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American sniper


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but I heard this dude isn't as heroic as it sounds.



I'm sure the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Biopics, biographies, and autobiographies don't show you all the little moments that make people human beings. No racist jokes between close friends under a hush, no one farts as loud as possible and yucks about it for a minute, you don't see secret weaknesses/insecurities exploited during a lover's spat, or the minor squabbles we all participate in as life slowly passes, so on. Just the hard-hitting stuff gets in because of time-constraints, or message-sculpting. Regardless of who is telling the story, or what it's about, the smart money is that it's embellished here and there. If there's a sleazy record producer, corrupt politician, or rival (insert sportsball) player or coach they are rarely fleshed out, or given motivations beyond "obstacle for protagonist". That doesn't make me less excited to see this film, it's on my must-see list.


No one is as heroic, or evil, as they are made out to be by the media at large.

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I definitely didn't do a ton of research into any of it, and it doesn't take away the legacy he left behind (at least to me), just curious if I was the only one who heard that. The link definitely has some strange stuff in it, but again, it doesn't mean not to go see the movie or respect this guy.
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I definitely didn't do a ton of research into any of it, and it doesn't take away the legacy he left behind (at least to me), just curious if I was the only one who heard that. The link definitely has some strange stuff in it, but again, it doesn't mean not to go see the movie or respect this guy.


There are certain groups of people that are going to pathetic lengths to discredit this movie, Kyle, and his legacy.

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I have the book and am starting it today. I really want to see the movie but will wait to see it after I'm done reading.


Books are always better than the movie they are based on...but I am looking forward to seeing this movie.



Finished the book last night...simply couldn't put it down. Had no football have been on as a distraction I would have finished sooner. For those that have not yet read it, I highly suggest picking up a copy. Very good read.


As stated in the book, the only way the armed forces confims a kill is with a witness and for the target to die in front of them. So, I find it very possible that Chris shot way more than 160 targets while deployed and then they simply lost site of them. If a fire fight, are you going to think that you will keep your first target in site after seeing the hit to make sure they died on the spot?


Chris would be the first to tell you that he didn't typically take the low percentage head shot and would aim center mass. A center mass hit with a high powered rifle like a .300 win mag or .308 or .338 is going to kill you...even if you are able to crawl away or behind an object you will more than likely bleed out especially with the limited medical resrouces available by the Iraqi's.


I 100% support his actions and am glad to know that there are service men like him that are/were willing to do what was necessary in WAR to get the job done.


Now, going to New Orleans and shooting looters sounds a little out there but hey, it very well could have happened and then been covered up. I'm sure much crazier things have happend.


End of the day, I am very much looking forward to seeing the movie and will read his other book.


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Dude's a piece of shit. Hops on Twitter to call all snipers cowards yet never served himself, nor would he have the balls to say that to their faces. Fucking coward.


I despised him from the very moment I saw "Roger and Me". I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire.


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Saw it last night also. The movie was great. What I'm most pleased with, were the patrons at the theater we went to, Easton IMAX. I didn't see one person get up the whole movie. Not for food or to go to the bathroom. There was no talking or whispering that I saw. And, when the movie was over, no one said one word. It was like every one was honoring a monment of silance. I was very impressed by a group that size and what I viewed as the level of respect given.


You definitely had a better viewing experience than i did. Older guy and his wife walk in 10 minutes late, literally struts across the first row obstructing view for everyone in the small Arena Grand theater. A few mintues later takes a picture on his cell phone of the screen, than 10 minutes before the movie ends he struts out again. Afterwards my buddy and i saw both he and his wife walk into another movie that was just starting. Top that all off the lady next to me is giving her own commentary for every scene, hate that.


Other than that I really enjoyed the movie. I feel like it was less of a 'war movie' than it was a story being told about someone. Without posting spoilers I think they aced the end. Had they given it any more screen time it would've taken away from the rest of the movie. And those scenes at the very end had to be real. Place was silent for the ending credits but i did hear some people getting choked up, understandable.

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Seth Rogan doesn't seem to be a fan of the movie either... In regards to Kyle's death, conspiracy theorist, believe it was a setup. Guy that does a lot of hush hush shit in the millirary, starts writing books about those things, next thing you know he's dead at the hands of a fellow armed service member?a I went and saw the movie once again yesterday with some family members, it was just as good as the first time I watched it. I was told that the end credits is in fact real footage of his funeral precession.
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. In regards to Kyle's death, conspiracy theorist, believe it was a setup..


I'm not big into the conspiracy theory stuff.... But I do remember that quite a few "gun guys" died in very strange ways pretty close to each other. Kyle, Noveske, and Ratliff (the guy behind FPS Russia) They also all happened shortly after Sandy Hook when everyone was talking "gun bans" and all that.

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I remember reading about members of seal team 6 suddenly dying after killing bin laden.





Some stuff on the conspiracy



I'm not here to say that his or anyones death was part of a larger scheme, but you never know...hell, some people seem to think Kyle is still alive and was spotted in Boston at the marathon bombing. I feel some stuff is covered up and other stuff is just wishful thinking by conspiracy theorist.

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I like the part where Ventura is upset he's not welcome at SEAL events anymore... really is that some kind of shock when he did what he did... I also, don't understand how he won that lawsuit when in the end he admitted to doing all the things Kyle said he did in the book. I guess it's easier to attack someone when they have passed rather then when they are living...





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