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Why the fuck do people litter?


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I hate litter.


There is a section of 2-lane road that runs by my house. Somewhat rural area, but gets decent traffic. It's overhanging tree lined, sun-dappled, a great little section of road to drive through on a nice day.


It's daily littered with, in this order:


1. Beer bottles. Always cheap domestic, excepting the Mexican brands.


2. Beer cans. See above.


3. Soda cans. Various. Significantly more Pepsi than Coke, I would think. Who knew?


4. Non-alcoholic plastic/glass bottles of all sorts. Water, tea, energy drinks, you name it, somebody throws it out their car window.


5. Fast food refuse: Bags, soda cups, drink carriers, etc.


6. Tobacco-related items. Cigarette packs, endless buts, Skoal tins, "spit-bottles", disposable lighters.


7. Weird shit. It's a long list.


In a week, it looks like a roadside in Calcutta. I complained to the powers that be, and was assured they would get right on it, which, after a length of time, became myself picking it up with a 10 gallon tub and an orange T-shirt once a week for the past two years.


My question is this:


The beer, I can at least understand. If you're drinking while driving, you don't want empty Bud Light cans rolling around on the floorboard.


It's all the other crap. What is going through the mind of someone who is pitching their Burger King bag out onto the side of the road?


And if you ask, no one EVER admits to littering.



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Maybe you should put a camera on the road, send screen caps to local law enforcement? OR, if it's getting in your yard get records from BMW and sue all for expenses incurred to clean up their refuse lol
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  RymerC said:
Maybe you should put a camera on the road, send screen caps to local law enforcement? OR, if it's getting in your yard get records from BMW and sue all for expenses incurred to clean up their refuse lol


Personally, I think if you are caught littering, you should be told by LE "Don't do that, man. It's not cool", then have the individual entered into a national litterbug database.


Upon a second infraction the bug, once verified that they were indeed on the database and as such a repeat offender, would be summarily shot and their body left, somewhat ironically, on the side of the road.

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I have to clean up along the front edge of my yard for the same reasons on a weekly basis. The aluminum cans I don't mind. I'll take those to be recycled. It's the other trash that pisses me off. People suck.
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I agree, even a CIG butt flying out of a car window pisses me off . It doesn't even occur to me to throw something out the window when I finish with it, and I keep my interior clean.
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i keep a grocery bag hanging off my shifter on the passenger side of my car just for trash. the most i've "littered" is like a banana peel, but its biodegradable, so that doesn't count. nothing that'll stick around and look trashy
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  Jones said:
Doesn't understand why people litter, and wants to shoot them.

But totally understands drunk driving..


I understand the reason behind why someone would toss out a beer can. Drunk drivers should be shot as well.

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I only throw specific biodegradables out of my window when driving, apple-cores and the occasional banana peel when the guy behind me is pissing me off. No one's gone off the road yet, but one of these days ...
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^^ I do it everyday, like I'm playing Mario Kart.


I use to litter quite a bit, because I hated anything being in the car. Now I clear the car when I get home and have a large trash barrel in the shop, near where I park every night.

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  FatHemiDude said:
I understand the reason behind why someone would toss out a beer can. Drunk drivers should be shot as well.

I thought it was pretty self-explanatory. Not everyone reads and comprehends as well, though. ;)


  sol740 said:
I only throw specific biodegradables out of my window when driving, apple-cores and the occasional banana peel when the guy behind me is pissing me off. No one's gone off the road yet, but one of these days ...

Wouldn't that be some mixed feelings? I mean, how can you not be proud of a Mario style accident w/a banana peel? But I'd still feel bad about causing the accident. haha



I pick up trash almost every damn day in my yard. Just the placement of my house/fence and its placement in the cul de sac seems to catch everyone's trash in the cul de sac. What really pissed me off is that it's trash from people in my cul de sac that their kids or whatever don't give a shit about or from their trashcans their incapable of placing in a way that the wind won't blow it over. I mean, fuck's sake, how many times do all your trashcans need to tip over and blow trash around before you give a shit? I'm guessing never. :mad:

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  Mojoe said:
^^ I do it everyday, like I'm playing Mario Kart.


I use to litter quite a bit, because I hated anything being in the car. Now I clear the car when I get home and have a large trash barrel in the shop, near where I park every night.


I hate it, too, but it's far better just to toss it out at the next stop. I love going for cruises and nature walks and it upsets me so much to have the beauty of nature ruined by old food and drink packages, fishing trash, etc. Just no respect or consideration. I'm glad you wait to throw yours out, now.


I think litterers should not only be fined, but made to perform community service involving trash pickup. Spend a couple weeks and all their free time picking that shit up in the sun on the side of the road and see if they learn their lesson.

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  Jones said:
Doesn't understand why people litter, and wants to shoot them.

But totally understands drunk driving..



Littering is done by self centered, clueless individuals who think of nobody but themselves... and are too lazy to have a bag in their car for trash. Heaven forbid THEIR car gets any trash in it. Throw that shit out beside the road and feel superior while watching someone else clean it up.

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