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Need some help bleeding brakes


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So, girlfriend is out of town and the Vibe is still doing its best impression of a hovercraft. I need someone who lives on the SW side who has absolutely nothing to do for a bit except pump a brake pedal while I do a bleed. Or, if someone has a bleeder that I may borrow, that would be fine, as well. Doesn't even have to be today, but it'd be nice to have it done by the weekend.


Perhaps you need help with something simple, too or could just use a 6-pack or similar.


Feel free to post here or pm. Thanks.

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Use a hose in a bottle submerged in brake fluid. One man bleeder style.

This is what I've done before. Just seems faster with two especially with one person applying pressure to the brake pedal while I bleed each wheel.


Self bleeder was one of nathans favorite gifts i ever got him. I realize this isnt helpful right now, but i have to third the opinions of this.


how far southwest are you?

Little development off of Clime near Demorest.


For what it's worth a 1 man bleeder at the auto parts store is about the cost of a 6 pack. may be the best way to go. Unless your feeling the need of human comfort with the girl away....

I think I need to grab another bottle of fluid so I may go this route or probably just convert this here Vitamin Water bottle.

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2 people is definitely faster but since you seem to be alone, I would do it one man style


Went and grabbed and/or made everything I need to one-man it, but realized I simply don't want to do it that way. I don't believe the brake fluid has ever been changed in this car. So, I want to do a full flush and it's harder to minimize contamination between old and new fluid when there's nobody to hold the brake pedal down while I close the bleeder valve. And, like you said, it takes a lot longer by yourself, though, as I mentioned above, that's not the only deciding factor here. (Minimizing getting up and down and bending over constantly is also especially important due to my back issues - shouldn't even be doing this. haha)


Wish I had a pressure bleeder but don't really wanna spend $50 or whatever for one. :bs: Tempted to try to convert this sprayer but I'll just probably spend too much time doing it and probably regret it. lol


Looks like I'll be doing a lot of sitting around this weekend...

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You can gravity bleed new fluid in to flush out the old fluid and one man bleed it.


Oh well, good luck!

I'm talking about when you're pushing fluid out and nobody is there to hold the brake down for you while you close the bleeder. It'll suck fluid you've pushed out, back in. It's minimal, and you can make up for it by pushing more fluid through, but I'm a bit anal retentive and it adds more time and wastes more fluid so I guess I'll pay for it with an unfinished brake job for now.


None of these reasons I've mentioned here or previously are a big deal on their own, but together, it's enough to want a second person on a full bleed. For me, anyway. If it were an emergency, then of course I'd just do it by myself. :p


I have a neighbor who may be able to give me hand this weekend. We'll see.

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Suck the reservoir dry, put in new fluid.


Open bleeders and gravity bleed.


Close all bleeders then bleed


I think there was a misunderstanding

I have heard of people opening all the bleeders at once, but never tried it. (Is that what you were talking about?) It would speed things up I guess but I've always been too worried of, shit, I dunno, trying it, I guess. :p Would have to make 4 catches for the fluid then. Good think I've got 20ft of hose. lol


May give it a shot if I have to. Thanks.

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