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2014 Camaro SS

Boosted1G GSX

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Just wanted to share my latest purchase. It's a 2014 Camaro 1SS 1LE! I've always dreamed of buying a new car and I'm extremely blessed and fortunate at age 23 to be able to purchase this car without any help. Only plans as of right now are tinting the windows and just enjoying the car!












Sorry for the bad pictures, I've only had the car a few days. Let me know what you think!


Original links aren't working so here is the photo album I've uploaded so far. A video of a start up and rev is on there too

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pictures weren't showing up
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Thank you! And it was a little more difficult getting into this new Camaro than it was getting into my TBSS 2 years ago. I was even told my age was a determining factor from the dealership that actually turned me down from getting it. I guess they just didn't want to sell me a car...
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Very nice man. Looks and sounds mean as hell


Thanks man


Bring it to track day, see how it stacks up against a 2013 Mustang?


I'd love to but that's the day after my moms having surgery and I won't be able to come. Maybe we can set something up..


This, I bought a 1994 Eagle Talon brand new making like 8hr with no help.


Nice car by the way!


Well it's been little different for me. It has been a struggle for me even with a really good credit score. I was always told I lacked history, but thanks

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Nice car, why would you need help at 23 buying a car?


Probably because he's a 23 year old with a short credit history that's buying a $35-45k car (depending on options).


Nice pick up, OP. I like the look of the 14's and the 1LE seems like a good choice. I drove a 14 SS a few weeks ago and was impressed.

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Mallard said it right, that's exactly what they were telling me. But as we can see everything worked out! I'd love to bring it to C&C I usually work Saturday's but I'll be out


Saw this on facebook. Again, I am happy for you Eric! Did you trade the TBSS in or keeping it as well?

Thanks Steve, means a lot man! And I traded the TBSS in :-/ I'll miss it but I like the upgrade


I raced a '14 SS 2 weeks ago. I was not impressed.


Good looking/sounding cars though. Just too slow for my taste.


Was it an auto? they're rated at a lower horsepower.. But I'll see how this does against my 500 awhp GSX once the brake in is done. Thank you though!

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I have raced auto and manual. I put multiple cars on the manual. I put bus lengths on the auto. If your GSX really is 500whp, it shouldn't even be a race. My GSX is an auto and even in RWD territory of doing it from a roll instead of a dig, it's not much of a challenge. Brake it in, have a friend race you from like a 50 -120 and you should be pleasantly surprised with the dsm.


500hp dsm is nothing to scoff at. I raced a girl yesterday in a new black 5.0 w/ green racing stripe, black rims, dark tint, and ready to party. (The specs on the 5.0's and SS are pretty close from what I have seen). First race was from a 60 punch. She got the hit and I put a few cars on her pretty quickly. The next time she was like 50 yards back and I saw her coming up fast. She wasn't slowing down, so when I saw she was going to blow right by me, I floored it. I was doing about 60 when she passed me at 80+ and still WOT so I punched it. I had to chase her down but I reeled her back in and put about a bus length on her. Then looked down and speedo was buried at 140, lulz. the point being, even when some of these V8's get a running start, you can still chase them down and beat them.


Don't take this as me hating on V8's. They look good, sound good, and have a lot of potential. But don't sell a 500hp DSM short. You may be surprised how much faster your $8000 dsm is than your $40,000 V8.

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Ohhh Jones...always hating. One of these days you are going to make 1 too many DSM jokes and ima have to just bring this POS up for a friendly race against your $100K godzirra.


That wouldn't even be a race.....

I wouldn't drive to TX from OH to look at a pair of GTR tail lights in the distance.

I'm sure there are more than enough in TX that will indulge your desire to be gaped.



You take affront anytime a DSM is insulted, you should lighten up.



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ha ha ha


I come to OH anyway. the POS would just be tagging along.


I'm just kidding about bringing it up to race you though. I would get stomped into the ground 10 times over.


You forgot, I'm an EX DSM guy myself.

Been, there, done that, was lots of fun.


Live long and prosper DSM BRUH

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You forgot, I'm an EX DSM guy myself.

Been, there, done that, was lots of fun.


Live long and prosper DSM BRUH


Ohh, I didn't forget. You moved on to bigger, better things, as pretty much everyone else I know has. Though most of the people I know moved from DSM's to bikes.


I actually like where the OP is though in regards to his car situation. Fast DSM and a V8. I would do the same if I was in his position, but my V8 of choice would be an 03/04 Cobra.

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