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Tire Shine


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So I guess the guy that sold me the CBR used tire shine to dress the tires for the sale pics, problem is it appears to have also got onto the actual contact surface as well. Is a soapy water solution the best cleaner to use on bike tires? Is a degreaser too aggressive? It looks pretty slick and I want it as clean as possible.





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I've been out in the garage for an hour and a halfish, hit all four sides with the dish soap and water mix a few times, each pass seemed to make a small dent in the big greasy lines. Switched from a rag to an abrasive sponge for a few dish soap passes, then switched to a rag with 50/50 iso (thanks Ryan), seems to have knocked out 95% of it or better. I expect some easy carving should scrub off any residual bits.
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A good side to side lean while ripping it will clear it just fine. Use to park mine in the shop always did this to clear the oil residue off before I left. Works like a charm and its much faster than scrubbing. A little brake cleaner on the front works well if its really bad too
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