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Delima with time off from work

6 Speed S4

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Damn they make you work Labor Day? I'm in the car business to, we close for Labor day, Memorial day, July 4th, etc.


I've never requested those days (the days you requested) off before but I'd never consider it, tends to be a really busy time for me.


You're probably just gonna have to reschedule.

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Well I know its semi my fault but I atleast requested the time off way in advance, not last minute or anything. But one way or another I am going. I've had 6 job offers in past month so if need be I will move on. Not that I want to.


Implies it wasn't guaranteed.


May be time to start calling up those other offers. Make sure you don't tell them why you're leaving or you'll find that those will likely be revoked pretty quickly too.

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Implies it wasn't guaranteed.


May be time to start calling up those other offers. Make sure you don't tell them why you're leaving or you'll find that those will likely be revoked pretty quickly too.


Previous employer: Cheby dealership

Reason for Leaving: Didn't get my way.



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Who gives a shit, if your giving them a 4-5 months heads up you should be able to assume whatever you want. It seems like they have control of your life or have you by your balls. Who would want to work at a place like that^? lol...


Not fair at all. If your struggling for money and can't afford to get on the bad side of your boss then your shit out of luck if they don't approve it. I would just laugh and assume its getting approved since your a human being and you're free to do whatever you want with your life.



Edited by ItzaMe
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Who gives a shit, if your giving them a 4-5 months heads up you should be able to assume whatever you want. It seems like they have control of your life or have you by your balls. Who would want to work at a place like that^? lol...


Not fair at all. If your struggling for money and can't afford to get on the bad side of your boss then your shit out of luck if they don't approve it. I would just laugh and assume its getting approved since your a human being and your free to do whatever you want with your life.




Entitlement ver. 2.0.

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Who gives a shit, if your giving them a 4-5 months heads up you should be able to assume whatever you want. It seems like they have control of your life or have you by your balls. Who would want to work at a place like that^? lol...


Not fair at all. If your struggling for money and can't afford to get on the bad side of your boss then your shit out of luck if they don't approve it. I would just laugh and assume its getting approved since your a human being and your free to do whatever you want with your life.




I like this post...

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Who gives a shit, if your giving them a 4-5 months heads up you should be able to assume whatever you want. It seems like they have control of your life or have you by your balls. Who would want to work at a place like that^? lol...


Not fair at all. If your struggling for money and can't afford to get on the bad side of your boss then your shit out of luck if they don't approve it. I would just laugh and assume its getting approved since your a human being and your free to do whatever you want with your life.






Your= possession

You're= You are


'Murica. Love your name.


Totally disagree with your post. You want full autonomy over your work life? Open up your own business and run your shit how you want. Otherwise, you work for someone. You respect their rules, or you leave. Welcome to the good old phrase, "Employment at Will".

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Totally disagree with your post. You want full autonomy over your work life? Open up your own business and run your shit how you want. Otherwise, you work for someone. You respect their rules, or you leave. Welcome to the good old phrase, "Employment at Will".


Ding ding ding.

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Damn they make you work Labor Day? I'm in the car business to, we close for Labor day, Memorial day, July 4th, etc.


I've never requested those days (the days you requested) off before but I'd never consider it, tends to be a really busy time for me.


You're probably just gonna have to reschedule.


Naw labor day we are closed. I think the boss man mean't no vacations extending past the 3 day weekend.

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Your= possession

You're= You are


'Murica. Love your name.


Totally disagree with your post. You want full autonomy over your work life? Open up your own business and run your shit how you want. Otherwise, you work for someone. You respect their rules, or you leave. Welcome to the good old phrase, "Employment at Will".


Damn I never mess that on up! Usually just their and there.. oh well #fixed


Ya i agree you have to follow the rules but there's a certain line where it becomes stupid. So many opportunities out there its a shame to be working at a place like that.

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You should not have booked a flight without approval.


You should NOT go to HR unless all other options are off the table.


Being a startup, things like this happen.


Go back to your boss and tell him you are at the company's mercy and you need his help to resolve it. Act like you are desperate and you require his intervention and expertise. Do not threaten, and don't get an attitude. (Not saying you would have)


Yep, this.

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I can remember one time working as a fourth year surgical resident at children's hospital over the holidays. Busy as fuck. Non-stop. When I was on call (every third night) I was up all night working 30 hours in a row. Fucking hated it. They had rules against taking time off during the holidays. It was spelled out pretty clearly in an email like the one your boss sent out.


Anyways, this osu resident pulled the same shit you're trying to pull. He said he had the flight booked way in advance, couldn't cancel, etc etc etc. the chief of the department caved, and let him have the week off. It put the other guy and myself on call every other night for 10 days straight, right through the holidays. Extra work on already stressed-out people.


I've never wanted to kill someone more than I wanted to beat this guy senseless. We made the rest of his rotation living hell, and to this day I'd probably shit on his face if I could do so without any legal ramifications. I don't know if your vacation will have the same impact on your coworkers during the holiday season but it's something to consider if you plan on going back to work after your vacation

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If they honestly can't approve your vacation/leave with a 5-month advance notice then you've probably got bigger issues working for them...that or your boss is a complete idiot and douche...



I can remember one time working as a fourth year surgical resident at children's hospital over the holidays. Busy as fuck. Non-stop. When I was on call (every third night) I was up all night working 30 hours in a row. Fucking hated it. They had rules against taking time off during the holidays. It was spelled out pretty clearly in an email like the one your boss sent out.


Anyways, this osu resident pulled the same shit you're trying to pull. He said he had the flight booked way in advance, couldn't cancel, etc etc etc. the chief of the department caved, and let him have the week off. It put the other guy and myself on call every other night for 10 days straight, right through the holidays. Extra work on already stressed-out people.


I've never wanted to kill someone more than I wanted to beat this guy senseless. We made the rest of his rotation living hell, and to this day I'd probably shit on his face if I could do so without any legal ramifications. I don't know if your vacation will have the same impact on your coworkers during the holiday season but it's something to consider if you plan on going back to work after your vacation


Kirk, in this situation I agree with you 100%!


However, the guy works at a Chevy dealer where no lives are at stake!


What could he possibly do for them that they can't let him have two or three days off with 5-months notice... :p

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If they honestly can't approve your vacation/leave with a 5-month advance notice then you've probably got bigger issues working for them...that or your boss is a complete idiot and douche...



Exactly, it's a damn car dealer...




Kirk, in this situation I agree with you 100%!


However, the guy works at a Chevy dealer where no lives are at stake!


What could he possibly do for them that they can't let him have two or three days off with 5-months notice... :p




Yeah much different circumstances..

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