, I'm within my rights and duty to shoot to neutralize that threat vs having to listen to a dispatcher on the other end saying retreat. No thank you. /ending that with a few .40 rounds. It was a good call.


The only fucks given about this are that once again, we require people to pass driving tests to operate a motor vehicle but any dumb fuck with a dick and a willing woman can make a baby and raise them horribly resulting in such sad situations.

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In the CR Court of Public Opinion, I am the judge, motherfucker.:fuckyeah:


Smoking, driving males that are sexually active with their girlfriends are adults. This guy wanted "suicide by cop" and his dad accelerated the process. Had he survived the steal-dad's-truck stunt, he would've done something different.


He apparently thought he could escape radio, dodge being shot at by police officers TWICE, and get off with a warning after putting the public in danger and damaging property (personal, public, and police) multiple times. Not surprisingly, his assumptions were incorrect.




Honestly, Ben...reading your responses, are you seriously that naive to try and find a work-around from this dude's personal responsibility, or just playing devil's advocate about the different factors that influenced the outcome? You must be an awesome Monday-morning quarterback!

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I'm just saying everything is fucked about that story. The kid could have made better decisions, the father could have not called the police, the police could have not pursued him onto campus. I'm just not in line with most of the Wild West here that are happy a person was killed. See the post above this. Too many hard asses here. No fucks given of what the collective think of me here. Opinions are being given, mine is of sympathy. I feel bad for the Dad, I feel bad the humans that had to kill him, I feel bad for the kid that had to lose his life over something so trivial. I'm a maniac. Edited by Benjamin
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I'm just saying everything is fucked about that story. The kid could have made better decisions, the father could have not called the police, the police could have not pursued him onto campus. I'm just not in line with most of the Wild West here that are happy a person was killed.


I wouldn't say anyone is "happy" that a life was taken. People's perspectives vary as thus will their opinions.


No fucks given of what the collective think of me here.


Just CR Ball-busting you know that.


Opinions are being given, mine is of sympathy. I feel bad for the Dad, I feel bad the humans that had to kill him, I feel bad for the kid that had to lose his life over something so trivial.


I blame Obama.


I'm a maniac.


I'm sure that will be covered under Obamafail.

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I'm just saying everything is fucked about that story. The kid could have made better decisions, the father could have not called the police, the police could have not pursued him onto campus. I'm just not in line with most of the Wild West here that are happy a person was killed. See the post above this. Too many hard asses here. No fucks given of what the collective think of me here. Opinions are being given, mine is of sympathy. I feel bad for the Dad, I feel bad the humans that had to kill him, I feel bad for the kid that had to lose his life over something so trivial. I'm a maniac.


To paraphrase Regular Car Reviews:




Thanks for explaining again.....and again.....and again that you've got heaping helpings of your sadness to throw around. You're an inspiration to us all, and I'm sure the poor family that made a few regrettable decisions is sleeping better tonight.


...especially considering one of them is dead from playing "fail chicken" with cops.


Looking forward to another post from you, reaffirming your sorrow, self-deprication, and scorn for fellow CR members. :thumbup:

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When are people going to get a clue? You run from the police, then try to ram them....at that point all bets are off so be ready for your life to end...


Not to mention the guy was 18+ years old, no....the days of 26 year old adults living at home are over. Man up, move out and get your shit in line...why is a 19 year old even having to ask his Dad to buy him cigarettes? Get a job and buy them yourself...


It is sad that the family lost a child but he is the one that covered himself in gasoline and started striking matches. No one to blame but himself or the parents if they didn't correct his actions at a younger age...

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When are people going to get a clue? You run from the police, then try to ram them....at that point all bets are off so be ready for your life to end...


Not to mention the guy was 18+ years old, no....the days of 26 year old adults living at home are over. Man up, move out and get your shit in line...why is a 19 year old even having to ask his Dad to buy him cigarettes? Get a job and buy them yourself...


It is sad that the family lost a child but he is the one that covered himself in gasoline and started striking matches. No one to blame but himself or the parents if they didn't correct his actions at a younger age...


This times infinity. He was a worthless criminal who was eventually gonna feed off the system that we all pay into. So now my hard earned money can pay for some other piece of shit to live a little longer. WooHoo! Fuck them all and let your chosen deity sort them out.

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I'm just saying everything is fucked about that story. The kid could have made better decisions, the father could have not called the police, the police could have not pursued him onto campus. I'm just not in line with most of the Wild West here that are happy a person was killed. See the post above this. Too many hard asses here. No fucks given of what the collective think of me here. Opinions are being given, mine is of sympathy. I feel bad for the Dad, I feel bad the humans that had to kill him, I feel bad for the kid that had to lose his life over something so trivial. I'm a maniac.


A lot of things are fucked about life in general. Including that you think this situation can be defined as trivial. That truck is rather heavy and while the trailer did not add much to it, it did break away at speed. He ran thru that red light at a significant speed (I know what I'd estimate, you'd probably call bullshit), with what could not have been better timing for the speed he was traveling because he was damn close to killing whomever he potentially hit.

You would be the first one to crucify this kid if he had killed someone in a wreck.


You want something positive to think about? You diagnosed him with mental illness, He is now cured.



My bad, Kill em all Clay, let god sort them out.
I heart your ignorance, maybe you feel that he (and his family, because he is dead) should receive lifetime government/obamacare 'free to only those who don't make it possible' benefits? Maybe a national day of remembering this fuck for the temper tantrum turned gtav experience over some damn cigarettes?


Natural selection does not apply to Humans anymore. It is obviously still the law of the land for other species, but we as humans are greedy and need to live forever. This is proven by the fact that you stick up for this 19 year old, there is always someone that will defend those who can't or read: won't support them selves.

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And if he doesn't try to run over the cops he doesn't get shot.




Hear lights and sirens knowing that you've done nothing 'wrong' (not giving any reason for police attention), pull over, either get arrested or released into parent custody equals still alive.

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