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Black Friday Crazies?


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I'll be the first to say it, I go out on Black Friday at early ass times. However, I usually don't buy more than 1 or 2 things and I honestly go just to watch all the damn idiots.


I don't have kids and usually just buy gift cards for people, but the last 3 years I have gotten up and went to Sears Hardware in Pickerington at 3am and then went to Lowe's at 4am and Home Depot at 5am.


I've scored some pretty awesome deals and will be looking to do the same this year, but I don't camp out like some or really even wait in lines.


Anyone else go out?


So far, I've got my eye on:


32" Samsung LED TV (garage TV) for $229 at Sears

Triple Slow Cooker for $19.99 at Sears

Werner 17ft Aluminum Ladder for $99.99 at Lowe's



Anyone else want to share what deals they are looking for? I refuse to go to Target or Best Buy. Used to work at Target and the lines were wrapped 6x around the store (inside). No thanks.

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I honestly go just to watch all the damn idiots.


Make sure you wear a brightly-colored outfit and crazy-looking headgear while waiting 12 hours in line to save $30 on a cooker you'll never use.


Otherwise, I won't be able to separate you out from the rest of the damn idiots around you.

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Make sure you wear a brightly-colored outfit and crazy-looking headgear while waiting 12 hours in line to save $30 on a cooker you'll never use.


Otherwise, I won't be able to separate you out from the rest of the damn idiots around you.


I usually wear a pink poncho, so you should be able to easily spot me.


I say idiots because I worked at Target when the Wii came out. I've never realized people get so riled up about deals until that happened. Our "security guard" had to chop some lady in the throat for reaching over the counter.


If you notice, I don't go to the stores that get very aggressive. I pick up a few things (and honestly now that you say it, when the fuck will I ever use 3 slow cookers at one time?) and watch people get all hyped up.

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My wife is wanting to get our son a Leapfrog 2 tablet thing for Christmas, it's usually $99.99 at Walmart and tomorrow it is $39.99, but it doesn't include the charging setup or something which is another $30, so it's still $30 cheaper. We've been "done" Christmas shopping for about a week, so I'd say we'll stick with Cyber Monday and just grab a few small things or stuff for ourselves. Also considering getting a PowerWheels and storing it until his 2nd birthday in March.
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I did Black Friday once. Never again. Nothing is worth getting up at 2am and standing in line in the cold to find out there are only 20 and they are all gone.




I went out last year for the first time and I'll never do it again. I know a couple people that do it every year and their cars have been broken into multiple years. The only thing I want is a new TV and I can shop from home to do that.

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The last time I got up to do a black friday deal, I went to Meijor on E Broad at 4am to get a $30 Carhartt coat. Some plumber brought his guys in and bought them all coats. They were gone in literally <1 Minute
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Never,not worth the hassle. I hate standing in long lines and dealing with all the idiots. Online shopping is the only way to go.




Me going to a place like this, where no one gives 2 shits about anyone else = not good for me to be around.

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Never go to stupid places with stupid people to do stupid things. If any one of these applies, avoid the situation.


Stupid people? Check. Stupid places? Check.


No thanks.




May years ago, me and few CR peeps did one at Wally World.


Amazon Prime = Holiday shopping done right.

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