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WWCRD: scam

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halfway down the second page and i still dont follow. Heres what i gather....


-Your female boss is a whore and is loaning money to some "business" man half way around the world.

-"business" man promises to repay loaned monies with interest after 2 weeks

-obviously missed first 2 weeks, now up to 30k loaned.

-she wants to keep loaning money?

-whores husband has no idea any of this is going on


Bros before Hoes man. Tell the guy (assuming your friends with him). He might be angry at first but after he realizes what you did for him he will appreciate it.

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There is more to this than just what you know, I'm sure. This woman is a little mentally unstable and I don't mean that in an unsafe way- this is a behavior of someone who has been severely abused in one way or another.


If this is the case this is even more reason to get this shit done quicker before she is in deeper. If that is possible.

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She could be participating in money laundering given the small denominations to multiple accounts. She could go to jail - you need to raise your hand - this is serious business.

this is my first thought.


If you dont want to nut up, then you send an anonymous package with detailed information about what is going on, and what to look for and he will figure it out from there.


This is a no brainer, i dont even understand why you would not be sure on what to do?

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I can't believe people are this gullible. There has to be more to the story. She fell in love with someone overseas and is willing to send 30k+??? You need to warn him before his life is further ruined by her draining his apparent savings.
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She could be participating in money laundering given the small denominations to multiple accounts. She could go to jail - you need to raise your hand - this is serious business.

This. Even though she's doing it, if she's doing it from shared accounts it could be a big headache for him if anything going on is illegal.


I like the idea of an anonymous letter (printed, word document). This guy has to know, and if there is all this money missing it shouldn't be hard to prove.

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She could be participating in money laundering given the small denominations to multiple accounts. She could go to jail - you need to raise your hand - this is serious business.


This. You know and when it all comes to a head, and it will, they may find out you knew all along. Even if anon letter is sent, say something.

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Well, as of right now, they are vacationing in Hawaii. Do I call him up and tell him now? And ruin their vacation?


As soon as I know the situation I've been telling her that the FBI is tracking her because of her action. Just trying to scare her.


She's a very good person. I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for her. They moved to Florida seven years ago and things just not the same.

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Well, as of right now, they are vacationing in Hawaii. Do I call him up and tell him now? And ruin their vacation?


As soon as I know the situation I've been telling her that the FBI is tracking her because of her action. Just trying to scare her.


She's a very good person. I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for her. They moved to Florida seven years ago and things just not the same.


Good people can still be borderline retarded and a danger to themselves and those around him.


You will be kicking yourself for not acting immediately when they are destitute and begging YOU for help.


What would you (in her husbands shoes) want you (as yourself) to do? A marriage is built on mutual trust, love, and respect (afaik, I'm not married so what do I know). There is no trust to be had in that relationship. If the marriage is going to succeed AT ALL you need to show him they need to rebuilt because as far as he knows, he can and should trust her. If the marriage falls apart, it was going to anyways and they'd be a lot worse off financially.


Say these 2 things out loud to yourself:


"My bitch of an ex wife sent all our money to some fucker in Malaysia. I'm broke but now I still own half her debts."




"My bitch of an ex wife tried to send all our money to some fucker in Malaysia, but some nosy former coworker let me in on it. Cost me my marriage and $50k but at least I'm out."


Those are the 2 worst case scenarios. Pick one, because you hold the power here.

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She could be participating in money laundering given the small denominations to multiple accounts. She could go to jail - you need to raise your hand - this is serious business.


This is the angle I'm sdoping her. Hopefully it'll scare her enough until the scammer show his true face.


And also I did text the husband. Let's hope and pray they can work things out.

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There is more to this than just what you know, I'm sure. This woman is a little mentally unstable and I don't mean that in an unsafe way- this is a behavior of someone who has been severely abused in one way or another.


I know from personal experience that you are probably right.


I also know that people fall for these scams all the time.

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Oh god please tell the husband so he can rid his life of that shit


Plus one for this. She's pissing away THOUSANDS of dollars and ruining BOTH their lives.


If I was the husband and found out you knew and didn't intervene, I'd be pissed. $25-$30k pissed.

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She could be participating in money laundering given the small denominations to multiple accounts. She could go to jail - you need to raise your hand - this is serious business.


This. You never know what some crazy asshole in another country is doing... Also you might want to inform the husband ASAP because who knows if shes sending the dude money while shes even in Hawaii.


This is serious beyond serious, and he needs to find out right away, to hell with the marriage. She apparently doesnt give two shits about her husband if shes having an online relationship with someone halfway across the world and is sending all sorts of money (That may or may not be hers) to this dude.


IMO the best thing to do is to let this guy know IMMEDIATELY. Shit, even if you dont want them to know you did it, im sure someone on here will gladly call him for you and let him know whats up.

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This. You never know what some crazy asshole in another country is doing... Also you might want to inform the husband ASAP because who knows if shes sending the dude money while shes even in Hawaii.


This is serious beyond serious, and he needs to find out right away, to hell with the marriage. She apparently doesnt give two shits about her husband if shes having an online relationship with someone halfway across the world and is sending all sorts of money (That may or may not be hers) to this dude.


IMO the best thing to do is to let this guy know IMMEDIATELY. Shit, even if you dont want them to know you did it, im sure someone on here will gladly call him for you and let him know whats up.


Best advice so far.

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There is more to this than just what you know, I'm sure. This woman is a little mentally unstable and I don't mean that in an unsafe way- this is a behavior of someone who has been severely abused in one way or another.


Do you have to be severely abused as an excuse for stupidity and fuckery? I'm not saying her gullibility and lack of self esteem may've not resulted from some sort of abuse, physical or otherwise, but I almost feel like you're slyly pointing the finger at the guy. Perhaps, I'm misunderstanding.


Either way, zero excuse for what this woman is doing if this is all true. If you're in an unhappy relationship, get the fuck out. Don't start abusing your spouse in various ways, as well. Be an adult.

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