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One less V?


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Awful situation, but could have been much worse. Your wellbeing is more important than any vehicle.


And for those talking about diminished value, it is VERY tough to get diminished value claims paid for in most states. By this I mean it is very rarely worth the time you will put into trying to prove diminished value compared to what you might end up getting. I work claims for an insurance company and I have never paid a single diminished value claim presented to me. (Not saying I agree with the process, but just trying to give you a realistic expectation). Feel free to contact me if you have questions.


Hope they can get it fixed properly for you.

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Well adjuster just called and labelled it "borderline total" and had it towed to a body shop of my choosing for an opinion.


No discussion yet on what value they are using.


I'd take it to Mike over at Lincoln Merc. on Billingsley. He will get it totalled out, and fix it up for you like brand new. Great team there and they do the work in-house. Buy it as a salvage title and use the money left to put a snail on it. 95% serious. He'll tell you what's possible. Ask him about his nice C6 ;)

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I'd take it to Mike over at Lincoln Merc. on Billingsley. He will get it totalled out, and fix it up for you like brand new. Great team there and they do the work in-house. Buy it as a salvage title and use the money left to put a snail on it. 95% serious. He'll tell you what's possible. Ask him about his nice C6 ;)



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+1. You'll be screwed if you try to sell it with a salvage title, will devalue the shit out of it but at least you'll have money from the payout.


I wouln't want to have to sell a clean titled vehicle like that with major accident history, regardless of how nice it is fixed.

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Yeah really 2 options...take the money and consider a new toy at some point or buy it back, fix it, and keep it.


The latter of the two still kinda sucks really....but depending on what they give you for it, it might at least be an option. What do you think you'll get? $15k?

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I am guessing first offer will be ~ 15k but I am hoping to get 17-18k. I can show I paid 19k for it < 2 years ago and put < 10k miles on it. The condition of the car should be evident to them.


They want to settle any potential medical claim so I will use that to my advantage

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Sad sight to see! :(


If its totaled out (which it looks to be) I would be interested in knowing what insurance would want for it to buy it off them. I'd offer you some cash on top if you wouldn't want to hold onto it.


for example they may total the car and give you 30k

if you buy it back they'd give you 25k + the car.


& I would offer 5500 making you an extra 500 then the first insurance offer


PM me if you have any details, its going to wind up on an auction and probably go triple what you can get it for..


Yeah really 2 options...take the money and consider a new toy at some point or buy it back, fix it, and keep it.

I vote the following.


4 door



2 door



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They want to settle any potential medical claim so I will use that to my advantage


Ding Ding. Might just be worth the play. Hell, everyone else does. My sister in law got a huge check when she had an accident years back. She did get hurt though but not seriously.

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To be clear I am not the type that will "take advantage" of the situation but I don't want to get screwed. I should be "made whole".


I know. Not saying take advantage. Just consider your loss which is more than just the car which is all they are going to look at.


IMO you spent time & money getting it prepared like you want, will spend time jerking around with it going forward, changing your CR Screen name, signature etc. It's not a simple list. I look at all that as me being made whole. YMMV.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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No joke, I did some savage doughnuts in that thing on Monday at lunch on a test drive. Had to see how far the car would let me go with the traction control off. That lot is 8 minutes from my office.


It’s a nice car 



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No joke, I did some savage doughnuts in that thing on Monday at lunch on a test drive. Had to see how far the car would let me go with the traction control off. That lot is 8 minutes from my office.


It’s a nice car 




It's pretty cheap for the mileage. Too bad it probably needs tires now :fuuuu:

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To curb texting and driving they are now pressuring charges, criminal charges thankfully.


If you're caught texting and driving or facebooking, emailing, snapchatting, or anything on your damn phone you should receive the same punishment as a DUI. No if and's or buts. It is really easy to stay off your phone while driving...


Shit is out of control, makes me so nervous when I ride my bike...


Sucks about your car. Cant believe that chic was baby sitting and texting and driving with a kid, if she was getting paid I would be livid and borderline on taking legal action.


I honk at people all the time when I glance and see them staring at there phone... Blows my mind.

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