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Mexican "Fighting" Cars


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Haha First of all, that's kinda awesome. A little advice, as well: If you have to ask why, just admit you don't understand and move on. Seriously, it gets tiresome listening to various 'cliks' hate on other automobile 'cliks' just because it's not something they understand or would do. Guess what, you and your friends, etc probably fall into that category, too in other's eyes.


Enjoy the ridiculousness of others! The fact it's not something I would do actually makes it even more interesting for me to experience. :)


All of your questions can be answered with, "Mexican".

Second of all, just wtf is this supposed to mean?

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Second of all, just wtf is this supposed to mean?


Pretty much what you just said. He titled it "Mexican 'Fighting' Cars", then questions it all. It's a different culture, it's what they enjoy apparently, so...Mexican.

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Mexican's are well known to be the dirtiest of all latinos. You are the one exception of a Puerto Rican being dirtier.

Bullshit. We all float over on doors and driftwood. We're damn clean when we get here which is more than I can say for some untrustworthy Columbian.

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