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Lets talk Laser Jammers


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With the ISF nearing completion and nice days fast approaching Ive come to the realization that I speed way to much now in my winter beater and I know it will only get worse in the ISF. I have been kicking around a laser jammer for quite a while and wanted to get some opinions.


Escort released the Laser ShifterPro which is enticing to me since I have a Passport max already and I know Escort products quite well but however Its just a Laser Interceptor copy from what I can tell.


I have looked into the Laser Interceptor Dual or Triples as they seem to be the top of the marks everytime and cheaper than the escort. From what ive been reading, the LI gets its definitions first before the escort.


Now the real questions, It is legal... It will piss off the officer if you jam to gun however is it pointless? my understanding is most officers are getting certified to judge speed by visual and it is a reading that will stand up in court.


What are your thoughts on the whole thing? worth it or a big waste of time?

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I've done a lot of reading and considering on the same topic.


AFAIK, there is no real legal problem in Ohio.


All of them have a kill switch near the driver. The idea is to JTG, slow down and then kill the jam so he gets you at 69 vs 85. He's satisfied, you are happy and you go on with your day.


Leaving the thing on while you pass him and he can't get you from 20' away is just going to raise eyebrows.

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Laser jammers emit light, there are no laws to enforce someone from using them. As far as who's is best, I have no clue.


If you get stopped for some reason and the officer thinks you have a laser jammer, admit nothing, deny everything and demand proof. They cannot take it from you, they cannot cite you for having it. If it were a radar jammer, they couldn't enforce that either, as those are covered by the FCC, not local police. I'm bad for speeding to, I gotta slow down......

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I've done a lot of reading and considering on the same topic.


AFAIK, there is no real legal problem in Ohio.


All of them have a kill switch near the driver. The idea is to JTG, slow down and then kill the jam so he gets you at 69 vs 85. He's satisfied, you are happy and you go on with your day.


Leaving the thing on while you pass him and he can't get you from 20' away is just going to raise eyebrows.


Exactly how I use mine. Soon as I'm legal, I flip it off.


Laser jammers emit light, there are no laws to enforce someone from using them. As far as who's is best, I have no clue.


If you get stopped for some reason and the officer thinks you have a laser jammer, admit nothing, deny everything and demand proof. They cannot take it from you, they cannot cite you for having it. If it were a radar jammer, they couldn't enforce that either, as those are covered by the FCC, not local police. I'm bad for speeding to, I gotta slow down......


<Shrug> Parking sensors? :gabe:


I have a wired in 9500ci system in both 'faster' cars which comes with Escort's 'laser shifters'. I realize the jammer part of that package is far from high performance but it's worked both times it was needed since I've had the system so I haven't felt the urge to go with a Blinder, etc.


I couple this with Escort's 'Smart Cord' system which essentially gives you both crowdsourced and uploaded alerts on current police/radar/laser presence on your Android or iPhone. Invaluable having that layer of protection going out literally miles in front of you plus a good detector/jammer system in close.

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Meh just got a deal on a set of Laser Interceptor Duals so I pulled the trigger.


Hit E-Bay. i see those going from $300 - $900. What is the difference as the descriptions looked the same.

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