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Getting my fatass in shape


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You don't realize how big you are, until you step on a scale, start working out and look at side by side shots. That happened to me recently. 3 weeks ago, I went to the dr and was horrified when I got on the scale. I weighed in at 309lbs, by far the most I have ever weighed. Being 6'6 I was able to mask a lot of the weight from others and even myself. I knew I had gained weight because I could feel it in my knees and back especially. After leaving the Dr. I decided it was time to change my life.


Seeing Slimpsy's thread on here motivated me as well. I didn't want to take over his thread with my weight loss, so created my own.


I started by joining a kickboxing class with my wife and brother in law. Two nights a week, 45-60minutes of high intensity cardio, I also started going to the gym 3 times a week to lift. Twice a week I am at the gym by 6am and the 3rd day is Sunday at noon. The workouts usually last 30-40 minutes, but we get a ton of lifts done in that time, basically just attack it. Exercise is only half the battle, it does no good to exercise and continue to eat like s***. I had to give up one of the things I love most in life, food! Out with window with all the junk and garbage I was putting into my body. My new diet consist of chicken, fish, egg whites and green vegetables.


Anyways here is a progress pic, so far I am down 25lbs as of 2/25 and feeling a lot better. I want to lose another 35 which would put me at 250lbs. I will be happy at that weight for a little while, eventually I wouldn't mind cutting back to 235. Aside from me feeling better and being healthy, my car will be lighter haha. I started this journey on 2/4




My weekly trip to the grocery store now



Starting to see some definition in my arms and legs (that's my buddy Joel to the left of me, I work out at his gym)


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WOW! That much progress in 14 days is awesome!!


Remember, that it's 70% diet and 30% working out. So, keep that diet on point and you will continue to succeed. I'm on a similar journey as you, trying to lose about 20 pounds. Been going to the gym about 4 times a week and have completely changed my diet as well.


Keep it up, man...I've been feeling SO much better on a day to day basis, as I'm sure you have too.


Just remember the smaller you get and more in shape you get, the harder it will be to keep losing weight like you did in the first 14 days, so DON'T GET DISCOURAGED!


I love seeing these threads in here, seriously awesome job :thumbup:

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I know a lot of what I lost was water weight, but I don't feel so bloated anymore. My stomach was like a rock before, now it's not nearly as hard. I am prepared to plateau at some point, but will continue doing what I am doing now. I haven't picked up a weight in 12 years, so I am pretty happy with my numbers on each lift. Every time out I have put up more weight than the previous time. Today for instance I did a set of 8 leg presses at 550lbs, last week was 505 8 times. The diet has been the most difficult thing for me as I am not a fan of vegetables, however I am a fan of living longer and enjoying my son. I got to the point where I was unable to really play with him because I was tired, my back hurt and I was lazy basically. My wife signed us up for a 5k in July with some friends, so once the weather breaks I will begin training for that. We live 30 seconds away from the bike path, so I really have no excuse not to use it to my advantage.
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I know a lot of what I lost was water weight, but I don't feel so bloated anymore. My stomach was like a rock before, now it's not nearly as hard. I am prepared to plateau at some point, but will continue doing what I am doing now. I haven't picked up a weight in 12 years, so I am pretty happy with my numbers on each lift. Every time out I have put up more weight than the previous time. Today for instance I did a set of 8 leg presses at 550lbs, last week was 505 8 times. The diet has been the most difficult thing for me as I am not a fan of vegetables, however I am a fan of living longer and enjoying my son. I got to the point where I was unable to really play with him because I was tired, my back hurt and I was lazy basically. My wife signed us up for a 5k in July with some friends, so once the weather breaks I will begin training for that. We live 30 seconds away from the bike path, so I really have no excuse not to use it to my advantage.


Dude! Even more motivation to keep this joirney going (your wife and son). I have a 3 year old son and a little girl on the way in April, and that is my biggest motivation each time I need to push out that extra rep. or do that last 10 minutes of boring ass cardio!


If you're trying to lose weight, try to concentrate more on higher reps (12-15). If you go too heavy, too quick, you're going to start hurting things. Just friendly advice.


Also, get yourself a workout journal, so you can track your weight, reps, sets, and even how you're feeling each day. I know it sounds corny, but it's helped me figure out what works and what doesn't as well as, what I should be eating before a workout (If I'm getting light headed or have enough energy to get through a workout). When you start cutting calories and such, you need to make sure you know what works. I made my own, but the east button is a Fitbook. http://www.getfitbook.com/fitbook-p/ftbk-black-red-001.htm


Again, just my .02 of knowing what works and what doesn't for me YMMV

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I keep a book that tracks my weight, reps, sets actually. I have myfitnesspal downloaded on my phone, which I use to track my daily intake. The only thing I don't like about the app is it doesn't have weight lifting or kickboxing in the workout section, so I don't use that function. I judge my workouts based on the amount of sweat I have pouring from my head and how exhausted I am after each. I do use a pre-workout (c4) and post workout (syntha 6 protein shake). I start with a set of 8 warmups no matter what lift I am doing, then we usually do 3 sets of 8, a light weight, last times weight and then a new personal record weight. I end each workout with a set of abs and some other sort of non weight lifting exercise. Today it was 3 sets of parking lot lunges up and back across the gym (6 times total), followed by 50 crunches on the roman chair. Tonight at kickboxing we will do more abs, legs and arms, by the time we are done I will be on the mat dead to the world for about 5 minutes or so haha. I also stretch before lifting or doing any sort of exercising, I have learned that my big body needs to loosen up before doing anything or else I feel like death.
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Congrats man!! Here's a little incentive for any car guy to lose some weight



Ive been wondering how weight loss translates in terms of hp so I did some rough calculations that might be interesting to you all. If you assume a 3500 lb car with 500 hp, each 100 lbs of weight loss translates to this amount of power. Math experts please correct me if im wrong.


Weight....actual HP.........lbs/hp.............relative power

3500.......500.................7.0................ .500

3400.......500.................6.8................ .514.7

3300.......500.................6.6................ .530.3

3200.......500.................6.4................ .546.9

3100.......500.................6.2................ .564.5

3000.......500.................6.0................ .583.3


So a 300lb weight loss is the equivalent of adding 47 hp if my calculations are correct. Interesting to note that going from 3500 to 3400 is only equivalent to 14.7 hp and going from 3100 to 3000 is equivalent to gaining 18.8 hp. It would be interesting to make tables like this for cars with 600hp and 700 hp and so on. (rwm514)


But also remember lose weight can also result in losing TRACTION :)

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Awesome job man. I highly recommend you look into a more sustainable diet- I see it so often that people go from one extreme to the next and fall off the wagon because they get so burnt out on the same shit.


Make the new diet just as interesting and tasty as the old stuff you ate. I HIGHLY recommend you take a look at the Youtube channel "Fitmencook" and check out Kevin's site at http://www.fitmencook.com. I make his recipes all the time and it keeps my diet interesting. Otherwise, you'll hate this shit.


Keep it going, it'll be worth it in the end!

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Awesome job man. I highly recommend you look into a more sustainable diet- I see it so often that people go from one extreme to the next and fall off the wagon because they get so burnt out on the same shit.


Make the new diet just as interesting and tasty as the old stuff you ate. I HIGHLY recommend you take a look at the Youtube channel "Fitmencook" and check out Kevin's site at http://www.fitmentcook.com. I make his recipes all the time and it keeps my diet interesting. Otherwise, you'll hate this shit.


Keep it going, it'll be worth it in the end!


Awesome channel! Subscribed! I'm going to make those enchiladas tonight! ^^^


BTW, you put a 't' in that link, so it's a dead link....

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I need to start working out, but some diet modifications allowed me to lose over 10lbs in 2 weeks. It's startling how much diet actually affects weight, and I ate better than a majority of americans as it was. I cut out a greater portion of means. I eat more plant based foods now. And the meat I do eat, I eat in even lesser portions than I did before. I didn't eat a lot of snack foods before either, but even less now. If I want an even snack now, I toss together some pickled beets, pickled cucumbers, and some olives. Maybe a couple small slices of smoked gouda or sharp cheddar, and/or some almonds. You will find that as time goes on, you body actually becomes satisfied with smaller portions. So you will eat less, but not feel hungry.


Keep up the good work man.

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Awesome job man. I highly recommend you look into a more sustainable diet- I see it so often that people go from one extreme to the next and fall off the wagon because they get so burnt out on the same shit.


Make the new diet just as interesting and tasty as the old stuff you ate. I HIGHLY recommend you take a look at the Youtube channel "Fitmencook" and check out Kevin's site at http://www.fitmentcook.com. I make his recipes all the time and it keeps my diet interesting. Otherwise, you'll hate this shit.


Keep it going, it'll be worth it in the end!


Thanks, I will check that out! The wife got a recipe for low fat, low carb pizza that we're going to try out this week as well. Eating the same thing over and over every day definitely gets old. Luckily I like chicken and fish, I am not a huge fan of vegetables, but i'll manage through it.

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Awesome channel! Subscribed! I'm going to make those enchiladas tonight! ^^^


BTW, you put a 't' in that link, so it's a dead link....


Thanks for that! Kevin is probably my favorite YouTube channel...his videos are corny as fuck, but he makes it interesting and gives you step by step both on YouTube and his site. He CONSTANTLY posts new recipes.


Thanks, I will check that out! The wife got a recipe for low fat, low carb pizza that we're going to try out this week as well. Eating the same thing over and over every day definitely gets old. Luckily I like chicken and fish, I am not a huge fan of vegetables, but i'll manage through it.


No problem! Look up Kevin's Zucchini lasagna. I made it Sunday and it's seriously delicious. I can't stand cottage cheese but I gave it a shot with this and it was great. I just know how boring it gets. Just know, there are always recipes out there that will keep your motivation going.

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Great Job.


On April 1rst of last year, I weighed in at 322 pounds at 6 foot. Hence the "FatHemiDude" username.


This morning I weigh 200. Lots of cardio, dumbells and a lower carb diet, eliminating sugar 100%.


Words can't describe the difference in every aspect of my life. If I can do it, anyone can.

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No problem! I was the king of making excuses, said I didn't have time to goto the gym, no one to go with, ect... Now I'm up at 5:30 dragging ass to the gym twice a week. Those two days, we do cardio at night. In fact were heading there once the wife gets home. I basically had to stop making excuses in order to make changes.


Losing 122lbs in a year is awesome! I want to weigh 250 by May, I feel it's possible if I stick with my routine.

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Wife and I just finished a bulk...cut starts next Monday and I can't wait. I did manage to gain 6lbs of muscle in this bulk so I "did work" I suppose.


need to cut the fat and get in shape for track season.


Need that HP:Weight ratio!

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No problem! I was the king of making excuses, said I didn't have time to goto the gym, no one to go with, ect... Now I'm up at 5:30 dragging ass to the gym twice a week. Those two days, we do cardio at night. In fact were heading there once the wife gets home. I basically had to stop making excuses in order to make changes.


Losing 122lbs in a year is awesome! I want to weigh 250 by May, I feel it's possible if I stick with my routine.


Thanks, and you're 100% right. If you WANT to do it, you absoluetly can.


For me, it came to the point that I knew I needed to make the weight loss a top priority. I have a medical condition that requires frequent (monthly) trips to my physician. Before I took control of my weight, I wanted to discuss the long-term implications of my condition. He told me in a matter of fact way not to worry about them, as it was highly unlikely that I would live to see 60 at 322 pounds (I'm 52).


Talk about a wake-up call. I started walking an 8/10ths of a mile track at a local park at 6:30am. Did one lap the first outing and then sat in the car for a good 5 mins until my breathing calmed and my legs stopped shaking. Soon I was able to complete 2 laps, then 3, gradually working my way up to ten brisk laps a session.


Started swimming as well. I hadn't been in a pool since the Clinton administration, and bearing the soul I don't have here, I was incredibly embarrassed at my physical appearance. At 322 pounds, often in society one can feel invisible. I know that sounds counter-intuitive, but many in the general public simply ignore you, some out of kindness, the wish not to "stare", others for less benevolent motives. There is a certain cold comfort in being socially anonymous. However, a 322 pound guy sans shirt is difficult to miss poolside.


First time out, I swam 3 laps, and that 3rd lap was in doubt right up until I completed it. Climbing up the ladder at the shallow end to exit the pool felt akin to summiting K2. I was looking around for a Sherpa with an Oxygen cannister. My record now is 70 laps.


Bought a set of dumbells and began lifting for the first time in 30 years. My muscles were marshmellow-soft, and I was as weak as a kitten with asthma. My last workout I completed strict-form 4x15 curls with 30 pounders. A year ago, I would have thought that was impossible.


My Dr tells me I've added at least a decade to my life. I no longer have to take drugs to control hypertension, which I had done for years. My sleep apnea is long gone, I now sleep like a Lohan on 'ludes.


I was initally inspired by a post someone made right here on this forum about his weight loss experience. I can't find the thread now, but thank you from the bottom of my heart whoever you are. In a very real way, you saved my life.

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Thanks, and you're 100% right. If you WANT to do it, you absoluetly can.


For me, it came to the point that I knew I needed to make the weight loss a top priority. I have a medical condition that requires frequent (monthly) trips to my physician. Before I took control of my weight, I wanted to discuss the long-term implications of my condition. He told me in a matter of fact way not to worry about them, as it was highly unlikely that I would live to see 60 at 322 pounds (I'm 52).


Talk about a wake-up call. I started walking an 8/10ths of a mile track at a local park at 6:30am. Did one lap the first outing and then sat in the car for a good 5 mins until my breathing calmed and my legs stopped shaking. Soon I was able to complete 2 laps, then 3, gradually working my way up to ten brisk laps a session.


Started swimming as well. I hadn't been in a pool since the Clinton administration, and bearing the soul I don't have here, I was incredibly embarrassed at my physical appearance. At 322 pounds, often in society one can feel invisible. I know that sounds counter-intuitive, but many in the general public simply ignore you, some out of kindness, the wish not to "stare", others for less benevolent motives. There is a certain cold comfort in being socially anonymous. However, a 322 pound guy sans shirt is difficult to miss poolside.


First time out, I swam 3 laps, and that 3rd lap was in doubt right up until I completed it. Climbing up the ladder at the shallow end to exit the pool felt akin to summiting K2. I was looking around for a Sherpa with an Oxygen cannister. My record now is 70 laps.


Bought a set of dumbells and began lifting for the first time in 30 years. My muscles were marshmellow-soft, and I was as weak as a kitten with asthma. My last workout I completed strict-form 4x15 curls with 30 pounders. A year ago, I would have thought that was impossible.


My Dr tells me I've added at least a decade to my life. I no longer have to take drugs to control hypertension, which I had done for years. My sleep apnea is long gone, I now sleep like a Lohan on 'ludes.


I was initially inspired by a post someone made right here on this forum about his weight loss experience. I can't find the thread now, but thank you from the bottom of my heart whoever you are. In a very real way, you saved my life.


"Don't worry about it" ... wow. That would be a kick in the balls to hear something like that.



To the OP, congrats man. Taking the first step is always the hardest.


Experiment a bit with your food, eating the same 3 things over and over will get old quick. Keep up the good work.

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I have been watching healthy food channels on yourtube in my free time for some ideas. I'm also going to expand and try different green veggies. I think on my list next is celary and asparagus, maybe they'll grow on me as broccoli has. Having my wife and brother in law doing this with me has made it easier, I don't have someone at home eating junk in front of me and I have a workout partner to push/motivate me. It's become almost competition like with my brother in law as to how many lbs we lose and how much weight/reps we do. Being a competitive person, this works for me.
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