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Gentle giant


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What a freaking mess :( I really don't think the "truth" will ever come out in this. A dash cam would have put this to bed a while ago.


The thing that sticks out to me is: "I don't know if he was going after him or if he was falling down to die"


Just that little bit of doubt can toss everything sideways.


And other "witness's" have a different turn of events. The bottom line..... If the LEO is in the wrong, and killed someone on purpose, he will, one day, be judged. None of us will ever witness that, but it will happen.

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And other "witness's" have a different turn of events. The bottom line..... If the LEO is in the wrong, and killed someone on purpose, he will, one day, be judged. None of us will ever witness that, but it will happen.



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  • 2 months later...


Saw that some across the news and said "well, they might as well have come out and said it..."


Thankfully most the spud's rioting don't understand that.


The weather will help the situation 23 in Ferguson now dropping into the teens. Rioting is less fun in the cold.

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If I were a cop, in Ferguson, I'd walk off the job. Let those animals sort it out themselves. Better yet, all current officers walk off the job, and out of the town That should free up some payroll, and they can hire all of Browns cronies, to police the city. There ya go. Problem solved! I bet that would be a safe and happy neighborhood to inhabit!!!
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If I were a cop, in Ferguson, I'd walk off the job. Let those animals sort it out themselves. Better yet, all current officers walk off the job, and out of the town That should free up some payroll, and they can hire all of Browns cronies, to police the city. There ya go. Problem solved! I bet that would be a safe and happy neighborhood to inhabit!!!



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If I were a cop, in Ferguson, I'd walk off the job. Let those animals sort it out themselves. Better yet, all current officers walk off the job, and out of the town That should free up some payroll, and they can hire all of Browns cronies, to police the city. There ya go. Problem solved! I bet that would be a safe and happy neighborhood to inhabit!!!


They complain when you police. They complain when you don't police.


There is no right answer.





Edit, by they, i mean the protesters.

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Saw that some across the news and said "well, they might as well have come out and said it..."


Thankfully most the spud's rioting don't understand that.


Would the governor really have knowledge of the verdict ahead of time? This would be a legal proceedure I am not sure exists legally.


Either way, all those animals should stop being so upset, those good wholesome cops are just trying to help all of those animals out, and you can't expect them to make an omlet without breaking a few eggs. Those suckers need to pick up a copy of Atlas Shrugged and maybe they would stop being so poor and suspicious looking and maybe the cops would have no reason to interact with them.

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Doesn't matter, they will riot regardless of how that goes.


Yes, because nothing shows how dedicated you are than putting on a good riot. I mean, that clearly demonstrates to me how well thought out your position and nothing says "we want justice" more than destroying and stealing from another person's business...

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Yes, because nothing shows how dedicated you are than putting on a good riot. I mean, that clearly demonstrates to me how well thought out your position and nothing says "we want justice" more than destroying and stealing from another person's business...


Especially when it's against "your own" people.


We want equality for blacks! Now lets go loot and burn stores owned by fellow black! Becuz white debble!

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Especially when it's against "your own" people.


We want equality for blacks! Now lets go loot and burn stores owned by fellow black! Becuz white debble!


Stupidity knows no bounds, this includes race,sex, god, or sexual preference. People think its a great idea to burn stuff when their sports team wins.


Just a bunch of puppets dancing as their strings are pulled, nothing more, nothing less.

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Yes, because nothing shows how dedicated you are than putting on a good riot. I mean, that clearly demonstrates to me how well thought out your position and nothing says "we want justice" more than destroying and stealing from another person's business...



While that sounds good, Brian, consider this: when people feel passionately that their rulers are acting unjustly and those people feel there is no effective way to peacefully get redress, then emotions flare. I don't agree that a riot necessarily means that people lack adequate forethought or lack dedication to their cause. Perhaps just the opposite.


You've heard of this, haven't you? Talk about "....destroying and stealing from another person's business" in the name of justice:





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While that sounds good, Brian, consider this: when people feel passionately that their rulers are acting unjustly and those people feel there is no effective way to peacefully get redress, then emotions flare. I don't agree that a riot necessarily means that people lack adequate forethought or lack dedication to their cause. Perhaps just the opposite.


You've heard of this, haven't you? Talk about "....destroying and stealing from another person's business" in the name of justice:






Reaching a bit, aren't we?

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