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Speeding ticket question (Fairfield County)


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My wife got a 72 in a 55 last night. She had a perfect record before that's. How would she go about trying to get it reduced to 0 points and paying the fine?


Go to court. Speak to prosecutor. Explain your goals and her situation. Pay court costs and fine for something small like "muffler violation" or some other made up infraction.


EDIT: not sure about Fairfield that's how I handled it in Franklin.

Edited by El Karacho
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I did, and to get off her damn phone. I don't wanna pay more on my insurance tho


For a first time offense I have to believe they'll cut a deal.


I hope Ohio someday scraps OSHP and Sheriffs and goes to a State Police force. Despite the general annoyingness of police in MA, I never got the sense from the Stateys that they were gung ho on stupid bullshit like traffic stops because they have actual crimes to investigate. Makes no sense IMO to have an entire police force dedicated to traffic stops (OSHP).

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17 over the limit, I could see why he would be a hard ass


72 in a 55? Tell her ass to slow down..


Thats all i got.


Well that's really helpful Paul. :rolleyes:


Given the trouble I got into last year my attorny stated that Franklin county is the easiest to deal with, most surrounding counties aren't going to let you off of anything. Your best bet is to go in and talk to them explaining how sorry you are for screwing up. That isn't that bad of a ticket anyway, don't sweat the insurance stuff much over that I doubt it'll go up much if any for one ticket.

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First offense at that speed will not get her points.






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First offense at that speed will not get her points.







The point system was updated in 2004. That website was updated in 2001

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I did, and to get off her damn phone. I don't wanna pay more on my insurance tho


I severely doubt you will pay more in insurance unless your ins company sucks the fat one or you have a horrid record.


Our ins is 3 occurrences in 3 years. (accidents, tickets, infractions etc)


Otherwise the rate does not change.

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I got hit for a 76 in a 50 (On riverside by 161, was coming off 161 onto riverside and people were coming from under the bridge so i sped up some, nowhere near 76, to get in front of them, cop comes around the corner and pulls me over) said he got me at 71 but he KNOWS i was going 76 which is bullshit.


Went downtown to fight it, talked to the prosecutor and they said it would be dropped if i just paid the court costs etc, to this day i still have that 76 in a 50 on my record and its fucked. The perry township officer (Cant remember who he was) was just being a douche and wanted to write me for 25+ when he even said he got me at 71 (Dont know how when he was driving at me around a corner) but they dont always do what they say they are going too. This was also the first speeding ticket ive ever had. I have one other moving violation from going around a corner and my tires squealed (Didnt do it on purpose or anything) and a apparently there was a cop sitting somewhere and he ran me down through my neighborhood and pulled me out of the car at gunpoint, because i "Didnt stop" for him, when he said he had his lights/sirens on. Total bullshit because i would of noticed lights/sirens and he said i took a completely different street to my court than i actually did.


Moral of the story, cops hate young kids in loud SS camaros apparently.

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Do a burnout in front of his house, that'll show him.


Go to court. Speak to prosecutor. Explain your goals and her situation. Pay court costs and fine for something small like "muffler violation" or some other made up infraction.


EDIT: not sure about Fairfield that's how I handled it in Franklin.


I say try for this. Some will and some won't though. Sunbury I know won't negotiate points at all.

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Do a burnout in front of his house, that'll show him.


Fuck yeah it will :gabe:


Dont come over to my house threatening me with guns and shit, dudes lucky it ended with that. Then again thats behind, and dude moved away from starting shit with too many neighbors.

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Usually just showing up to court is enough to get it dropped a little bit. Which agency cited her? Most departments won't even show up for small tickets like that, including myself.


Brian, I just got an 85 in 65 on Sunday through OSHP based in Cinci. First offense for me, will they likely drop the points if I show up to court? The officer was super cool about it, all "I'll just write up your citation and let you go asap" since I told him right away I knew I was speeding (not paying attention to the speedo), I just don't want insurance to jump, if I can prevent it.

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Best way to do it is to show up to court then ask for a continuance (to find legal counsel etc). But before you do that make sure the Cop is indeed present in the court room, if he's not there ask for a dismissal (you almost surely will get one). If he is there ask the prosecutor for a continuance (they really can't deny you a continuance). Then, when you show up to court the next time (couple of weeks-month) see if the cop is there again. If he's not ask for a dismissal, if he is there ask to talk to the prosecutor about lowering the charges.


Be advised that this is sort of a lengthy process, and can be a PITA, but often times you will come out ahead. I've followed said process twice now and have either gotten my (traffic) charges significantly reduced or outright dismissed.



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And dress like an absolute BO$$ when you show up to court; clean shaven, fresh haircut, $500+ wardrobe...Really helps tilt the scales of justice in your favor.


This. When I got my first violation (46 in a 25, mandatory court appearance b/c i was 16) I dressed to the nines and the magistrate didn't even talk about suspending my license, which was a possible outcome due to my age. Kid before me also was dressed well and his paraphenalia charge was dropped. Kid between us looked like a slacker idiot and got the book thrown at him.

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Brian, I just got an 85 in 65 on Sunday through OSHP based in Cinci. First offense for me, will they likely drop the points if I show up to court? The officer was super cool about it, all "I'll just write up your citation and let you go asap" since I told him right away I knew I was speeding (not paying attention to the speedo), I just don't want insurance to jump, if I can prevent it.


It's possible they could drop it to one point, or zero points. Really depends on the judge and the prosecutor. If you have the time it is definitely worth going. As long as you aren't a smart ass to the judge or anything like that they'll 99% of the time reduce your charge/punishment.


You'd have to ask your insurance about their policies for increasing rates. Some go up every point, some go up every two points, etc.

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