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Land Rover debuts "invisible car" technology


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all the cameras and sensors in the world won't prevent my wife from rounding the corners of any vehicle she drives.


Lol, development of autonomous cars is only being pursued so we can remove women from behind the wheel.




Jk, don't let my wife see that.



P.S. The augmented reality stuff is getting pretty amazing.

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So, is that a working prototype or a VR simulation for showing the concept?


If that's a real working prototype, that's pretty cool stuff. Regardless, it's a cool concept.


Lol, development of autonomous cars is only being pursued so we can remove women from behind the wheel.




Jk, don't let my wife see that.



Somewhere in Michigan



Get my wife off of the road

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Yeah man, all those rugged all- terrain land rover owners are going to need that while navigating the crazy terrain of a costco parking lot!!!

No more or less than they do now with all the off roading tech it already comes with. ;)


all the cameras and sensors in the world won't prevent my wife from rounding the corners of any vehicle she drives.

Hahaha She needs a very short car.

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