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fs: black "leather" futon


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It's "leather"-ish. It's black. It's as comfortable as a futon. 2 sides that adjust separately. I've hardly ued it. I'll have to take it apart to get it out of the room it is in, if you'd like to see it/sit in it I'll wait to take it apart. It's easy to put back together. I'm located outside London and I don't have a vehicle large enough to take it anywhere. Asking $100




I can get dimensions or different pictures if needed. This would do best in a spare room or kids area. It's in great condition. I have it in a room where all my gaming consoles are and never use it. A futon was about the only thing that would fit the way the door was at the top of the steps, which is why it needs taken apart to get out. Doing something different with the room now, so I need this gone.















and I have this shits for sale too http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=116118

Edited by Duff
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Unfortunately at the moment I don't have a truck or SUV that I could get it all the way to Johnstown. Otherwise I would. And I am on a big job for work right now, so I probably won't be that way for a job anytime soon. If something does come up soon or I find a vehicle, I'll let you know.
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