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My Apology to everyone on here I've attacked for Spiritual reasons


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It's the thought that counts, not our opinions. Thanks Bill. Worship goats and I'd still give you props, no different to me. I grew up Catholic but am pretty much a Born Again Nothing. Looking for 8 days of presents, forgiveness each week and hoping to nail 40 virgins in real life let alone when I die. All good.
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It seems that you have been through a ton the last few years, so I'm happy for you. Faith is a good thing and I hope it continues to help you :thumbup:


Yes I have, But what I went through made me a stronger more caring man. I know many people call it a crutch but for me it's not a crutch its just a peace. I honest to god LIKE myself. I look in the mirror and the guy looking back is someone I like. I never felt this way in the past.


Another thing that would shock CR... I have 2 children that play a role in my life now. My GF has 2 daughters and we take them out for fun things and I've even GASP baby sat... Boy has my life changed allot!

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What about the other reasons you have attacked people?


I stand behind my political attacks :) Honestly I've transgressed towards many because of my own bitterness. I just felt compelled to share the religious aspect with CR as I've been a member of CR for a long time and CR has been there for me at some dark points.

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Yes I have, But what I went through made me a stronger more caring man. I know many people call it a crutch but for me it's not a crutch its just a peace. I honest to god LIKE myself. I look in the mirror and the guy looking back is someone I like. I never felt this way in the past.


Another thing that would shock CR... I have 2 children that play a role in my life now. My GF has 2 daughters and we take them out for fun things and I've even GASP baby sat... Boy has my life changed allot!

This is most important, you can't do much for someone else until you get right with yourself.

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This is most important, you can't do much for someone else until you get right with yourself.


I never realized this before but now I do. I wasn't a bad husband to my wife. I was loyal stood by her side through thick and thin. BUT now I just see things so different.


Kids really do change things.

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Yes I have, But what I went through made me a stronger more caring man. I know many people call it a crutch but for me it's not a crutch its just a peace. I honest to god LIKE myself. I look in the mirror and the guy looking back is someone I like. I never felt this way in the past.


Another thing that would shock CR... I have 2 children that play a role in my life now. My GF has 2 daughters and we take them out for fun things and I've even GASP baby sat... Boy has my life changed allot!


It's amazing, the places we find happiness are the most unlikely to have been the first choice.

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It's amazing, the places we find happiness are the most unlikely to have been the first choice.


Agreed, The way I met my GF is unique within itself. When my wife had a stroke she was the person who helped me take care of her until the squad arrived. My wife called Naomi her only friend in California. It's crazy how things happen sometimes.

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So, intsa family & religion all in one fell swoop? In other words, did you get into religion due to the new GF?


At any rate, whatever makes you happy.


No actually I didn't get into it because of the GF. I wasn't dating when I had my spirtual awakening. It honestly happened one night I was sitting home alone very depressed and I just had an epifany i guess. It was beyond anything I can describe easily. Put it like this I knew from that point forward I could no longer call myself a Atheist .



As I progressed I joined a Life group and explored my spirituality.

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I'm a hard person to shock being an Electrician, but I was shocked to read that you have a GF with 2 kids less than 6 months after your wife passed. Tread lightly with change...


You may be rushing certain things


I understand your concern, had her and I not started this adventure as nothing more then friends and neither of us looking for a relationship I'd be more concerned. But honestly I've never met someone I can get along with the way I get along with her. We were Very close friends before we took the next step.


Also something to keep in mind is my wife has been on the verge of Death for a while. It's not cool but its a reality that her and I had discussed in length.


If I could ask my wife what she thinks of the new me and all the aspects of my life I would say she would be PROUD and happy for me.

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Not that it's anyone here's business, (although I wouldn't tell you jerks if I did something spiritual like Thorne did so I guess it's on him), but I knew Mandy too and I am sure she would be happy and supportive of him. What Thorne went through is a lot for such a young person and many spouses wouldn't have stayed or been as supportive as he was to her through YEARS of her being sick.
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You have belittled me and bashed me in the past. Said I was ignorant (verdict still out on that one) and a slew of other things. Now would be a good time to have an egotistical "I told you so" attitude...





...but I won't. I don't believe MY faith should be pushed on ANYONE. What I will say, as a known believer, is this: it takes a BIG man to publicly speak out like this. For THAT I applaud you. Not just for getting saved/baptized/whatever, but for trying to mend fences. Glad you have found some peace man.

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You have belittled me and bashed me in the past. Said I was ignorant (verdict still out on that one) and a slew of other things. Now would be a good time to have an egotistical "I told you so" attitude...





...but I won't. I don't believe MY faith should be pushed on ANYONE. What I will say, as a known believer, is this: it takes a BIG man to publicly speak out like this. For THAT I applaud you. Not just for getting saved/baptized/whatever, but for trying to mend fences. Glad you have found some peace man.




It's not easy to admit your wrong but at the same time It's freeing. I'm sure Dr Rick would be tickled pink to read this thread.

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