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Kid twirls pencil in class, and gets kick out because it looked like a gun... The CPS threatens to take child away for abuse? Am I getting this right?




Welcome to the new world where common sense has been removed from schools, and replaced with zero tolerance and government stupidity.

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I don't normally advocate lawsuits, but this more than warrants it


^^ this. Lawyers would be all over this but the key would be the costs involved upfront. That's why the system is so fucked up because the state and county agencies know this guy will likely not be able to afford a fight.


IMO this is just another reason to move from NJ.





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Kid twirls pencil in class, and gets kick out because it looked like a gun... The CPS threatens to take child away for abuse? Am I getting this right?


Nearest I can tell, a more complete story is that some other kid (a bully, if we believe the twirler here) accused the twirler of threatening him with "gun motions." The school, not wanting to be on the hook for liability if said twirler went all Jeremy on the class, removed him from the school while recommending a psych evaluation. Dad gets notice from CPS that his son needs a psych evaluation, gets the evaluation done, runs to the media for his 15 minutes of fame.


Dishonest bloggers and shitty journalists twist headlines into link-bait to attract clicks, gets posted on CR because we give a shit about some chubby kid in NJ.


eta: Here's a link to the story from 2 months ago, back when nobody rightly gave a shit about it.

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Dishonest bloggers and shitty journalists twist headlines into link-bait to attract clicks


OMG does all of facebook know about this? I better post it there so everyone can click on something I posted and talk about how great I am because I brought it to their attention!

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Nearest I can tell, a more complete story is that some other kid (a bully, if we believe the twirler here) accused the twirler of threatening him with "gun motions." The school, not wanting to be on the hook for liability if said twirler went all Jeremy on the class, removed him from the school while recommending a psych evaluation. Dad gets notice from CPS that his son needs a psych evaluation, gets the evaluation done, runs to the media for his 15 minutes of fame.


Dishonest bloggers and shitty journalists twist headlines into link-bait to attract clicks, gets posted on CR because we give a shit about some chubby kid in NJ.


eta: Here's a link to the story from 2 months ago, back when nobody rightly gave a shit about it.



Kind of. They wanted a 2nd eval done because they don't like the first one, THAT is when he went to the media.

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Kind of. They wanted a 2nd eval done because they don't like the first one, THAT is when he went to the media.


No, he went to the media back in April. This "new" story from June, written by PIX11, is the only source I can find saying that the state wants a second evaluation. Without some corroborating source, I'm not buying it.

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Eh, CPS can be a convoluted mess just like any other agency. This is due to the fact that like any other job or government agency, half the people who work there have their heads clear up their asses getting in the way of those who actually know how to exist in the real world and get shit properly done.


I gave up on reason in public schools when they got rid fucking kickball. :rolleyes:

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No, he went to the media back in April. This "new" story from June, written by PIX11, is the only source I can find saying that the state wants a second evaluation. Without some corroborating source, I'm not buying it.






I'm not sure why Pix11 isn't good enough for you. They own the Mets broadcasting rights and are owned by the Tribune. They aren't some random internet blog. I'll buy their reporting over yours.

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Both of those are just regurgitating the PIX11 story. The byline on the 2nd link is actually the PIX11 reporter who wrote the original story...


I'm not saying that PIX11 is lying, but the state wouldn't comment, so all we know from a single source is that this guy maybe got some letter in the mail. Maybe it was sent in error, maybe it's just a routine followup, maybe the state is on an evil mission to put this kid in foster care for some reason. I don't know. No matter how you slice it, this story seems pretty ridiculous and I feel bad for the guy, but this is also what we call Recreational Outrage.

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Both of those are just regurgitating the PIX11 story. The byline on the 2nd link is actually the PIX11 reporter who wrote the original story...


I'm not saying that PIX11 is lying, but the state wouldn't comment, so all we know from a single source is that this guy maybe got some letter in the mail. Maybe it was sent in error, maybe it's just a routine followup, maybe the state is on an evil mission to put this kid in foster care for some reason. I don't know. No matter how you slice it, this story seems pretty ridiculous and I feel bad for the guy, but this is also what we call Recreational Outrage.


Again, this is the state that investigated a father for posting a pic of his kid on facebook with his new .22




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Again, this is the state that investigated a father for posting a pic of his kid on facebook with his new .22





My memory is hazy of that event, but was that another situation where the state investigated a report of something, found no wrongdoing, and everyone was allowed to go about their business?


If the worst thing that comes out of this pencil twirling incident is that a kid had to go to the doctor for a few hours and his dad has to make a few phone calls to clear up a misunderstanding, then who really cares? Why is this national news?

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If the worst thing that comes out of this pencil twirling incident is that a kid had to go to the doctor for a few hours and his dad has to make a few phone calls to clear up a misunderstanding, then who really cares? Why is this national news?


Yeah, why should anyone ever mind having to take time out of their lives for unnecessary health screenings/mental evaluations and have several phone calls with bureaucratic morons who lack the simple cognitive reasoning to think " ... twirling a pencil? That's a gigantic waste of time ... " before brutishly swiping the whole file off their desk without a second thought.


This is national news because normal people keep hoping these nannystate cowards will eventually be shamed into understanding that making a big stink about twirled pencils or, god forbid, breakfast pastries that kind of look like a gun when you're high enough, only earns you deserved ridicule. Sadly, it only seems to be getting worse.

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