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radon and dehumidifiers questions

Big Chief2011647545501

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4 is within normal range. What's you exact #? I just sold a home and mine was 4.2 during the time we had a lot of rain and the home inspector for the buyer removed the sump pump covers during test period. Buyers wanted us to install a mitigation system or give them money. I told them to pound sand.


The radon test is a joke and doesn't mean anything, it's more government bs. Buyers use it as a bargaining chip

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If it comes back with anything over 1 their is very good chance the buyers will want the remediation installed assuming you don't have one currently even though the guideline is 3. But that at least gives you a little bargaining power should it come back that low again.
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4 is within normal range. What's you exact #? I just sold a home and mine was 4.2 during the time we had a lot of rain and the home inspector for the buyer removed the sump pump covers during test period. Buyers wanted us to install a mitigation system or give them money. I told them to pound sand.


Home inspector invalidated the test by removing a barrier to entry.

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We just sold in July ...


The first contract wanted radon and we tested at 4.7 which is just outside the acceptable range.


We told that buy and future buyers the test results were 4.7 and will not remedy.


Infact, we told all future buyers we will not remedy -any- issues unless it makes the house un-inhabitable.


What we found is someone would make an offer and then "find" $XX,XXX in remedies that did not need to be done. It kept us off the market for ~3 weeks so we wanted to avoid that again.


Back on the market that weekend we had 10 showings, 4 offers, one of which was right on our asking price and terms. I had to spend ~$500 fixing a few small things they found which were legit.

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Our radon test was around 4ish and I really didn't care too much. I'd hate to play the game of telling them to go pound sand for 1-2k since I expect them to come back with some kind of cash grab but we have no code violations in the house that I am aware of. I looked at my inspection from when the house was purchase and made sure I fixed everything except the few non-grounded outlets which I'd be willing to throw in gfci's to get around it. All in all its really up to the inspector some are overzealous and some are lax.
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Our radon test was around 4ish and I really didn't care too much. I'd hate to play the game of telling them to go pound sand for 1-2k since I expect them to come back with some kind of cash grab but we have no code violations in the house that I am aware of. I looked at my inspection from when the house was purchase and made sure I fixed everything except the few non-grounded outlets which I'd be willing to throw in gfci's to get around it. All in all its really up to the inspector some are overzealous and some are lax.


I hear you but, as others have mentioned, I feel radon is a scam. It really was NEVER an issue or really tested on the regular until the past few years.


Oh well, it is what it is. With that said, if you need the name an number of a low cost solid radon mitigator let me know.


If you need any mortgage advice, feel free to reach out.




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I'm having a radon test done at my house. We had it tested about 3yrs ago and it came in at 4ish. I've got my dehumidifier running in normal operation but I was wondering if that was helping or hurting our numbers. Also anyone have any helpful hints on this sort of thing...


To answer your original question, do not run any fans.

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Anyone have real proof about radon? I wonder about this subject.


I don't know that you'll find any, just lots of anecdotes and stories. Personally, I'm in the "where there's smoke, there's fire" camp about this, as it seems like both radon levels and cancer rates in CMH are noticeably higher than in CLE.

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Anyone have real proof about radon? I wonder about this subject.


As a current home buyer (and seller) I've had to go thru 2 radon tests now. Fear mongering about lung cancer aside (I have 2 small kids so they know how to hit those buttons) I can tell you one thing for certain: the real estate and inspection market have latched onto this subject and won't let go. What that means is even if you believe that a reading of 10 is fine, prospective buyers will always ask you to put in a mitigation system because otherwise they'll be doing it down the road.

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