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School Cancellations WTF LOL


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Just got an automated call from UA Schools that tomorrow (Tues 1/7) is cancelled due to the extreme weather as well!!!


This rant's gonna make me sound old, but I srsly remember going to school in upstate NY in the mid '90s when it was -10 outside, with a wind chill of -40deg!


I don't doubt that kids could get frostbite if they stayed outside too long, waiting for a bus or something...but I'm thinking more about Feb/Mar when we will have 20"+ snowstorms. BUNCHA PU55IES! :)

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I was just in MN, it was -27. Today, in the same spot - with windchill, -57.


The whole state is off school because its -20 in the capital city. If it was 20 in the capital the kids in -57 would still be in school.

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When I was in grade school (Grandview Heights) I walked to school,back home for lunch,back to school,then back home. Probably a one mile walk each time. Never thought nothing about it back then. It was just called winter time.
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Not every kid takes a bus or has parents that can drive them to school. In current conditions being outside 5 minutes or more will lead to hypothermia and/or frost bite. When I walked to school it was a little under a mile. It took much longer than 5 minutes even if I sprinted. That is why schools are closed.
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The two times last year in Nov-Dec when schools weren't closed due to cold and snow, this one school district got many unpleasant calls from parents. More than half the students were bus-delivered to school about 3 hours late plus the 1-2 hour extra time they had to stand outside waiting for a bus.


I'm just glad that my wife and son are at home for extra days and, for a bonus, I don't need to start an engine and drive any of my cars in this kind of temperature.

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I dunno... Im 32, and I remember in elementary having school cancelled for extreme cold on a a few occassions. One being a pipe burst at the school, one being a delay because the buses couldnt start, and another cancellation just because they couldnt get the school heated enough and busing issues, etc...
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I dunno... Im 32, and I remember in elementary having school cancelled for extreme cold on a a few occassions. One being a pipe burst at the school, one being a delay because the buses couldnt start, and another cancellation just because they couldnt get the school heated enough and busing issues, etc...


This was common for me as well.

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I dunno... Im 32, and I remember in elementary having school cancelled for extreme cold on a a few occassions. One being a pipe burst at the school, one being a delay because the buses couldnt start, and another cancellation just because they couldnt get the school heated enough and busing issues, etc...


I remember the same things

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For all of you that think it's unnecessary, go and stand outside for ten minutes and report back.


My walk from Columbus Commons to my office covers 4 blocks and takes about 10 minutes. This morning, the lashes on my windward eye froze to each other. No doubt it's cold...I just remember days being far worse and still having school.


But again...I'm sure every older generation thinks that in comparison to the youngsters...

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In case this matters, Honda is open "half day" today and off tomorrow due to the temperature.


this, I work at Showa in Sunbury and they're following suit, too bad we will def miss the project deadline now o well not complaining about my day off

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