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Flu shots, let's hear you're opinion?


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I am being asked to get one because I have a young child. I'm not arguing against it, just curious as to the necessity/effectiveness.

I am 32 and cannot remember really being sick (outside of sinuses) my entire adult life. I have never had a flu shot before. I hear all the arguments about it making people sick, or not covering the strain you may come in contact with etc.......

I'll be getting one to keep the old lady happy I'm sure, but it kind of goes against the old "if it ain't broke....." Saying.

Guess I just ate enough dirt as a kid!

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<--- Not a doctor


Obviously they're recommended for everyone. I think the danger to kids is greater than to adults, so I would never hesitate to vaccinate my kids if I had any. However, I've never gotten a flu shot as an adult, and not having kids plays a part. I know that I'm not a hypochondriac so I don't freak out at the earliest sign of illness but if I'm sick, I'll go get treated.


The last time I got a flu shot I didn't get the flu, but I also felt like I had a mild cold for the next 364 days. To me that's always been the tradeoff, and I'll take the risk with a smile.

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I have not had the flu in god knows how long (*knocks on wood*), but since i have started working at chase they give them out for free, hell the first year they put $20 in my MRA for me getting one. If i didn't work here I would not pay for one for sure. So i guess if its free do it.
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Nope. Never had the flu either.


Simple things like washing your hands regularly, dressing appropriately for the weather, and eating properly are the only preventative measures anyone should ever need.


It amazes me how many people don't wash their hands before eating something. I used to think my neighbors were weird for making my friend wash his hands before eating when we were growing up, but I completely get it now.

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Eh, I don't care for the flu shots but have no small children and what seems like better luck without them. No, they don't always get them right as they have to decide what will most likely affect us ahead of time and then prepare flu shots accordingly. I'm pretty healthy and as I said, have no small children and all the school germs, etc. related ;), so I skip it.


Please, please be sure to vaccinate your children, though!


*End opinion.

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I have no actual numbers in front of me, so take that with a grain of salt.


(Meant to add this in the above post after stating my luck with flu shots. For some reason, many of the "buttons" aren't working lately for me on CR so I can't save edits, for example.)

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OK, here's some things to know about getting the flu shot:


-First off, get it. People who tell you otherwise are just stupid and/or misinformed. Its usually free if you go to the right place.


-The flu shot WILL NOT give you the flu. They use an attenuated or dead virus in order to prime your body against the flu. Basically, you're giving your body a weakened or dead version in order to trick it into making antibodies ahead of time so that in the event it actually encounters the real strain, it's already primed and ready to fight it.


-The creation of these antibodies will most likely make you feel ill for a short time. You'll probably feel like you've got a cold. Quit being a pussy and deal with it. It's waaay better than if you get the actual flu.


-They (whoever studies this shit) only create a vaccine every year for the top 3-4 most prevalent strains that they BELIEVE will be around. i.e. You're protected from most of the strains, but not all.


-You COULD still get the flu, though your chances are much much less. The vaccine doesn't prevent getting it; it just reduces your chances.


-The flu is a respiratory virus. If your tummy hurts, you don't have the flu. If you don't have a temp, you probably don't have the flu.


-If you choose not to, you'll probably be ok, but why take the chance?



Just because you think you're young and healthy doesn't mean getting the flu couldn't put you on your ass. Remember, the flu kills thousands of people every year. Ending up on a ventilator in a Roto-Prone bed, with a tube shoved up your nose and another in your dick, and a hose shoved in your ass, because you skipped out on the vaccine and are now in ARDS does not sound like a good time to me.

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OK, here's some things to know about getting the flu shot:


-First off, get it. People who tell you otherwise are just stupid and/or misinformed. Its usually free if you go to the right place.


-The flu shot WILL NOT give you the flu. They use an attenuated or dead virus in order to prime your body against the flu. Basically, you're giving your body a weakened or dead version in order to trick it into making antibodies ahead of time so that in the event it actually encounters the real strain, it's already primed and ready to fight it.


-The creation of these antibodies will most likely make you feel ill for a short time. You'll probably feel like you've got a cold. Quit being a pussy and deal with it. It's waaay better than if you get the actual flu.


-They (whoever studies this shit) only create a vaccine every year for the top 3-4 most prevalent strains that they BELIEVE will be around. i.e. You're protected from most of the strains, but not all.


-You COULD still get the flu, though your chances are much much less. The vaccine doesn't prevent getting it; it just reduces your chances.


-The flu is a respiratory virus. If your tummy hurts, you don't have the flu. If you don't have a temp, you probably don't have the flu.


-If you choose not to, you'll probably be ok, but why take the chance?



Just because you think you're young and healthy doesn't mean getting the flu couldn't put you on your ass. Remember, the flu kills thousands of people every year. Ending up on a ventilator in a Roto-Prone bed, with a tube shoved up your nose and another in your dick, and a hose shoved in your ass, because you skipped out on the vaccine and are now in ARDS does not sound like a good time to me.


What are you, trying to make us all autistic? I'll have you know that Jenny McCarthy AND Jim Carrey agree that vaccines are bad.

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I'll prob just go into CVS and get one, esp if it helps my little girl.

Just not convinced I need one for my health. I'll do it for her, but it's not like everyone else she comes in contact with has one. Should we require it of all babysitters?

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Haven't had one in 10 or so years. Still alive.


Tens of thousands of people die from the flu each year. If you're a normal, young, healthy guy, you're at low risk of dying, but herd immunity will help product the elderly and babies who are at risk.


Flu vaccines are proven to save lives. If you're able, you should get one. Consider it a civic duty.

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Meh, IMO you can go either way. It will reduce your chances, but odds are you won't get sick if you live right/practice safety of washing hands and even if you do get it, it's just the flu and the odds are you aren't in the range of those most at risk.


If it's free, I'd get it. Mine is on deck for next week through work. For employers it's a no-brainer. Less likely people will get it and infect others resulting in thousands of lost hours. They even give us an extra $75 discount off next years insurance to get one.

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