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How to deal with a bi-polar service advisor

6 Speed S4

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So I work with an older guy late 40s (not really old just older than myself). He has threatened me many times. This morning he said he was going to whoop my ass and this was in the service drive. Isnt this harassment? I dont want to get him fired becuase I just do my job but he freaks out on everyone at some point. My manager said thats how he is......


I love every aspect of this dealership except for him. He claims I was stealing his previous recommendations on repair orders. Today I had an appt coming in for diagnosis. In the recommendations it said RR wheel bearing recommended by him last visit. I didn't see this and wrote it for myself. Then he said something so I said here you take it then. He then said no no no. I went to my boss he said you did the right thing and I gave the RO to him. Hes saying this happens on a daily basis which is untrue. Hes had a grudge against me for months now since I up-sold an engine on a customer he previously worked with but they did not ask for him. No were there any recommendations on this customer. He complained for weeks and tried to make it so my paycheck would be shorter. (were on a commission type pay scale and the number of ROs you write will affect pay if you dont make 30%)


What can I do about this? My manager isn't going to do anything.


Thanks in advance. Sorry about the long story.

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How about wearing a good fitting pair of man pants to work and taking him up on the offer to have him kick your ass? Document it, and cover your ass. But, let him know you are more than happy to resolve this in other ways.


He lacks professionalism in the work place. He is feels bullying is his way to win, and he is winning.


Stop upselling people.

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How about you Quit trying to be a dick and up selling innocent people when they bring there car in for basic service and try and sell them stupid shit so you can make some money.


Why don't you quit trying to be a dick acting like you know how this business works. I really doubt anyone is trying to upsell shit they don't need, how else is any car owner going to know they need it?



As for the service writer I doubt there's much to do. Unfortunately this business attracts assholes, I'm not very easy for the writers to deal with as a tech. Maybe he sees it bothering you and you should just be like "oh well fuck him".

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Yep, he seems like a douchebag. You could report him to HR but it might not do much. Who cares about "getting him fired"? If he wants to act like an unprofessional dickbag, he's getting himself fired.


There are two ways to handle it: document everything, stay professional, let the chips fall where they may. Or, you could tell him to go fuck himself and quit putting up with his shit. He says he wants to fight? Call his bluff.

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How about wearing a good fitting pair of man pants to work and taking him up on the offer to have him kick your ass? Document it, and cover your ass. But, let him know you are more than happy to resolve this in other ways.


He lacks professionalism in the work place. He is feels bullying is his way to win, and he is winning.


Stop upselling people.


Defintley document it and if the GM wont do anything you could take it to an attorney for harassment. It could get messy fast, you could be in a no win situation

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Go to HR on said advisor and the service manager for not doing his job. If he treats you like that, chances are he treats his customers like that.


Exactly. This is what HR is for.


Couldn't hurt when things get physical to have a little paper trail, this could work out very well for you.

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Yeah I dont see any reason to report to HR unless he actually punches me, I've been making documentation of what hes been saying to me.


Your documentation is meaningless (not trying to sound rude). Go to HR and get it in writing or it's just your word against his. That usually ends with all parties unsatisfied.

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Sounds like service manager knows, and said "that's how he is". In that case ignore him, call his bluff or get a new job. He's just a little bitch who'll act like that if he can get away with it. If he actually hits you, then you got ammo to do something about it.
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Perhaps my out look is not the best approach. I worked in corporate offices for a awhile, and it was shit like this that made me hate it. Work place is the carry on for high school BS. Yes, go to HR.


I'm confrontational, because to me, it just needs to happen. The "man pants" comment is a bit out of line for your workplace. My bad.

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How about you Quit trying to be a dick and up selling innocent people when they bring there car in for basic service and try and sell them stupid shit so you can make some money.


Someone didn't get to play with his wife's fake funbags today...



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I wouldn't go to HR over this. You already went to your manager. If you don't like the outcome go one level above and talk to his/her manager. Or you could just tell your coworker to fuck off. Some people need to be told because they have no idea how much of an asshole they are.
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