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Nice car and welcome to the site. Pics for the lazy:








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Hi Raymond and welcome to http://www.marianmeijersracing.com!


If you like it here you might want to also check out http://www.consumeraffairs.com/retail/meijer.html


here's an excerpt about the torture of Beta fish.


"Why did they even start selling this precious little Betta fish if they are not even taking care of them? The conditions of Betta fish in my local Meijer is beyond terrible. Half of the Bettas are dead and other half is sick with severe cases of fin-rot and dropsy. The water quality is terrible, their cups haven't even been cleaned in weeks or even months. I even saw some dead bodies already decomposing and algae is growing from within. This is terrible, I felt very angry at their treatment of Bettas. Betta fish are very smart and emotional creatures. I had a few and they can live 3-5 years in good conditions. They dance in the morning to greet you. They are very pleasant fish to have as a pet.


I am disgusted by the torture they receive in stores such as Meijer. I beg Meijer to drop the sale of this fish and just sell what you do best (produce, furniture, non-living creatures). Please leave this side of the business. You are not making much and in the process you are killing and torturing these poor little creatures. Please have some heart. There are Petcos and Petsmarts right across the street from your stores. Let them sell live fish. At least they kill a bit less than you..."


this one talks about the trials and tribulations associated with buying large amounts of cat food


"I went in to the Cascade Meijer to purchase cat food in a very large amount. It was a Saturday. The employee I had spoken to was named Mark. I loaded up my cart to the top with cat food and then was asked about it by a fat little short old man. I told him about Mark giving me permission to clear the shelf since it was the last day of the sale. He scurried off and I thought nothing of it. I was later in the produce section looking at raspberries for my very last item before checking out. I was then cornered by Mark **, an old lady, and the fat old man. ** asked me what I thought I was doing and how I was paying for my load of items. He asked if I had any coupons. He also accused me of lying and said that he had given no such permission to buy so much cat food. I told him that I had indeed spoken to a man named Mark. He told me I could use only 1 coupon for the whole purchase.


It was scary because they had surrounded me and backed me into a corner. I started crying and saying that I was donating all of the cat food to two separate cat shelters. More people gathered to stare at me. He treated me like a criminal, like I was stealing. He didn't care - he just shot me down with his cold dead eyes and told me that if I tried to check out, I would be detained by security and they would call the police. I had no idea what to do. I was humiliated because I had cried so loud, which brought attention to me. I was doing nothing wrong. I ended up leaving the store with nothing. I could barely drive home.


When I got home, my husband was outraged at how I'd been treated. He called Meijer until he got into touch with the VP! The VP apologized for Mark's behavior and offered to donate 200 lbs of cat food to my two charities of choice! He also told Mark to apologize to my face. I went in with my husband and Mark had us meet him in the very back of the store. I thought that was odd. He had the old lady with him that had helped corner me. She scowled the whole time at us. Mark looked down at the ground and mumbled some BS, not really a sorry at all. It took all my husband had to not punch the loser in the face. Mark ** is a terrible little man. I hear he has been transferred to the Knapp Corner store. He should have been fired. I should have sued him. I have gone through a lot of emotional distress over this. I had nightmares for months afterwards. I didn't shop for 4 months after it happened.


I am a shy, quiet, and reserved person. I am still upset by the way I was treated. I won't soon forget the feeling of being publicly humiliated."

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Hi Raymond and welcome to http://www.marianmeijersracing.com!


If you like it here you might want to also check out http://www.consumeraffairs.com/retail/meijer.html


here's an excerpt about the torture of Beta fish.


"Why did they even start selling this precious little Betta fish if they are not even taking care of them? The conditions of Betta fish in my local Meijer is beyond terrible. Half of the Bettas are dead and other half is sick with severe cases of fin-rot and dropsy. The water quality is terrible, their cups haven't even been cleaned in weeks or even months. I even saw some dead bodies already decomposing and algae is growing from within. This is terrible, I felt very angry at their treatment of Bettas. Betta fish are very smart and emotional creatures. I had a few and they can live 3-5 years in good conditions. They dance in the morning to greet you. They are very pleasant fish to have as a pet.


I am disgusted by the torture they receive in stores such as Meijer. I beg Meijer to drop the sale of this fish and just sell what you do best (produce, furniture, non-living creatures). Please leave this side of the business. You are not making much and in the process you are killing and torturing these poor little creatures. Please have some heart. There are Petcos and Petsmarts right across the street from your stores. Let them sell live fish. At least they kill a bit less than you..."


this one talks about the trials and tribulations associated with buying large amounts of cat food


"I went in to the Cascade Meijer to purchase cat food in a very large amount. It was a Saturday. The employee I had spoken to was named Mark. I loaded up my cart to the top with cat food and then was asked about it by a fat little short old man. I told him about Mark giving me permission to clear the shelf since it was the last day of the sale. He scurried off and I thought nothing of it. I was later in the produce section looking at raspberries for my very last item before checking out. I was then cornered by Mark **, an old lady, and the fat old man. ** asked me what I thought I was doing and how I was paying for my load of items. He asked if I had any coupons. He also accused me of lying and said that he had given no such permission to buy so much cat food. I told him that I had indeed spoken to a man named Mark. He told me I could use only 1 coupon for the whole purchase.


It was scary because they had surrounded me and backed me into a corner. I started crying and saying that I was donating all of the cat food to two separate cat shelters. More people gathered to stare at me. He treated me like a criminal, like I was stealing. He didn't care - he just shot me down with his cold dead eyes and told me that if I tried to check out, I would be detained by security and they would call the police. I had no idea what to do. I was humiliated because I had cried so loud, which brought attention to me. I was doing nothing wrong. I ended up leaving the store with nothing. I could barely drive home.


When I got home, my husband was outraged at how I'd been treated. He called Meijer until he got into touch with the VP! The VP apologized for Mark's behavior and offered to donate 200 lbs of cat food to my two charities of choice! He also told Mark to apologize to my face. I went in with my husband and Mark had us meet him in the very back of the store. I thought that was odd. He had the old lady with him that had helped corner me. She scowled the whole time at us. Mark looked down at the ground and mumbled some BS, not really a sorry at all. It took all my husband had to not punch the loser in the face. Mark ** is a terrible little man. I hear he has been transferred to the Knapp Corner store. He should have been fired. I should have sued him. I have gone through a lot of emotional distress over this. I had nightmares for months afterwards. I didn't shop for 4 months after it happened.


I am a shy, quiet, and reserved person. I am still upset by the way I was treated. I won't soon forget the feeling of being publicly humiliated."


Nailed it.

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