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Running Coaches/Nutrition Help ::UPDATE::


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Okay, so I have started running again after taking a 4 year break (give or take 6 months). It sucks.


While running I am experiencing severe pain in my calves, something worse than cramping it feels. Like, my whole lower leg beneathe the knee seizes. I loose mobility and run with "fixed" ankles. Imagine how Gumby would run, a stiff shuffle. It is worse in my left leg than my right and starts at about 1-1.25 miles. I keep running, because walking brings on the pain.


This problem is not new, it started when I would run distances greater than 2miles about 4 years ago.


I am wondering if anyone has experienced this. If not does anyone know of a good coaching service or nutritionist in the Columbus are for runners. My end goal is to be able to run about 15 miles continuous.


My current training to try to return to running is the Couch to 5k program to start.



Thanks for any help.

Edited by Rhett
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I've been running marathons for about 4 years now. The best advice I can give you is get some proper shoes. A lot of people think that simply buying some off the shelf running shoes will be good.


If you haven't done so already, get a foot analysis. Most running stores will do it for free. This way you can get a shoe tailored to your foot strike.


The first time I spent a few extra bucks and got correct shoes I was in heaven. The difference they make is incredible.


I highly recommend Fleet Feet. Great people and cover everything from coaching, nutrition, and have a great community.



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Sounds like splints. I get them on my shins after i havnt ran in a while. They go away after a few weeks and dont return.



Splints are the front of you leg (shin splints) seizing if muscles can also mean you need more water.


I would second going to fleet feet as well for a running test

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Might want to go see a Doc, could be Neuropathy related (especially if you have high arches).


+A million on a good, properly fitted shoe, along with some custom orthodics (although those can get expensive).


Personally I gave up running two years ago because foot pain. Switched over to an elliptical and honestly couldn't be happier, although I look like a complete fag whilst on one, and I miss the fresh air while running.

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SO here is the thing.


Running is dumb/dumb/dumb...Why destroy your body running? Other then it is the "cheapest easiest" way to make living after 50 awful...Sorry runners but it is just stupid, and you know it. See the above post is another easy example...


Get back on your bike, save your knees, shins, ankles,body in general. Get the same vo2 output work, accomplishing the same or if not better calorie consumption, the ability to ride for longer then a 20 minute crap run which really doesn't do much for endurance work.


Honestly bike riding is by far your best bet if you take it seriously and you wont have any shin pain.


I am happy to go over nutrition with you if you would like, but only if you stop destroying your body running haha. Running is SO hard on your joints compared to other endurance alternatives, it is just plain goofey sadistic torture to your self in the short and long term.

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SO here is the thing.


Running is dumb/dumb/dumb...Why destroy your body running? Other then it is the "cheapest easiest" way to make living after 50 awful...Sorry runners but it is just stupid, and you know it. See the above post is another easy example...


Get back on your bike, save your knees, shins, ankles,body in general. Get the same vo2 output work, accomplishing the same or if not better calorie consumption, the ability to ride for longer then a 20 minute crap run which really doesn't do much for endurance work.


Honestly bike riding is by far your best bet if you take it seriously and you wont have any shin pain.


I am happy to go over nutrition with you if you would like, but only if you stop destroying your body running haha. Running is SO hard on your joints compared to other endurance alternatives, it is just plain goofey sadistic torture to your self in the short and long term.


This is so incredibly wrong. You can damage your knees doing any exercise, low impact or not, if you don't have the right equipment and technique.


We know that weight-bearing exercise, such as running, helps prevent osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Repetitive weight bearing and motion are good for the joints, and running essentially does that.


"Running gets a bad rap, but running can strengthen the knee, and those who run throughout their lives have stronger knees than those who don't," according to physical therapist Michael Silverman, P.T., M.S.P.T., coordinator of the Tisch Performance Center at the Hospital for Special Surgery.


In fact, the largest study of runners ever completed, which was recently published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, concluded that running does not increase the risk of osteoarthritis (cartilage breakdown), even in marathoners. And, get this: Runners had half the incidence of knee osteoarthritis compared to walkers.


Obviously if you have poor form or crappy shoes, then yes you'll get hurt. OP is looking for advice on how to prevent that. Just because you're terrible at something doesn't mean you should talk negatively about it.

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This is so incredibly wrong. You can damage your knees doing any exercise, low impact or not, if you don't have the right equipment and technique.


We know that weight-bearing exercise, such as running, helps prevent osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. Repetitive weight bearing and motion are good for the joints, and running essentially does that.


"Running gets a bad rap, but running can strengthen the knee, and those who run throughout their lives have stronger knees than those who don't," according to physical therapist Michael Silverman, P.T., M.S.P.T., coordinator of the Tisch Performance Center at the Hospital for Special Surgery.


In fact, the largest study of runners ever completed, which was recently published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, concluded that running does not increase the risk of osteoarthritis (cartilage breakdown), even in marathoners. And, get this: Runners had half the incidence of knee osteoarthritis compared to walkers.


Obviously if you have poor form or crappy shoes, then yes you'll get hurt. OP is looking for advice on how to prevent that. Just because you're terrible at something doesn't mean you should talk negatively about it.


It is not incredibly wrong (plenty of science out there to support the counter argument to those quip quotes), it is more so incredibly jaded from my perspective, but not wrong. Disclaimer : yes not all runners get arthritis or have issues, but I would venture to say a very high percentage do, very high, especially those who do it a lot. So again there are better alternatives to achieve long term fitness, ala cycling. Besides going faster on a bike is much more enjoyable then pounding along at 5 mph.


They are showing more so Osteoarthritis is directly correlated to genetics rather then use from my readings. Additionally it is not just the knee which suffers from abuse, its the whole body; again genetics. The amount of forces on the body from running are incredible, and ones body is only designed to take so much of those forces with out having negative outcomes.


Poor form; this is another one that gets me in the runners world. Humans have a natural gate unique to their genetic make up, please tell me how much "form" changes that. I suppose their maybe a small amount of manipulation one could achieve to help make running for them "easier, faster, less painful" but its minor at best.


I guess my beef is personal, and being a convert from running for 24 years (soccer basketball track 5k 10k blah blah blah ect) to now being and avid cyclist and how I feel physically. Talking with many P.T's and orthos "most" seem to think like myself as they see first hand cases.


There are few things in the endurance world harder then cycling, and I can tell you running is not one of them; cross country skiing is one of those things. Cycling is a much more efficient use of wattage and your cardiovascular system, the calorie burn is much higher for riding as well, so Rhett you will loose more weight faster.

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Rhett, I'm not an avid runner but it's my go-to exercise. After working with Frontrunner for 2 years through my involvement with the UA Civic Association's Memorial Day 5-mile Run, I made my wife go there to prep for her first half-marathon. They do a really good job at working with runners on what their goals are, bodytypes, running styles, etc...





If a "cheap" pair of running sneakers are $50-$75 these days, you could be in that store, talking with someone, and coming out with a pair of running shoes and a MUCH better knowledge of what you need to do to run healthily for $100-150. Well worth the investment.

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Another +1 for Fleet Feet. Just started running again as well. Fleet Feet will actually video you while running on a treadmill and then show you in slow motion whether you pronate (under/over) or run neutral and then start fitting shoes from there. I just bought a new pair about 2 weeks ago and got the Saucony Ride 7's. I run neutral with a leading heel strike, and the shoes feel like i'm wearing nothing, so definitely get over there and at least get fitted and go through the experience of seeing what it feels like.


As for your calves, that's a new one I've heard. I've heard of shin splints, but not this. My best guess would be dehydrated muscles. Also, get alot of potassium in your body for the sore muscles. If you're body feels thirsty, then you're already dehydrated. The day before your next run try and drink so much water that you are pissing clear all day and eat some bananas or cantalope (both high in potassium) and see how you feel. Also make sure you get a good stretch in on WARM muscles. Jog for about 1/4 mile with one little 80% sprint at the end and then get a good stretch. From there do your run and see how you feel.


Just some ideas to try.

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Ok, Ill look into fleetfeet and having my arches checked and all that goes along with it. Hopefully Ill be able to figure out if the shoes I am using are any good. Currently using the New Balance 880 and Adidas Duramo 6. Both have flatish soles.


My next run will be tomorrow, I will drink as much water as I can up until then starting now. I am also going to eat more bananas. BMWOHIO I am also going to try a warm up before stretching.


Brandon, I hate running and agree, its stupid. I will get back on the bike aswell. But the reason for running is, I got called by the Air Force a few weeks ago, asking if Id be interested in signing back up. The job that I would be offered required a little bit more running than just the 1.5mi test. What pissed me off is the only thing that would hold me back, cause me to fail is my physical condition, the lack of being able to run and being a a bit heavier than 170lbs. I just want to be at a place where if they call again, I can say yes or no on my own, not no because I can not pass the requirements. This goes for the upcoming CPD testing as well.

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Ok, Ill look into fleetfeet and having my arches checked and all that goes along with it. Hopefully Ill be able to figure out if the shoes I am using are any good. Currently using the New Balance 880 and Adidas Duramo 6. Both have flatish soles.


My next run will be tomorrow, I will drink as much water as I can up until then starting now. I am also going to eat more bananas. BMWOHIO I am also going to try a warm up before stretching.


Brandon, I hate running and agree, its stupid. I will get back on the bike aswell. But the reason for running is, I got called by the Air Force a few weeks ago, asking if Id be interested in signing back up. The job that I would be offered required a little bit more running than just the 1.5mi test. What pissed me off is the only thing that would hold me back, cause me to fail is my physical condition, the lack of being able to run and being a a bit heavier than 170lbs. I just want to be at a place where if they call again, I can say yes or no on my own, not no because I can not pass the requirements. This goes for the upcoming CPD testing as well.


What are the criteria you need to meet to "pass" your test? Obviously if running is a key test then you need to practice "some" running. Key here is some, it does not have to be all running.


I assume this means you said no?


Tell me what you need to hit. I can get you a plan to accomplish your goals, we will strap a HR monitor to you and rev that puppy out, and get your body used to longer more difficult efforts, that is the key; and not to eat with Hua! You can suffer through some slight muscle pains in the short run if necessary to pass a test.


And just as and fyi, the pains you are describing do not sounds like cramps or dehydration to me...but try it. Drink 50mg of caffeine prior to your next run as well, it will help you feel energized, fuck drink a mtn dew, it wont hurt you for a 30 minute effort, it will help more then hurt, and any moron to tell you it will hurt your performance in a 2 mile run is dumb, in a longer effort it can, but in short intervals, its has benefits, and 30 minutes is a short interval. The carbonation has no short term draw back, the simple sugars are good, and the caffeine is also a performance enhancer! (yes there are FAR better pre workout drinks, however in a pinch, do the dew)

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Ok, Ill look into fleetfeet and having my arches checked and all that goes along with it. Hopefully Ill be able to figure out if the shoes I am using are any good. Currently using the New Balance 880 and Adidas Duramo 6. Both have flatish soles.


My next run will be tomorrow, I will drink as much water as I can up until then starting now. I am also going to eat more bananas. BMWOHIO I am also going to try a warm up before stretching.


Brandon, I hate running and agree, its stupid. I will get back on the bike aswell. But the reason for running is, I got called by the Air Force a few weeks ago, asking if Id be interested in signing back up. The job that I would be offered required a little bit more running than just the 1.5mi test. What pissed me off is the only thing that would hold me back, cause me to fail is my physical condition, the lack of being able to run and being a a bit heavier than 170lbs. I just want to be at a place where if they call again, I can say yes or no on my own, not no because I can not pass the requirements. This goes for the upcoming CPD testing as well.


Awesome. Can't wait to hear if it's better

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They are showing more so Osteoarthritis is directly correlated to genetics rather then use from my readings.






run as much as you want. barring any major knee injury, genetics will determine when you get your hips/knees replaced. if running is what you love---if it keeps you from getting early heart disease, you'll be much better off in the long run.


i run 25-30 miles a week, and have been for better than a year. i also cycle, and swim, but running does it for me. i don't have two hours a day to cycle, but i have one hour a day to run 7-8 miles.

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run as much as you want. barring any major knee injury, genetics will determine when you get your hips/knees replaced. if running is what you love---if it keeps you from getting early heart disease, you'll be much better off in the long run.


i run 25-30 miles a week, and have been for better than a year. i also cycle, and swim, but running does it for me. i don't have two hours a day to cycle, but i have one hour a day to run 7-8 miles.



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What ever you do, please dont be one of those people on a bike taking up a lane on the road. Your a good dude, but dont make me mow your ass down in my grandpa car for being a dipshit in the middle of the road taking up a lane like you belong there. :fuuuu:


This has been a public service announcement brought to you by the anti bikers douche bag movement.



Ps hope u get that pain figured out.

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What ever you do, please dont be one of those people on a bike taking up a lane on the road. Your a good dude, but dont make me mow your ass down in my grandpa car for being a dipshit in the middle of the road taking up a lane like you belong there. :fuuuu:


This has been a public service announcement brought to you by the anti bikers douche bag movement.


Ps hope u get that pain figured out.


Where do i join?



Related.. I cant stand it when city folk come up to Powell/LC thinking its country back roads and ride during 5pm rush hour. Traffic is bad enough up this way. We don't need a moving hazard crawling down the road.

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There was a saying in OCS...


"You'll have the types of folks along side you that would go to medical for shin splints, and those who go wrapped in tourniquets, IV Bags, and makeshit bandages."


I never got "runner's high" but one thing I always keep in mind, one foot in front of the other.

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