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Talk me out of waiting to get married/having kids at 50


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Here's the deal CR, I think I've got it figured out.... I'm currently 35, never married, no kids, homeowner, with a career. I have a girlfriend, but no plans on anything past next week. I save over 20% of my income for retirement and will have a pension...hopefully. house will be paid in 10 or so years. retirement age is 51 and military retirement (collecting benefits) age 58.


When I'm 50, find a nice 25-30 year old girl with daddy issues who wants kids, maybe younger... who knows

Have kids after retirement, therefore be home for the rug rats.

60 when the kids are 10ish, wife is 35-40.

70 when the kids go to college, wife 45-50

80 when the kids are 30, 55-60. (lots of able-bodied people to change my diapers)

Then i'm dead, wife can marry to the guy she probably been banging for the last 20 years because the Viagra didn't work.



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Do you know any 65 year olds who would have the energy to take care of a teenager




I don't


Billy Joel disagrees.


Pictured his 33 year old GF that he knocked up early this year

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Marrying any woman with daddy issues is a disaster waiting to happen.


Here's a better idea-


Find a woman who has her shit together, with a career and no skeletons in her closet. Have kids before 40 and work your ass off till your 50-55 and enjoy an early retirement. Take some of you bank roll and invest it in a new set of tits and ass for your wife.

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So, that's not even a comparison worth talking about.


you're right, money does not equal energy


here's a 90+ fitness guru. broke a 200m sprint record for 95 and older.


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Marrying any woman with daddy issues is a disaster waiting to happen.


Here's a better idea-


Find a woman who has her shit together, with a career and no skeletons in her closet. Have kids before 40 and work your ass off till your 50-55 and enjoy an early retirement. Take some of you bank roll and invest it in a new set of tits and ass for your wife.


all women have daddy issues, just a matter of degree

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Marrying any woman with daddy issues is a disaster waiting to happen.


Here's a better idea-


Find a woman who has her shit together, with a career and no skeletons in her closet. Have kids before 40 and work your ass off till your 50-55 and enjoy an early retirement. Take some of you bank roll and invest it in a new set of tits and ass for your wife.




Seriously- if you have your shit together- find someone similar and let your self be fully happy.


Why waste your time with flings/ casual long term relationships...

What has jaded you to wait? Is it simply not having found the right person?


Also - do you really wanna be the creepy guy trolling the bars??

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Investing more for retirement now makes better sense than trying to play catch up later. If I have kids now, no retirement funds. I have co-workers with kids who are older that haven't saved shit.


No Trish, I won't be trolling bars. I'll troll classy places like Walmart or Red Lobster.

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Seriously- if you have your shit together- find someone similar and let your self be fully happy.


Why waste your time with flings/ casual long term relationships...

What has jaded you to wait? Is it simply not having found the right person?


Also - do you really wanna be the creepy guy trolling the bars??




The litmus test are if the shit hits the fan will they still be there, can I be who I am without a filter, and can they help me be focused. My wife easily passes all three. Grant it, you can "buy" a spouse partner later in life if things go well, but it maybe as genuine as a buy me drinkie bar in the red light district. Enjoy yourself and things will come around when you don't expect it.


True story.... met my wife at a random night club in china town that I had been avoiding for 5 years and figured it was a plus she woke up at 5 am to work out when I was considering to maybe call it a night. Shit happens and now I oddly enjoy working on the house with her when I use to give my buddies shit in the past for the same thing. Seems like you may live too much in the control/what if portion and may just need to enjoy times for what it is. Btw..... you may need blow and strippers.

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I finally found the right person and married at 38. I too, am on track to have a military retirement and house paid for close to your target age time frame. We do not wish to have kids. However, in my planning, I cut the kid option at 35-37, due to future logistical issues. With the age gap and our future care needs, it just wasn't worth it to us.


Now on your thought of going with a younger chick, fuck those issues. Even if you find one with decent values, which is highly unlikely, because she's got her sugar daddy; how fucked up is she going to raise those leeching kids with you? Fact is, all your hard work is setting them up to live well once you finally die, and you had to put up with them being a pain in the ass due to the age gap and you HOPING this all worked out. You'll divorce by the time the kids are 8, and all the sad lonely shit will kick in. At that point, you either kick start it and move to the Philippines to die of an STD, or continue to deal with shitty family issues.


Find someone who has the same values the military has instilled on us. Being happy in a relationship and marriage is not a status statement, like most have turned it into. IMO, a trophy wife is typically a huge pain in the ass with a ton of issues that will make you lose your mind and drain your accounts. The girl next door is a far better person to be around.

Edited by Mojoe
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Do you want kids if your own or just want kids? Do you want a wife or just someone to share your years with??


At that age I think a hot single mom would be the way to go if you don't mind the kids not being from you. She would be more likely to have her ducks in a row and mature. Otherwise If your 50 and she is single with no kids at we will say 25 chances are while hot and good in bed, she doesn't truely have her shit together and you will be raising a expensive ass kid who is smart enough to to get she wants

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This thread delivers some laughs for sure. :lol:


Nothing to add really than to ask if you really want kids are is that just something you feel is part of what people need to do? I ask because I wasn't sure but the wife did and I was committed. Love my kids and wouldn't do it any differently, but they do challenge us daily and it's likely harder on me than her. Just make sure kids are what you want. There's nothing as rewarding but also nothing as challenging.


If the answer is you do want kids, I'd find someone about 30-35. Go too much younger than you and you'll introduce several new challenges that you're likely already aware of. Large age differences can be had, but again, more challenges on top of the kids.....I hope you're up for all that.



Sounds like you have your shit worked out which is great. Key is not to fuck it up :p


Those are my two pennies. 45yrs old, 26yrs with the same woman and 2 kids that I love to no end but no doubt are keeping me on my toes.

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I sse it this way, I won't be able to enjoy all that retirement. Spend it on hookers and blow now. Live it up and die young, fuck it, you'll have better stories the longer you do live. Nobody wants to take care of an old man with stories of his savings account.
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