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Fukking dog... dafuq this cat?


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Cliffs: dog attacks toddler. Cat drives dog off.


PS - that dog wasn't fucking around either.




My take: I'm dad, come home see my boy bandaged up, see this security tape... I walk over to that dog owners house and shoot it in front of them. We proceed to sort out the rest from there. Fuks given.

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That is the kind of shit the people across the street dog used to do. I see people blowing up on social media about "oh its your typical pit bull"




The dog that came after me and my wife was a black lab, and that's the first time I've ever seen a black lab act that aggressive.

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That is the kind of shit the people across the street dog used to do. I see people blowing up on social media about "oh its your typical pit bull"




The dog that came after me and my wife was a black lab, and that's the first time I've ever seen a black lab act that aggressive.


Really though I hate to say this but breed does have some to do with it. Dogs have genetics and traits, there is a reason pit bulls have shared traits, as they have been breed to "generally" have this disposition.


However with proper care and training the majority of the time this is not the case, so it is not a blanket on the breed, but it certainly has something to do with the dogs disposition, its in the "genes" no denying.


Pretty wild video though, I am not sure what the dog was up to, to just go out and attack the kid like that unprovoked, I would say night night for that dog.

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After watching it again, I have to ask, why would that woman (mom?) not scoop up her kid vs just running away like that? WTF? Cat > Mom


Really though I hate to say this but breed does have some to do with it. Dogs have genetics and traits, there is a reason pit bulls have shared traits, as they have been breed to "generally" have this disposition.


I tend to agree. Our one dog is part pit and he's very aggressive towards other animals. Friendly as can be to our kids and people though. However, he like our other dog, a boxer, is very protective of the house and yard and is Leary of strangers. We've had him since he was like 5lbs and a rescue that I found on the side of the road so his behavior is most certainly genetic as he's had no different training or life than our previous dogs.

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Really though I hate to say this but breed does have some to do with it. Dogs have genetics and traits, there is a reason pit bulls have shared traits, as they have been breed to "generally" have this disposition.


However with proper care and training the majority of the time this is not the case, so it is not a blanket on the breed, but it certainly has something to do with the dogs disposition, its in the "genes" no denying.


Pretty wild video though, I am not sure what the dog was up to, to just go out and attack the kid like that unprovoked, I would say night night for that dog.


I will agree that some dogs do have that potential for a more aggressive nature. I just don't buy into the whole "dem dere dogz are the devils work and all are evil" shit.

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Where in this entire thing, or in the news, do you see that the dog that attacked was a Pit?


This brings us to the next "welcome to stupid america" point, people are on auto-assume when it comes to dog attacks.


I tried to correct a few people about the fact it never stated it was a Pit Bull, but sheeple of America hear "dog attack" and just go straight to the big scary dog breeds :dumb:

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Genetics/traits have a lot to do with it. That's why you don't typically see these issues with dogs that cost an arm and a leg because they come from reputable breeders. You do see this kind of behavior from the "pits" on cleveland ave for sale at $100/pop.


And yes, I have been chased and bit by a bastard of a basset hound before, as well as a black lab.


As for cats, I have never been a fan of them, but that was gangster. I have seen cats mess dogs up in defensive mode, but never seen a cat actually go out after a dog like that. Props to the kitty.

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This is why my dog is never outside the fence without a leash and normally supervised while inside the fence.


When i was young we had to put down our Golden retriever because she bit the neighbor. I want to make sure that never happens again.


I think a lot of breeds have the chance for aggression, but most are able to do the damage of bully breeds. So when it does happen, it is headline news. As far as coming to my house and shooting my dog because he got out and bit your kid, you would be shot right there just the same.

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mom went off camera to keep dog from returning. running block. was on tape but not that cut.


that dog went low and didn't bark. it sited, and went straight in. no hero cat, or mom, and dead boy.


I'm glad its scheduled to be put down. Should have happened day of. Fucking animal apologists on the Youtube thread make me sick.

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I've never been a "cat person" and won't ever be due to my severe allergies, but that was awesome of the cat. Full on ice hockey style body check. Blasted that dog off the kid. I still don't understand why people let their fucking dogs/pets free to roam....wtf?!

Side note, I ask my daughter to look out the back door as I am getting my son ready to go outside and see what the dogs are doing. I have a fenced in yard, so I know that they are in the yard, just curious as I hadn't heard them for a few minutes. She says "Daddy, the girl is hitting Libby!". I'm like...huh....look out there and sure enough the girl behind us is hitting her with something through the fence. It's one of the 4 foot slat deals, so it's possible. Stupid neighborhood regs. Anyway, I open the back door and yell "Hey, quit hitting my dog!". Kid freezes and takes off. This is my yellow puppy that is ~50lbs at this point and she was in the squatting on all 4s/ready to rock position. Her snout would fit through the fence enough to nip the kid....thankfully I caught it in time. I guess shame on me for not watching the neighbors kids.....

It's a complete lack of parenting with them, but it still pisses me off. If something happened to the kid, both myself and the dog get in trouble.

Sorry for the random rant.

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