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Getting my fatass in shape


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So what are you doing? Like working out every day? dieting? what's the strategy here? My wife and I need to do something badly but we live in the middle of no where and have young kids which makes working out nearly impossible as they are up at 6am and don't get to sleep until 10 most nights. Trying to find out a good workout that is easy to follow with young kids. I'm hoping once it warms up, my wife can do water aerobics in the pool while kids swim around and I can start hitting the gym at work.


My wife was doing t25 after having our daughter a few months ago. She is down to pre-baby weight in 3.5mo. T25 mixed with drastically reducing the amount of sugar she consumes has seemed to work very well, and that didn't require a gym.

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Been a couple weeks, so figured I would share a couple pics I took today. I am down 50lbs officially with 12 more to go til my next goal weight. I think at that point I am going to bulk up a little bit and then cut again in a few months.


The picture on the left was taken almost exactly 1 year ago this week





If only the rest of my body was as ripped up as my legs haha




Keep it up man! People don't realize that one's body can be trained, (in regards to appetite and such), and then in turn, what a difference that food training can make.

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It's crazy how much I used to eat vs how I eat now. It was nothing for me to slay a large pizza, sub and half my wifes sub. Now I eat 2 slices on a cheat day and i'm feeling fat. Eating smaller meals 4 hours apart def helps me, compared to eating 2 large meals per day (lunch/dinner) like I used to do.
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  • 2 weeks later...

So in effort to challenge myself even more than I have been, I came up with a couple "brilliant" ideas haha. The first is what I am calling 500 rep Friday, basically me and my brother in law who is in this with me, will be doing 500 reps of various lifts, for which ever body part we are working out that day. For instance, last week was arms/chest and tomorrow is back/shoulders. It doesn't seem like a lot, until you get to rep 350 and realize you have 150 more reps to go. We do 10 different lifts, 50 reps each.


The other idea I cam up with is a 30 for 30 challenge. I am going to attempt to lose 30 more pounds in 30 days. This will give me a total weight loss of 80lbs in a little over 4 months. No I am not starving myself, I am just going to push myself to new limits in the weight room and really stick to my diet as I have had more cheat days recently than I probably should have. So far I am 4 days in to the challenge and down 4lbs. I have upped the reps in my normal workout from 8-10, to 12 and have started back in the cardio stuff twice a week. Today I weigh 255.4lbs, nearly 55lbs down over all. I'll post some pics and updates in a week or so. Hopefully these updates are motivating someone to get off their ass and start changing their life.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I weighed in this morning at 244, that is a total loss of 65lbs so far. I entered a 6 week transformation challenge on bodybuilding.com that starts tomorrow. I just want to see how shredded I can get in 6 weeks really, I will post pics of that as it goes. I never thought, getting my fatass in shape would become an obsession, but here we are!
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  • 3 weeks later...

So a little update for you guys (those that still care to read this thread). I am officially 70lbs lighter and feeling better than I have in years! For the first time since I was 15, I can actually see abs without trying to see them. My aunt took a picture from May of last year and put it next to one the wife and I took last night. It's insane how 70lbs of weight can change your looks. Hell my wife who is now pregnant with twins, looks even better than she did last year, she continues to workout with me while pregnant.



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Great job man! My "boot camp" starts tommorrow. I'm already getting a late to bed start but I'm on board with diet and food.


For weeks I've tried and lost about 8lbs but my goal in the next 6 weeks is 15. That's not a lot but hey, I'm only 190lbs today and most of my issue is snacking and no exercise.


I committed to a 5 month deal semi-private training and paid up front so now I have to go. It offers me 6 sessions per week which I'm doing every one of them. Trainer seems to think I'll do quite well given mine is pretty much just around the waist and snack/sugar driven.


I know I can do this and hope to lose even more. Honestly, if I can get back to 175lbs that puts me at my 2006 weight. I get 9 years back! From there if I can get to 160-165lbs I'll get back to circa 1997 weight.


No doubt I'll pack on some strength and muscle over the next few months helping create my old lean self. Need me to fit my ass back in 32-34" pants and I'll feel like I accomplished a lot.


Slimpsy, You and Thorne have been my CR inspiration to finally do something. Honestly though, my wife is 47 and I'm 45 and she's the same build and weight as when we got married and I can't let her continue to be stuck with an outta-shape me. I'm going for it now!


Continued thanks and good luck on your journey!

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You can do it man! I started this journey of mine by paying $30 a session for a personal trainer, who is now my business partner haha. It wasn't because I couldn't lift a weight, it was because paying that much held me accountable. Cutting out sugars and carbs should help you shed the pounds. I know by sticking to a low carb, low sugar, high protein diet I was able to shed the weight and continue to do so. Right now I am at a comfortable point where I am able to enjoy food once again, but with portion control. I am getting ready to begin a bulking stage as I am tired of being the weakest one in our gym. My bench press has gone down 40lbs since day 1 and I am not having that anymore haha.
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You can do it man! I started this journey of mine by paying $30 a session for a personal trainer, who is now my business partner haha. It wasn't because I couldn't lift a weight, it was because paying that much held me accountable. Cutting out sugars and carbs should help you shed the pounds. I know by sticking to a low carb, low sugar, high protein diet I was able to shed the weight and continue to do so. Right now I am at a comfortable point where I am able to enjoy food once again, but with portion control. I am getting ready to begin a bulking stage as I am tired of being the weakest one in our gym. My bench press has gone down 40lbs since day 1 and I am not having that anymore haha.


Accountability. 95% of my issue. I made 10 friends today that were in my class. I never sweat and hurt so much stretching and getting my hips and legs mobile like we started with. Pain never felt so good either :) Keep us posted on your progress.

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Keep up the good work man. This is very impressive. On a separate note, but still related to what you are doing, for anybody that cares about the kind of food they consume, I HIGHLY recommend reading "Eating on the Wild Side" by Jo Robinson. Some excellent info on the healthiest varieties of fruits and vegetables as well as proper storage, shelf life, and some good recipes.
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I made a decision 3 weeks ago to try and drop some weight. My approach was to eat better try and limit my pop intake while getting in some cardio. I'm not going total gym rat here infact I haven't joined a gym. trying to do it from home.


He's the background: My starting weight was 283.4lbs my height is 6'1". I'd pretty much eat whatever I wanted and whenever. Pizza and Coca Cola were my weakness. I'd eat fast food for lunch or dinner 3-4 times a week and have a double 1/4 pounder meal large size etc etc.


3wks ago I started eating better, no more fast food all the time and not the volume I had. Allowing myself 1 coke a week drinking a lot of water. I started the C25K running program ( currently on week 5 on the app). And being smarter about portion control. I'm also going to pick up the T25 program.


As of this morning my weight is 271.2lbs down 12.2lbs. My goal is 225-230lbs.



It's inspirational to read thread and those who have shared their story as well. I hope I have the drive to see my target weight.

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The first couple weeks people see big losses due to shedding mainly water weight. Do not let that discourage you, but understand what is going on with your body. What we do at our gym is start everyone off with a day 1 picture and take measurements, on woman it's hips, thighs, waist, on me we do chest, bicep and waist. Progress fuels motivation and what better to show progress than measurements and pictures. I got caught up in weighing myself constantly, that's not a terrible thing but I know how off a scale can be. For instance the scale in my gym can be manipulated 17lbs depending on what part of the floor we have it on. Lastly, set small goals! A lot of people go into this with the mind set of, "I am going to lose 100lbs" and get a quarter of the way there before giving up. I did 10lbs goals, everytime I hit that, I set another 10lb goal.
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You're doing awesome man, it takes hard work and determination. I have enjoyed biking the past couple months along with pushing a double stroller with my kids in it running. Stepping back and seeing the progress makes it all worth it. Here is a photo of my journey!



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Glad to see you're sticking with it! Congrats


I've always been in good shape, but the past year haven't worked out and lost a lot of definition, Not overweight or anything (weigh 165lbs) and also haven't cared as much about my diet. This thread made me think about that, went vegan shortly after you posted this. One of the best choices I've made.

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Great job!


I started lifting again when i read this thread months ago. I'm only down 15lbs (6' 240lbs - 225) but I have a lot more muscle definition, strength, and stamina. Now when I play hockey i dont get tired by the second period and my leg/core strength is way up.


Ideally I would like to get to 210ish but I know exactly what it requires, diet and watching my caloric intake and thats the toughest part. I actually enjoy going to the gym and slinging weights but now you're telling me I cant have any sour cream on my chipotle burrito?! fml

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Haha, that's how I got fat to begin with. My wife was pregnant with our oldest son and I ate the shit out of Taco Bell with her. This pregnancy she is doing kickboxing twice a week and lifting arms/chest with me once a week. She is 21 weeks pregnant with twins and her BP is the best it's ever been. We had a checkup on Wednesday and the Dr was more than pleased with her health right now. She looks better pregnant with twins than she did a year ago. Luckily this time around, we are both eating healthy and if/when she decides to eat like shit I am too busy at the gym I recently opened with a couple friends of mine to succumb to it.
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  • 1 month later...

So I am down 75lbs total and comfortable at that weight for the time being. I have decided to begin bulking up and put some good, clean mass on my body. I have been doing this for the last 8 weeks or so 100% natural (minus pre-workout and protein shakes). I am pretty happy with the results so far. Here are some recent pictures.


This picture is exactly 1 year apart. My wife looks healthier now, pregnant with twins than she did 4 years after having our son. It helps having her staying fit with me



This is also almost 1 year exact difference



Now for some bulking pictures...first my back. I am starting to get the v taper everyone desires. Not to mention my lats and traps are getting bigger



I had a buddy snap this picture without me knowing and post it on facebook. I had to do a double take when I saw it, to make sure it was really me haha.


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