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Lunch at work


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The last 3-4 months I've quit going out to lunch while working. My savings account has loved the extra attention. Just started to get a little bored with some lunches, so wanted ideas of what some people do for lunch?


Just put a mini-fridge under my desk at work just to make things even easier. Anyone have one at work that they keep stocked? List?

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Salads are pretty easy, except maybe having a ton of ingredients and cleanup.


Could prep it all into baggies in advance though.


One of my favs


4c. Lettuce(s) - I like the Baby spinach / arugula mix

2tbsp. diced cucumber

2tbsp. diced tomato

2tbsp. black beans


buy a bag of those salad tortilla pieces

buy a bag of refrigerated salad chicken

sprinkle some ground red pepper


some shredded cheddar if you like

mix it all up



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The last 3-4 months I've quit going out to lunch while working. My savings account has loved the extra attention. Just started to get a little bored with some lunches, so wanted ideas of what some people do for lunch?


Just put a mini-fridge under my desk at work just to make things even easier. Anyone have one at work that they keep stocked? List?


I try to cook dinners that allow for multipurpose leftovers. Last night I made chicken legs, today I have one to eat stock, thursday I will strip two of them of meat and make BBQ chicken salad, Friday will be chicken wraps.


I'm also a big fan of using wraps to change things up. You can add all kinds of protein and veggies in them to allow for a more filling meal.


Are you a fan of any particular type of ethnic food?

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I'm typically a 'pack lunch' type of guy. I'm pretty simple though



I'll buy a big bag of frozen chicken breast from Meijer/Kroger and make chicken on Sunday afternoon or during the week and separate it out into 2-3 meals throughout the week. I will just use some spices and Worcestershire sauce with an olive oil base so the chicken doesn't dry out when cooking. Then I cook up some white/brown rice and put in a separate container to take to work. Put a small pat of butter on top of the rice so when you warm it up, it doesn't dry it out and have some chicken and rice.


Since I try to workout 2-3 times a week, I buy Muscle Milk Light in the to-go containers from Costco (which helps me also get my 200g's of protein on lift days) and keep those in the fridge for a nice snack to keep hunger pangs down.




Roasted/Salted Almonds are a good source of fat for the diet, and Almonds also suppress the appetite as well. Just grab a handful with some water for a snack as well.


Also get the Jif to-go containers and you can have some crackers with PB, or if you like celery you can scoop with that.


Instant oatmeal is always an easy one, just keep the box/packs in your drawer/cube/etc and can be eaten out of a Styrofoam cup if you want, and if you work in a office with a coffee service, then you probably have a coffee maker with one of those instant hot water taps for tea, which works great for instant oatmeal too.


Go to the deli counter and get some good deli meat and chesse and make yourself a sandwich. Sometimes, I'll pack the meat and bread in separate bags so I can leave the bread out of the fridge to stay fresh, and then just make it at your desk....keep some mustard or mayo in your fridge for condiments on the sandwich without it soaking into the bread. If you have a toaster at work, try toasting the bread first and then adding the meat (sometimes I'll heat up the meat in the microwave to and have a hot sandwich)


Also, Costco sells the boxes of pre-bagged chips/pretzels and granola bars that will last you quite some time. They also sell huge packs of Gatorade/V8 fusion/bottled water/etc.


Lastly, I'll keep the Keebler snack crackers in the drawer for a nice snack as well





I also have a sweet tooth, so I'll keep some sugar free gum at my desk for those sugar cravings.



Sometimes, I'll pack some chips/drink and then just get a sandwich from Wendy's/Penn Station/etc to help cut down on lunch costs, since you can sometimes get the sandwich cheap by itself...it's usually the 'value meal' that gets ya on the wallet and the waistline.



Good luck. Saves a ton of money when you do it right.



EDIT: Pic of the what's left of Chicken/rice for the week. Takes about 30-40 mins to prep/cook/put in tupperware, that you can just throw in lunchbag.



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I pack the same shit every single day. I got into a habit several years ago to eat small meals every 2 hours. I eat breakfast and dinner at home. This is what I take to work:


snack: Apple & protein bar

lunch: banana & turkey sammich

snack: protein drink

snack: tuna & yogurt

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I try to cook dinners that allow for multipurpose leftovers. Last night I made chicken legs, today I have one to eat stock, thursday I will strip two of them of meat and make BBQ chicken salad, Friday will be chicken wraps.


This is what I do as well. My wife and I use our crock pot on a regular basis and it allows us to have leftovers for at least one night and allows me to take some in to work as well. My usual staple though is lunch meat sandwich on multi-grain bread, some fruit (apple, peaches, clemetines), a yogurt and some pretzels or tortilla chips. Sometimes I'll do PB&J or make a tuna salad as well.

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This is such a tough subject for me. I try to pack, but end up hating everything. I end up bringing Stouffer's meals and a sandwich. Either PB&J or lunch meat. Then a pile of all day snack. Chips, cheez-its, etc. Oh a yogurt as well. It's much better when I'm working out cause I add a protein shake that helps.
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Microwave bags of frozen rice and random vegetables is an easy lunch. I hope you can stand being vegetarian for a meal. The ones at target are pretty cheap. They are always my go to when I don't feel like cooking. You could add leftover chicken breasts if you want protein. Lunch meat sandwiches are always good. I go for salty italian pork. Buy from the deli not the pre-packaged shit. This is one of the reasons God made animals. Prosciutto, cajun chicken or turkey, and baby swiss is the best. Salami is another option. Salad is easy and comes in a bag. Don't do the frozen TV dinner meals. That food is so bad for your body.
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I usually do two chicken tenders either from Costco or Trader Joes (Pesto, Sun dried Tomato or Mexican) with a cup of veggies. I then have my protein shake after I work out on lunch and usually holds me over till dinner time. Some days I get sick of it and I just have to go out and get something. I try to keep it somewhat healthy depending on where the work group goes.
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I'm sure the 800mg of sodium isn't helping



^^ This! The amount of preservatives they put in those (basically salt) is through the roof. Try and get more 'natural' food in your lunches. Shop on the outside circle at the grocery store first, before you shop the inner.

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I have pretty much the same thing every week. Monday and Wednesday is a roast beef and swiss sandwich with some kettle cooked salt and vinegar chips and a fruit mix of different types of berries. Tuesday and Thursday is salad with chicken or tuna on top and the same berry mix. And Friday is pb&j with baked lays chips and again the fruit mix. For breaks I take a protien bar and Gatorade for one and a rtd protien drink, mixed nuts and an apple or orange for my second break. Been doing it the same way fro about 6 years. It just works, and my weight stays pretty steady at about 200.
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