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Lane Splitting


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What would you consider proper for the mirrors? Just curious. How far out, can you see the side of your car at all, etc.?



I was specifically referring to using the rear view mirror was a rear view mirror and the side ones as side view mirrors. Goal here is to eliminate blind spots as much as possible


I know it sounds condescending but you'd be surprised how many people use side mirrors as primarily rear view mirrors to redundantly supplant the rear view one









Also for bikers (and even car drivers), it helps to understand who and what you're dealing with. For example, I never understood how much (or to be more precise, how little) a Semi Truck driver can see from his seat. A few months ago, in a teen driving thing I was teaching, we had kids sit in a semi to let them see what the driver sees... I sat in the truck too. Those blind spots are GIGANTIC. I have way more respect for semis since then




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I need to meet you then, your obviously the most interesting man in the world. Seen all, done all, owned all, experienced all. Cause if your commenting on anything you've done it all surely.


I assume if this is about safety, then everyone is wearing helmets at all times while riding?




I dunno why I even give a damn. Do what ya want just don't cry for more rights when someone is popped like a pimple. And if my vehicle or family gets hit by some asshole doing this shit. I'll pull them off their bike and lane split a lead pipe right up their ass.


Let's sign a death race petition too!

No idea what helmets have to do with this argument.


I'm sure your family will be just fine. And if someone hits them on a bike I'm pretty sure they won't be on their bike anymore for your to pull them off. :dumb:


As someone who has been rear-ended a couple times, and had an F-150 dive off the shoulder at polaris last weekend to avoid rear-ending me, I'm familiar with that spine tingling fear.


I do have a question for you though, as your argument appears to be all about "saving lives". Where is the concern for drivers of unsafe cars? You know, the old tin shitbox's that fold like a cardboard box and mutilate the driver? Shouldn't we make special arrangements for them? Or do "cagers" lives not matter as much? There is an associated risk with driving a bike, you know you are at a much higher risk or injury or death every time you get on it. Just as the driver of a 87 yugo is when he stops at polaris and an F150 driver is distracted by a deer carcass on the side of the road and runs into him.


I know, I'll start a clever hashtag, seems all the rage today:








If I'm understanding this argument correctly, because you put so many miles on your bike, it makes you a bike expert?


I'm averaging 30-35k+ a year currently on my cars (down from 50k+/year of years ago). Using your logic, I am a car driving expert. So I can say with authority that bikers are the problem?


I would much rather be rear ended in a 1987 Yugo by that F150 doing 35, than on a bike being rear ended by the same thing. It's like asking whether you'd want to be shot with a .22 or a .50 cal, drive a GTR or an FRS. Most people will pick the .22 and the GTR.... I'm sure 99% of people feel the same. But I suppose to be fair lets let cars lane split if they feel like they can do so in a manner that will not impede other drivers each time they do it. I never said me putting miles on my bike makes me an expert, but it does make you much more aware of things that can and do happen to people on bikes. I guess since this is CR and all I should have not subjected myself to someone trying to twist words that aren't stated clearly into something else. What I should have said is "But what do I know about almost being hit, I've only put 10,000 miles on my bike per year for the last 2 years"


It seems like almost everyone in here opposed to it has never owned or operated a motorcycle on the road. Maybe I'm mistaken.


If you spend enough time in CB, you'll learn he is the best driver of both cars & bikes, as well as the best mechanic in the world.


None of these things I have said. The only thing remotely close is that I am one of the best riders out of the people I have ridden with. Nothing more nothing less. All that could mean is that I am the shinest and less stinkiest of the 20 turds sitting in the toilet. I'm glad you spend so much time analyzing each and everything I say though.


Slightly Less Grant trolly post:


If everyone is okay with a little give and take, it will work.

I'm just not sure that everyone is "ready" in america. I see lots of angry people every day on the roads and I know they will try and take it out on bikers that are splitting. Especially car drivers who will plead ignorance of the law while intentionally changing lanes in front of them. Myself, and most on here have lost more than a couple friends on bikes over the years. My obvious fears are that the bikers will suffer the most while this is being implemented, both due to splitting unsafely and angry people in cars that are frustrated in rush hour.


There are bad apples in both farms, and for this to work everyone has to be bit more open minded. We'll see what happens, but I wouldn't hold my breath for this becoming legal here anytime soon.


Since this has obviously turned into a "trolly post" thread by an Admin, maybe it should be moved to the kitchen since this has seemed more and more like a kitchen thread since Truckin had his tirade.


Ignorance of the law you say?


BRB, gonna go rob a bank and shoot a few people. I'll just plead ignorance and be acquitted right? I mean this seems to be how Jones logic works.

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If you think this, you are part of the fundamental problem.


Note the ":gabe:". ;)


If you spend enough time in CB, you'll learn he is the best driver of both cars & bikes, as well as the best mechanic in the world.




...and an F150 driver is distracted by a deer carcass on the side of the road...


Hahaha! I know you were thinking of me when typing this Jones.


I have two points to make:

Point 1:

I've known people rear ended while in traffic on the freeway. Even the best drivers get distracted at times and simply put the bike always loses. The car is a damn metal cage with years of safety devolopment. The bike might as well be as safe as a huffy. Having lane splitting will aid in bikers safety.


As Jones said, riders obviously know this and CHOOSE to ride. I would like to see EVERYONE safer, but the risk is inherent, isn't it?


Most people will pick the .22 and the GTR....


I would pick "neither". lol


The only thing remotely close is that I am one of the best riders out of the people I have ridden with. Nothing more nothing less.


You said some girls told you that you look like Dan Bilzerian as well. Don't forget the dashing good looks and money to go along with it. ;)


Disclaimer: just kidding around Grant. Don't read too much into this.





I don't have a problem with lane splitting at a rest, the only probs i have is the chode that busts between two cars already moving at a good pace because race bike.

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I've never operated a motorcycle, but I don't have an issue with motorcyclists splitting lanes when safe to do so.


I've also never made out with a dude, but I don't have an issue with people of the same sex marrying each other.


I guess I don't see what the big deal is?

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Before you guys hash out any more BS, maybe you should go read the rules of lane splitting. If people actually did it the proper whay it's 100% SAFER but I have a feeling most on here think "60mph between traffic is lane splitting" which is not the intent or purpose of lane splitting...





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You said some girls told you that you look like Dan Bilzerian as well. Don't forget the dashing good looks and money to go along with it. ;)


Disclaimer: just kidding around Grant. Don't read too much into this.





I don't have a problem with lane splitting at a rest, the only probs i have is the chode that busts between two cars already moving at a good pace because race bike.


You're digging awful deep into your bag of "Shit that doesn't relate to the topic" on that one... :gabe:


This is what no one is understanding. We aren't asking for lane splitting ot be legalized at freeway speeds. Just low speed, IMO 15mph or less. Even 15mph seems high.

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I ride and I split at any speed depending on the situation. At stops because I don't want to be the last vehicle at the end of the line, and any time a motorcycle is sitting in traffic, it's causing congestion that doesn't need to exist. I also split at highway speeds from time to time if idiots are camping the left lane doing 10 under and I can't get around legally. Zero fucks given, I'm aware of the risks and I wear gear all the time for that reason.


That said, people who see this and intentionally try to block or hit me can go die in a fire. When I split, I'm not asking for you to go out of your way to make room for me (I only split if I can do it without impeding other traffic) just keep doing what you're doing and don't make a scene. I'll be gone in .5 seconds.


P.S., I find a lot of irony in half of these posts. Let's not act like everyone contributing to this thread doesn't get a little wild in/on their motorized vehicle of choice from time to time.


EDIT: Also, I know this is completely anecdotal evidence, but in the groups I ride with (Group Ride Columbus/Columbus Riders if anyone is in these on Facebook), the number of people who have been hit at stoplights drastically outnumbers the number of people who have gone down or been hit at speed. In my limited first/second-hand evidence, splitting stopped traffic is safer 100% of the time.

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When I rode and there was traffic I moved to the front. I'd rather not be watching my rear mirrors the whole time when at a stop light. I've also heard to many horror stories of cars not seeing bikes at stop lights/ signs. It also gets really hot in full gear when stopped.
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I ride and I split at any speed depending on the situation. At stops because I don't want to be the last vehicle at the end of the line, and any time a motorcycle is sitting in traffic, it's causing congestion that doesn't need to exist. I also split at highway speeds from time to time if idiots are camping the left lane doing 10 under and I can't get around legally. Zero fucks given, I'm aware of the risks and I wear gear all the time for that reason.


That said, people who see this and intentionally try to block or hit me can go die in a fire. When I split, I'm not asking for you to go out of your way to make room for me (I only split if I can do it without impeding other traffic) just keep doing what you're doing and don't make a scene. I'll be gone in .5 seconds.


P.S., I find a lot of irony in half of these posts. Let's not act like everyone contributing to this thread doesn't get a little wild in/on their motorized vehicle of choice from time to time.


EDIT: Also, I know this is completely anecdotal evidence, but in the groups I ride with (Group Ride Columbus/Columbus Riders if anyone is in these on Facebook), the number of people who have been hit at stoplights drastically outnumbers the number of people who have gone down or been hit at speed. In my limited first/second-hand evidence, splitting stopped traffic is safer 100% of the time.


This guy is who I was referring to. Let's break it down.


I also split at highway speeds from time to time if idiots are camping the left lane doing 10 under and I can't get around legally. Zero fucks given, I'm aware of the risks and I wear gear all the time for that reason.


That said, people who see this and intentionally try to block or hit me can go die in a fire.


Complete disregard for other motorists. It's ok though. He wears protection. Then, if someone reacts to the ignorance, he wants them to die in a fire even though he CAUSED the initial reaction. Nobody would have to react if traffic laws were being obeyed by said rider.


Let's not act like everyone contributing to this thread doesn't get a little wild in/on their motorized vehicle of choice from time to time.


Anyone causing havoc in traffic is the problem. I don't care if you're a rider, "cager", or on one of those new fangled adult big wheels going down 71 sideways. If you cause any type of chaos or rage then YOU'RE part of the problem, not those obeying traffic laws until you tick them off to the point of over reacting.


Oh well. Just my opinion. Take it or leave it. shrug.jpg

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Lane splittings main purpose is for stopped traffic and low speed.

CHP suggests lane splitting only from a stop til 40mph. Lane splitting was never intended for freeway speeds, that what passing lanes are for.


BINGO! There is very little danger for anyone when done legally...


I ride and I split at any speed depending on the situation. At stops because I don't want to be the last vehicle at the end of the line, and any time a motorcycle is sitting in traffic, it's causing congestion that doesn't need to exist. I also split at highway speeds from time to time if idiots are camping the left lane doing 10 under and I can't get around legally. Zero fucks given, I'm aware of the risks and I wear gear all the time for that reason.


That said, people who see this and intentionally try to block or hit me can go die in a fire. When I split, I'm not asking for you to go out of your way to make room for me (I only split if I can do it without impeding other traffic) just keep doing what you're doing and don't make a scene. I'll be gone in .5 seconds.


P.S., I find a lot of irony in half of these posts. Let's not act like everyone contributing to this thread doesn't get a little wild in/on their motorized vehicle of choice from time to time.


EDIT: Also, I know this is completely anecdotal evidence, but in the groups I ride with (Group Ride Columbus/Columbus Riders if anyone is in these on Facebook), the number of people who have been hit at stoplights drastically outnumbers the number of people who have gone down or been hit at speed. In my limited first/second-hand evidence, splitting stopped traffic is safer 100% of the time.


Pretty much agree with everything you posted... :fuckyeah:

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This guy is who I was referring to. Let's break it down.




Complete disregard for other motorists. It's ok though. He wears protection. Then, if someone reacts to the ignorance, he wants them to die in a fire even though he CAUSED the initial reaction. Nobody would have to react if traffic laws were being obeyed by said rider.




Anyone causing havoc in traffic is the problem. I don't care if you're a rider, "cager", or on one of those new fangled adult big wheels going down 71 sideways. If you cause any type of chaos or rage then YOU'RE part of the problem, not those obeying traffic laws until you tick them off to the point of over reacting.


Oh well. Just my opinion. Take it or leave it. shrug.jpg


I agree with this

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Splitting on the highway isn't nearly as big of a deal as some of you try to make it. While not legal, a car generally has to TRY to hit you.


Again, the only time I've witnessed lane splitting on freeways the rider(s) were excessively breaking the speed limit and riding like douche nozzles. Nothing legal about that. YMMV.


If it becomes legal, cool. If not, cool. I'm indifferent. I dislike moronic driving regardless of means of transportation.

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