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Invisible Speed Bump Rage


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He hit it at night though no? No raised reflectors. No signs. No way you'll see a black line on the pavement at night in time to react, even at a relatively sedate 25mph.


Also, I must say, I think I am thinking clearly and rationally about this rather than making it an emotional issue precisely because I don't have children. When it comes to public policy and urban planning, emotional considerations are valid. But if feelings and irrational levels of fear drive your analysis, it almost always leads to unwise conclusions.


I have terrible vision at night, and I have zero concern that I would be able to slow down in time, even if I was going 10mph over (25mph) for THAT speed bump.


My analysis is driven by statistics AND emotion. I only get to see my kids 50% of the time, so I cherish that time, and would kill to protect my kids if necessary. Do I keep my kids in a bubble? No. Do they wear helmets? Hell yes. My kids have had cuts, bruises, stitches, we own a trampoline.

Having kids changes your whole outlook on things. For the better, hopefully, or I feel sorry for the kids---that's not made towards you, but there are plenty of parents who are suck


We can agree to disagree. If I had to guess, I would say the original poster was either


1) not paying attention at all and unexpectedly hit the bump at 25


2). Was going faster than 25mph and slowed down to 25mph to hit a speed bump that was designed to be driven over by normal cars at 15 mph


3) is driving a lowered car with a stiff suspension and took the bump too fast--again, over the posted 15 mph


4) is just pissed he had to slow down


5) some combination of the above

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THAT'S the speed bump this post is about? :wtf: How freaking low is your car that it causes your oil pan to scrape? Check your headlights too as if you're not seeing that at night, your lights need re-aimed.


Im only sitting like an inch or so below factory ride height, so its nothing crazy. However when you hit these speed bumps the front wheels nearly level-off on the street before the rear wheels even begin to take the bump. For a split second your car (well my car) is perfectly level on the street with that speed bump sitting directly underneath. Feels like it could scrape at any time. You can't "ride" them, such that you distribute the impact/load between the front and back suspension.


In regards to my headlights, im sure they're noting compared to brand spanking new oooOOOoDiiiii lenses, but I don't have any complaints. That said it was storming pretty bad the other night, and it was nearly impossible to keep every last spec of condensation off my windshield. So yes, my vision was definitely impaired. Even so, had there been some sort of reflective marker or bright color pattern I would have picked up on it immediately. As you can see in the pic those little white indicators are damn near invisible from 20 yards away, and thats during the day. At night you can't see a damn thing.



if you were going 25+mph but then if you can't see the speed control device at 25mph then that's too fast to begin with.


Thats bullshit then, the posted speed limit is 25, I shouldn't have to crawl at a snails pace because someone decided to install speed bumps that are nearly impossible to detect after dark. I mean shit, throw some yellow reflective markers on the ramp incline, I'll see those, I promise.




BTW, what's the sight facing the other direction say?


So yes, flame away, it is a sign warning of a speed bump ahead. I guess I missed it the other night? I keep my eyes on the ROAD. A sign simply isn't enough warning, especially with how poorly visible these bumps are.

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The closeup of the bump is unimpressive. Without a ruler to judge size, it looks like a small bump. Don't know what else to tell you. If your oil pan is scuffing that, your car is too low. If you want to look super awesome with a low car, don't bitch when you hit road obstacles


Took some more pictars last night. Was sort of blocking traffic and in a rush so they're not the best, but should give you a better feel for the size/shape/etc.









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Don't know what else to tell you. If your oil pan is scuffing that, your car is too low. If you want to look super awesome with a low car, don't bitch when you hit road obstacles


It's not just me and my car, trust me.


After I took those pictures an older couple in a Civic rolled through. Honest to god they more-or-less came to a complete stop then inched there way over. That's basically the only safe way you can negotiate them, it's almost like jumping a curb.


No way in hell I would ever take one above 10MPH.

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We can agree to disagree. If I had to guess, I would say the original poster was either


1) not paying attention at all and unexpectedly hit the bump at 25



Correct (to an extent) at least when I hit the first bump. I was actually doing more like 32, and was definitely paying attention (that's why I flipped out after striking it, I couldn't figure out what the fuck I had hit)


2). Was going faster than 25mph and slowed down to 25mph to hit a speed bump that was designed to be driven over by normal cars at 15 mph


Negative. The reason im so mad is I hit them without any knowledge of them being there. Now after the first bump I did slow down to probably 20MPH, and thoroughly scanned for another, but even then I didn't see the godamn 2nd one and hit it without any hesitation. Also what the fuck kind of policy is it to place a speed bump thats supposed to be taken at 15 (or really more like 5mph) in a 25MPH zone? I thought the whole purpose was to try and get people to do the speed limit, not slow to a crawl and do single digits. Every.Last.Speed bump I've encounterd in a 25MPH zone I've taken @ 25MPH and had zero issues.


3) is driving a lowered car with a stiff suspension and took the bump too fast--again, over the posted 15 mph


Posted speed limit is 25. I should be able to take a speed bump doing the speed limit and not get fucking raped. Old Couple in a Civic wouldn't even touch it without basically coming to a dead stop, then inching their way over.



4) is just pissed he had to slow down


I have no problem slowing down / slowing down for speed bumps,especially in neighborhoods.


What im pissed about is these particular speed bumps are downright scandalous. They're poorly marked/illuminated, and the design inflicts substantial damage when taken at the speed limit. I think I said this before, but there's now way i'll ever take one over 10MPH.

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So yes, flame away, it is a sign warning of a speed bump ahead. I guess I missed it the other night? I keep my eyes on the ROAD. A sign simply isn't enough warning, especially with how poorly visible these bumps are.


So let me guess, the sign is in INVISIBLE ink and you cant see it. Its not the typical yellow/orange sign......

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So let me guess, the sign is in INVISIBLE ink and you cant see it. Its not the typical yellow/orange sign......


Oh CR how I love the.


Straight up I missed the sign, I try and keep my eyes on the road at all times, especially in residential areas where signage is almost non-existant

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So to summarize, the bump was marked, you should either get some glasses, or surrender your license, and those residents have every right to try and keep you out of what you consider a short cut.



Marked or not, (be interesting to see what Ohio's administrative code has to say on the definition of "Marked") I should be able to negotiate them with minimal issues when going the speed limit.


Also, and man is it getting old repeating myself, theres a ceartin way 90% of Ohios speedbumbs advertise themselves. Theres a reason for that. SO PEOPLE CAN FUCKING SEE THEM. Find me another speedbump that looks like that black one in Columbus..do it.


I got a sneaky suspicion you will fail.

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can someone give me a thread summary?


A.J.'s car bottomed out nearly ripping out his oil pan while jumping over bubble gum as he flew through a school zone at night in a gated community with his lights off at speeds approaching 75mph all while ignoring all the signage and was half buzzed. :p

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A.J.'s car bottomed out nearly ripping out his oil pan while jumping over bubble gum as he flew through a school zone at night in a gated community with his lights off at speeds approaching 75mph all while ignoring all the signage and was half buzzed. :p


laughed sorry

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A family friend lives on that street so I'm there every now and then. If you guys are in the area you should drive by "just to see what all that CR fuss is about" and lol. In anything not a truck you'll want to slow down to like <10mph to go over them, in a smallish bike you can just about get airborne going over at the speed limit. My neighborhood has speed humps that are comfortable in all reasonable vehicles at the SPEED LIMIT, these things are just :lolguy: :gabe: :dumb:
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To settle this we need someone to drive at night, with a cam in the car along with someone who does not know of said speed bumps and have them take this road. If they see them in normal night conditions then OP is crazy. If they dont then OP is not crazy. Pics of them during the day I see them pretty well but maybe at night they its different. Someone test said theory.
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A family friend lives on that street so I'm there every now and then. If you guys are in the area you should drive by "just to see what all that CR fuss is about" and lol. In anything not a truck you'll want to slow down to like <10mph to go over them, in a smallish bike you can just about get airborne going over at the speed limit. My neighborhood has speed humps that are comfortable in all reasonable vehicles at the SPEED LIMIT, these things are just :lolguy: :gabe: :dumb:


someone should post a video camera by the bumps just for the lulz


check this low bridge out---impossible to watch this and not laugh your ass off


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someone should post a video camera by the bumps just for the lulz


check this low bridge out---impossible to watch this and not laugh your ass off



I thought about taking video of some runs jumping off these, but I don't want to be "that guy" running the same street 20 times trying to get the perfect launch.


Ironically, stunting off them would be more dangerous than if the bumps weren't there at all I suspect.

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