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JPMC Polaris


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Does anyone here work for JPMC at Polaris? I am looking at possibly interviewing for an IT job there. I am just wondering what the atmosphere is like there; in general are people happy, grumpy, easy to get along with, etc.


Also what is traffic like around that area? I live in Canal Winchester, so it would be a bit of a hike. The schedule would be M-F, 8-5. Maps says that it's 35 minutes without traffic. Would it be sufficient to give myself an hour to get there or more than that?

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Does anyone here work for JPMC at Polaris? I am looking at possibly interviewing for an IT job there. I am just wondering what the atmosphere is like there; in general are people happy, grumpy, easy to get along with, etc.


Also what is traffic like around that area? I live in Canal Winchester, so it would be a bit of a hike. The schedule would be M-F, 8-5. Maps says that it's 35 minutes without traffic. Would it be sufficient to give myself an hour to get there or more than that?


Used to work there,people seem To like it, and were like another other place where u have people who love and hate it. Overall was a great place to work up there. Place is flippen hugeeeee inside. I cant comment on traffic as i was 12-9.

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If you have previous experience i have heard they pay decent. I have had 2 jobs at Polaris and 2 jobs at the Easton building, currently at Easton. traffic at 8am and 5pm will be terrible, I'd leave at least an hour for travel. If you leave for lunch go from 11-12 and you'll have no issues finding parking when you get back, if you go from 12-1 then parking will suck on your return! as far as happy, its a job, we have awesome benefits/vacation/retirement. Everyone thinks their problems are critical and need to be fixed asap, so people can get grumpy.
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One of my buds from NW just left us to go work there. Last I talked to him, he was happy and making considerably more while doing much less work in a lower stress environment. He said most people he deals with are okay, but there are a few miserable aloners there. He is a contractor though, still waiting to see how stable it is for him.
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Cant comment on the atmosphere inside but I travel around there frequently and despite building extra exits on 71 traffic is still a mess everyday. My brother works there and lives walking distance and says if he leaves work AT 5pm it can still take him up to 25 min to drive 2 miles. Something to consider, not sure how flexible your schedule can be or if you can do a 7-4 you can avoid alot of headache.
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I worked there in IT for almost 20 years. Pay is above average. You definitely should try to get a 7-4 shift to make the commute better. Just getting TO 71 at 5 is a long wait. Coming up 33 in the morning will be a nightmare after say 6-6:15. So 7-4 is your best bet. In terms of work environment. In general it is way higher paced and higher stress than what I have experienced elsewhere or heard of elsewhere. Also, depending on what your aspirations are...note that no IT functions are based in Columbus anymore. So, you will likely feel like the ugly step child. Believe me...that gets old. Another negative would be that they are very, very geographically diverse. So, you may not see your coworkers on a regular basis and this can be demoralizing to some. Then again...that pay...right? Def. mo' money than the norm in Columbus.
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I'm at Polaris and I'm on the social media team. I really like working here, your job is secure for years to come (except for mortgage folks, but the writing has been on the wall for literally years for all mortgage companies) and we have great benefits and vacation policies. Like others said, traffic will suck at 8 AM and 5 PM. Fridays, this extends all the way to 7 PM. I personally wouldn't leave for lunch because your parking spot is not guaranteed when coming back. Our cafeteria isn't the worst, either.
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I am not IT at all, but I did polaris for about a week. Hated the parking, hated the traffic mess, hated the mall traffic mess. I work out of Easton now and honestly it's a breeze even though it is further away from home.
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Worked there for 5 years (2010-2014) and the traffic is the big issue. You will come in early and leave late because you won't make it to work on time or you will sit in traffic for 30+ minutes just to get to 71/270. I drove from Pickerington every day and found several sweet spots that made the traffic not horrible. My drive to Dublin now is faster than the trip to Polaris...


As far as working there - great company! There are good and bad people there (with over 10k people at Polaris working for JPMC, you will find all kinds!). I really enjoyed working there and the pay/benefits are great! They make it difficult to leave with their pay and benefits package. There are plenty of IT related jobs in Columbus (at Polaris) depending on what you want to do. The company is so large, you can pretty much find something to do that fits your skill set and that you like. Good luck!!

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Thanks for all of the information. It sounds like the traffic will be my deciding factor as to whether or not I accept the position, if it's offered to me. AFAIK, the schedule is 8 - 5. If I get an interview, I'll definitely ask if the schedule is flexible at all. Going in early will also help alleviate the day care situation for the kid, so that'd be a bonus.
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your job is secure for years to come (except for mortgage folks, but the writing has been on the wall for literally years for all mortgage companies)


Chase mortgage and HLD are a joke now, have always been a joke and always will be. Not all mortgage companies (or Banks...) are in trouble.


With that said, I have written a ton of loans for Chase IT guys (and Chase mortgage guys :lol: ) and they all seem to be very happy. Great income, overall happy personality, most had been on the job for 5+ years.


I HATE driving on Polaris within an hour of rush hour. If you can get the early schedule, I would definitely suggest going for it.


Good luck!


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Thanks for all of the information. It sounds like the traffic will be my deciding factor as to whether or not I accept the position, if it's offered to me. AFAIK, the schedule is 8 - 5. If I get an interview, I'll definitely ask if the schedule is flexible at all. Going in early will also help alleviate the day care situation for the kid, so that'd be a bonus.


Not only is it the traffic but the parking is worse esp winter time. Walking from Rude Dogs in the morning blowwwwwws

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So, here is the question: how many JPMC people here are at easton? and are any of you drive the brown 1970 camaro SS, the Karmann Ghia, or the Porsche 356 California spyder kit car I see in the parking lot sometimes?


also any interest in a fair weather Friday morning coffee and donuts meetup? It would be nice to have some more car people to talk to in the building.

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Friend of mine is about to leave Chase. He loves it there, his pay is very good, but he likes to move quickly and independently and he can't handle the massive corporate structure. He's taking a big pay cut to get into a slightly different field doing what he really wants and being a decision-maker instead of a follower.
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I'm at Polaris also. It really depends where you're coming from for how bad traffic is. Traffic going straight up 71 is fine for me but the traffic from 270 to 71 is usually terrible.


Arriving at 8AM and I never worry about parking. I get my same end spot every day. If you come in later than 8:30 you're gonna be hiking in though.


I'm pretty happy there but it's such a big place it's really what you make of it. It can be very impersonal because of its size.

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Thanks for all of the information. It sounds like the traffic will be my deciding factor as to whether or not I accept the position, if it's offered to me. AFAIK, the schedule is 8 - 5. If I get an interview, I'll definitely ask if the schedule is flexible at all. Going in early will also help alleviate the day care situation for the kid, so that'd be a bonus.

Polaris just opened up a day care thing as well. Not sure of the details as i dont have kids and didnt pay attention but the basketball hoop looks cool.

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I was a huge cynic of agile a few years ago. However, there are elements of agile that are fantastic improvements and give you a significant advantage. Like everything else, it depends on how you do it and what you are trying to accomplish. I ran an agile development team at JPMC and adopted some of the practices for my other teams too because I found them empowering. I brought some of that with me to my current organization. It works. The stand-ups, including your clients in your planning, set development cycles, iterative deployments, etc. etc. However, some teams see it as a way to just do what they want when they want and throw out discipline along with the rigid waterfall structure. Anyway...my 2 cents.
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A couple years of Pickerington to 1111 commute here.


As most have said, Earlier in the day is better than later, as far as parking and traffic are concerned.


It's always hilarious when someone finds out you work there, and they say -- "OH! Do you know Chris? He works in IT too.."

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I was a huge cynic of agile a few years ago. However, there are elements of agile that are fantastic improvements and give you a significant advantage. Like everything else, it depends on how you do it and what you are trying to accomplish. I ran an agile development team at JPMC and adopted some of the practices for my other teams too because I found them empowering. I brought some of that with me to my current organization. It works. The stand-ups, including your clients in your planning, set development cycles, iterative deployments, etc. etc. However, some teams see it as a way to just do what they want when they want and throw out discipline along with the rigid waterfall structure. Anyway...my 2 cents.

My team was one of the first teams at Nationwide to adopt AGILE principles (now everyone has or will be going through it) but my team has also had one of the higher turnover rates in the past few years... number one answer as to why when asked... AGILE... complaints it takes too much time, etc... The stand ups are fine I guess (although I already know what my team is doing... why? because I'm good at what I do and I work with my team mates already) but the iterations, the boards, the paperwork, and the INSANE amount of meetings all stemming from AGILE makes my job take 300 times longer to accomplish... I'm just a paper pusher anymore instead of an Engineer...

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