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Missing Plane


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A wild treadmill appeared and caused it to not be able to take off


BOOM Internet headshot


The more I read about this, the less I want to fly in parts of the world where its ok to eat bugs, cats, and lady boy hookers roam the streets.


This shit reminds me of when a small child can't find a toy and they have to find an adult to help them out, unreal.

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Hell, I'll weigh in here just like everyone else. While more likely than not something catastrophic happened and it's in the ocean somewhere (it's a big place!). I will say I doubt we are getting all the facts, period. Too many stories have popped up and been squashed adding to the confusion.


My concern is the "it's on the ground somewhere and likely to be used for no good".


Consider the "facts" that have come out. Two stolen passports used by what we were told (at least in one story) by Iranian men not on any terror list. Have they checked to see if they had flight training somewhere? Under yet a different name? If you were going to attempt this would you use someone already on a watch list? Did they learn from 9/11 to get BETTER training?


Iran is within the planes range, could be flown to over water (oh, and Malaysia said the military tracked the plane turning back over Malaysia heading east - wait no, they then said they never said that, unless they did????). Iran also vast areas of nothing - and LOTS of airports in desolate places. I would hop we have people looking there and other sympathetic terrorist states for a large jet on the ground (though wouldn't you just put it in a hangar?)


If they're terrorists, kill everyone on board (or save as hostages for later), load plane with nuke / dirty nuke / explosives, depart over water, fly low to target and detonate. They now have learned the plane can't be detected well.


Far fetched - sure is, but so was 9/11 - till it happened.


I will gladly be wrong on either count for a good outcome, but I just don't see it...

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Hell, I'll weigh in here just like everyone else. While more likely than not something catastrophic happened and it's in the ocean somewhere (it's a big place!). I will say I doubt we are getting all the facts, period. Too many stories have popped up and been squashed adding to the confusion.


My concern is the "it's on the ground somewhere and likely to be used for no good".


Consider the "facts" that have come out. Two stolen passports used by what we were told (at least in one story) by Iranian men not on any terror list. Have they checked to see if they had flight training somewhere? Under yet a different name? If you were going to attempt this would you use someone already on a watch list? Did they learn from 9/11 to get BETTER training?


Iran is within the planes range, could be flown to over water (oh, and Malaysia said the military tracked the plane turning back over Malaysia heading east - wait no, they then said they never said that, unless they did????). Iran also vast areas of nothing - and LOTS of airports in desolate places. I would hop we have people looking there and other sympathetic terrorist states for a large jet on the ground (though wouldn't you just put it in a hangar?)


If they're terrorists, kill everyone on board (or save as hostages for later), load plane with nuke / dirty nuke / explosives, depart over water, fly low to target and detonate. They now have learned the plane can't be detected well.


Far fetched - sure is, but so was 9/11 - till it happened.


I will gladly be wrong on either count for a good outcome, but I just don't see it...




All those phones and not a single hit or ping from them? Your far fetched idea all the sudden is not so far...

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All those phones and not a single hit or ping from them? Your far fetched idea all the sudden is not so far...



I have yet To read that article* yet but this is only thing that is popped into my head when the people on 911 - people started trying to call loved ones. I find it hard to believe that entire plane full people weren't doing something similar if something that was happening


*ive only half paid attention to this story - the plane could be empty for l know

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I have better odds of winning the mega millions twice in a row than being killed or becoming a lost cast member when my plane disappears.


Everytime a plane has so much as a engine fire, it's worldwide news.... More people die in 1 day in cars that will die in plain crashes in my lifetime.


I'll take my chances when I fly for vacation. :gabe:


Be Jones, spend life savings on GTR, be forced to fly broke dick 3rd World Air.

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I have yet To read that article* yet but this is only thing that is popped into my head when the people on 911 - people started trying to call loved ones. I find it hard to believe that entire plane full people weren't doing something similar if something that was happening


*ive only half paid attention to this story - the plane could be empty for l know



No cell service over the ocean - hours of flight time to search/confiscate devices - probably not much cell service in the desert.


Still lots of holes in the scenario, not the least of which is having talented enough pilots to "take over" the plane intact, navigate and land...

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All those phones and not a single hit or ping from them? Your far fetched idea all the sudden is not so far...


Me and a guy at work were just talking about this yesterday, there has to be a reason they can't pick up a single signal from the numerous phones that were likely on that plane.

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do phones work from the bottom of the ocean? I'm betting catastrophic failure and everything is either burned up or on the seafloor.


if it hit the water there will be a lot of float debris.



"Investigators have concluded that one or more people with significant flying experience hijacked the missing Malaysia Airlines jet"




as far as no pings from passengers devices. if they turn off the on-board connections i dont think they would get service without it.

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Here's another link. An "unnamed source" from the US is claiming it was hijacked. Of course they don't know anything else and can't really prove it.




The upside is there is a good chance the people could still be alive. The downside is some terrorist group could possibly now have a rather large jet to pack full of explosives and send off to a heavily populated area.


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Me and a guy at work were just talking about this yesterday, there has to be a reason they can't pick up a single signal from the numerous phones that were likely on that plane.


could have used some sort of frequency jammer to knock out cell phones, hell there's videos all over the web on how to make a small EMP and portable jammer

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If you were on the plane you wouldn't necessarily know that anything was wrong if the plane was hijacked and you certainly wouldnt be able to just look out the window and see you were going the wrong way. If I remember correctly your cell phone works through a satellite receiver on the plane to link you with your service provider, if you had the capabilities or knowledge on how to turn off the transponders and anything else that ping'd back data to the ground you would certainly be able to turn that off too.
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If you were on the plane you wouldn't necessarily know that anything was wrong if the plane was hijacked and you certainly wouldnt be able to just look out the window and see you were going the wrong way. If I remember correctly your cell phone works through a satellite receiver on the plane to link you with your service provider, if you had the capabilities or knowledge on how to turn off the transponders and anything else that ping'd back data to the ground you would certainly be able to turn that off too.


OR you could forcefully pat down all the passengers and destroy their cell phone(s) before the plane landed.

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i dont know if this has been asked/mentioned, because i only read this last page...but why in the fuck are the transponders or whatever tracking devices they use for a plane carrying hundreds of people even ABLE to be turned off? i would think that'd be one of those things that is on, 100% of the time, no matter what, for scenarios exactly like this...
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No cell service over the ocean - hours of flight time to search/confiscate devices - probably not much cell service in the desert..


True but the GPS units would still likely track just fine. I know even in areas where I lose cell signal, I an keep my GPS active and so long as I have local maps I can navigate just fine. I don't know how it all works, but I would imagine that the GPS Satellites can track where devices they are linked to are located. Don't know though.

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True but the GPS units would still likely track just fine. I know even in areas where I lose cell signal, I an keep my GPS active and so long as I have local maps I can navigate just fine. I don't know how it all works, but I would imagine that the GPS Satellites can track where devices they are linked to are located. Don't know though.


No, GPS is a passive system. They're like a lighthouse but with a radio signal.

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True but the GPS units would still likely track just fine. I know even in areas where I lose cell signal, I an keep my GPS active and so long as I have local maps I can navigate just fine. I don't know how it all works, but I would imagine that the GPS Satellites can track where devices they are linked to are located. Don't know though.


No, GPS is a passive system. They're like a lighthouse but with a radio signal.


Yep. Basically you're capturing signals that are being broadcasted continuously and interpreting them to locate where you are. There is no communication between the two.


If someone had a sat phone on the other hand... But who knows if anyone on the plane really knew what was going on? Based on some of the crazy turns/altitude drops I'm sure they knew something was up. In the event of a suicidal captain, he could of said it was a problem, keep calm, everything's fine. Hell even hijackers could say that.

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Tonight CNN had an experienced pilot on there panel who stated "whomever did this had alot of planning; they did everything right to constantly stay one step ahead of authorities while continuously throwing them in the wrong direction, seemingly on purpose"


You gotta ask yourself, why would a suicidal captain go to such lengths to throw investigators off-course? wouldn't he just down the plane and be done with it? Same thing goes for Terrorists; either down the plane or crash it into something, no need for all these "cover-your-steps" actions. In my mind everything is starting to point more and more to the plane now being on the ground, fully intact, at some remote location.

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I'm thinking the plane was hijacked, it may have already been covered but they were saying that the engines were sending diagnostic info for 4-5 hrs after they lost communication. I would think that if there was a catastrophic failure the communications would have stopped or it would have shown up as a failure while it was falling from the sky. If I'm placing a wager, it was some lunatic Muslim. Catholics just don't go hijacking planes.
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The most suspicious thing to me is that this took a lot of planning, yet no one's taken credit yet. Typically, when planes blow up, crash, or disappear there are countless terrorist groups that claim responsibility, even when they had nothing to do with it. But so far it's been total silence. Either the pilot acted alone and performed an elaborate suicide by flying until running out of fuel, or it landed somewhere.


If a terrorist group hijacked the plane and ditched it in the ocean they would have claimed responsibility by now.

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If a terrorist group hijacked the plane and ditched it in the ocean they would have claimed responsibility by now.


Unless they plan on using the plane and passengers further and this is just the beginning of their overall plan.....

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