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$399 Xbox One without Kinect coming June 9

Rally Pat

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Not even slightly surprised it happened, but I am surprised that they didn't save it for E3.


Why would they save it? They have a need to be competitive in the market sooner rather than later.


Very smart move.

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I got mine on 'day 1' and I'll tell you now, it isn't worth $500. It probably isn't worth $400 without the Kinect either.


I paid $350 for mine pre-ordered in June of 2013 and I'll tell you, I sometimes even regret that. It's a fun console, but not much different than 360 (yet).

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I got mine on 'day 1' and I'll tell you now, it isn't worth $500. It probably isn't worth $400 without the Kinect either.


I paid $350 for mine pre-ordered in June of 2013 and I'll tell you, I sometimes even regret that. It's a fun console, but not much different than 360 (yet).


My boss has a Ps4 and says basically the same thing. He never even plays it, still rocking his PS3.


They just released everything too early before there were any worthwhile games.

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I bought a PS4 at launch full well knowing that there would be a drought of games for a while, and the price drop for Xbox One might be enough for me to finally buy one.


I "changed sides" back to Sony after Microsoft's "Fuck you, consumer" and "Wait Baby, I didn't mean it!" fiascos, not to mention the $100 cheaper pricetag for superior hardware. I'm a gamer though, I was always going to eventually own both. :)

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I enjoy the system I think it has a lot to offer just not at this time I feel like a year down the road when elder scrolls online and other titles are their to help it will be a solid system as of right now titanfall is ok but everything is buggie
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As a consumer who will be buying one of the two systems this year, Microsoft is still out of their damn minds with this price point. It should be $350 for the Kinect-less version, if not less. The Xbox is still weaker than the PS4, and tossing the Kinect (devs are going to be absolutely done with the Kinect, save for any quickie stuff they can tack on) really tilts the scale in favor of the PS4 more than ever, now. I'm a cable cutter, so their TV shit doesn't really apply to me (and I'm sure the cable cutter-gamer market is growing every day with how easy it is to watch stuff online). Games lists on both consoles still suck.


Good on them for finally doing it, I guess, but the Kinect shouldn't have been a requirement from day one, and it should have been a LOT more competitive with the PS4. On paper, it's absolutely no contest that the PS4 is better in literally every gaming aspect. Shame their exclusives are kinda bland, and the console just seems... cold.


TL;DR: $400 is still astronomically high compared to the competition, IMO.

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Well I guess that's one thing I won't have to worry about photographing Friday night, eh? Lol


Haha honestly I think it'd be fun, but this dude is a cock smack in damn near every thread. Kind of annoying to be honest.

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Haha honestly I think it'd be fun, but this dude is a cock smack in damn near every thread. Kind of annoying to be honest.


You are one of those annoyingly loud gamers that talks shit playing call of duty aren't you ?

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"You are one of those annoyingly loud gamers that talks shit playing call of duty aren't you?" quipped the guy who ran his mouth rather posthaste on an online car community forum. The plot thickened from there. As some members stayed on topic and went about their business, the burly ballroom dancer sat anxiously behind his keyboard awaiting a reply to what was surely, in his mind if not elsewhere, a poignant and coherent thought that was indubitably relevant to the discussion at hand. Alas, he was wrong once again, and no further ammunition was offered him. He relinquished to sit alone, pondering why nobody wished to communicate with him any longer on that stormy eve.


~ fin ~

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This thread has become better than when it started.


On Topic: I am waiting for a nextgen system to wow me with a killer app. Also, PC gaming is so cheap, and awesome right now, I barely touch my consoles.

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"You are one of those annoyingly loud gamers that talks shit playing call of duty aren't you?" quipped the guy who ran his mouth rather posthaste on an online car community forum. The plot thickened from there. As some members stayed on topic and went about their business, the burly ballroom dancer sat anxiously behind his keyboard awaiting a reply to what was surely, in his mind if not elsewhere, a poignant and coherent thought that was indubitably relevant to the discussion at hand. Alas, he was wrong once again, and no further ammunition was offered him. He relinquished to sit alone, pondering why nobody wished to communicate with him any longer on that stormy eve.


~ fin ~



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