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Gun control and the Second Amendment


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I consider myself very conservative, quite possibly on the far right. I beleive in smaller government, and for the government to just keep order not run my life. So as for guns, I want to take advantage of my second amendment rights and arm myself and my family. Taking guns away is only a way of making more like sheep, following the government blindly. Guns will always be out there, and even if they weren't people would find a way to kill each other, I refuse to be someone who would simply lay down and die because I couldn't fight for my own right to live or my family's.


No matter how my feelings look to others, I'm happy to stand on my own two feet, proud to work for what I have, and willing to defend it. I do not need the government to pay my bills, feed my family, and I sure don't need them making failed attempts at controlling guns.

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so some bullet points on my stance so you guys can be clear.

- I'm all for you owning a gun, as long as you're not crazy as deemed by a professional or a felon. I just don't see the need for myself.


- I would 100% be behind you have to have a permit to own one. You know, be educated and informed on how to use it.


- I would like to see a paper trail on guns similar to titles for vehicles. Hold the registered owner responsible.

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Despite all the well-timed emotional outcries, there are no realistic, feasible solutions to the problem of gun-related violence. Well, outside of ending the drug war, but the governemnt LIVES off of that money so fuck that madness. Often we hear about tougher background checks as a means to screen the mentally ill. Keep in mind the NICS background check we already have in place is adequate in weeding out the already criminally violent, yet criminals still end up with guns, so we know background checks will not stop the proliferation of firearms. Forget that, how can we also, not stop the mentally ill from getting a firearm.


Well we could create a national database keeping track of anyone who has had prior need for mental health related issues and flag them for a potential deeper dive before allowing a firearm to be sold to them from a licensed dealer or private seller. Of course this also creates a few looming issues, even outside of the obvious HIPPA issues, for one it would genuinely discourage the mentally ill from seeking any help if they knew they could be blacklisted from making a future purchase. For instance would a right-leaning, firearms enthusiast who served his country, but may have PTSD seek the help he needs knowing that his name will end up on the no-sell list? Who gets to decide who is on this list? Does "wanting to own a firearm" eventually become a marker for potentially violent, or paranoid behavior? The best part? It doesn't even matter if we have the perfect, most sensible background check ever devised, because ...


The entire notion of stronger background checks being needed, and keeping guns out of mentally ill hands is a shell game. The system will inevitably fail, as it would have failed in Virginia, thus leading to the need for even more COMMON SENSE GUN CONTROL. Because if you disagree, YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE COMMON SENSE. See, when it inevitably fails, and the background checks now scour every personal sliver of your life up to and including any violent jokes you may have made on social media as a teenager, the problem won't be background checks, it will be that the dangerous still get a hold of firearms even with the background checks in place.

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You don't need a gun to murder someone. Remember what Timothy Mcveigh did? Guns are not the problem. Evil people will do evil things. There is nothing in your power you can or can not do to remove all evil people from the world.
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"I want what the criminals possibly possess so that I can apply equal force upon them if need be"


"Guns aren't the only thing that cause death, but I feel like their tragedy-involved-instances are being scrutinized. no one wanted a Porsche ban when paul walker died"


"Liberal politicians are often cited as claiming inaccurate info regarding guns/gun-violence thus leaving them in-credible in the eyes of the gun folks... but it doesn't matter"


"I agree with the guy ^^^ in post 3 about the fact that people don't really change their minds on gun control or lack thereof"

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You don't need a gun to murder someone. Remember what Timothy Mcveigh did? Guns are not the problem. Evil people will do evil things. There is nothing in your power you can or can not do to remove all evil people from the world.


It is now much harder to buy the items he purchased to blow up the building. Should restrictions have been placed on those items, which up to that point were legal, or was it wrong to make it harder to purchase them?

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It is now much harder to buy the items he purchased to blow up the building. Should restrictions have been placed on those items, which up to that point were legal, or was it wrong to make it harder to purchase them?


Neither are correct IMO. Most anything can be used as a "tool" to commit manslaughter. Making it harder to purchase or making it illegal won't change the fact that it can still be obtained. And even if it can not be obtained there is a laundry list of other "tools" that will get the job done. The only thing I can do is be prepared. Prepared... prepared... always prepared. THANKS BOY SCOUTS.

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I'll admit, I was pretty left leaning coming out of high school. I carried those beliefs for years. I was extremely uneducated on guns and thought people didn't have a reason to own them.


Then I started to educate myself on the things I thought was supposed to be taught to me in school.


Now I understand the constitution and why it was put in place. I totally get the reason to carry. Heck, I even carry.


Just looking back on my education, I have found so many things I was misinformed on or just plain not taught about. I've had to unlearn and relearn so much. All I can say is if you are against the 2nd amendment, get educated.

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The liberal media is what makes so many people fearful and in many cases misinformed about guns. The way this world is going is because we worry too much about the bad guys


FIFY because Kerry tried but was unsuccessful.

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Let me just throw this out there because it's been bothering me for a while and nobody seems to notice this or if they do they don't bring it up. It's not just the "news" media that is the problem here its also (as I see it) TV and movies. Think about it, if you aren't raised by a responsible gun owning family your only real exposure to guns is through TV and movies. What do people do with guns in TV and movies? They kill things, that's it. Other than "Top Shot" when was the last time you saw someone in the movies or on TV use a gun in a responsible manner to go target shooting or skeet shooting? It just doesn't happen. So that means that to many of the far left anti gun people the only reason you would own a gun is to kill someone or something. The really have no idea that millions of gun owners didn't harm a soul and probably genuinely think that if you own a gun you are sitting at home surrounded by loaded firearms, peaking through your blinds poised to shoot the first innocent little child that accidentally bounces their ball into your yard. Paranoid of everything and willing to shoot the slightest provocation.

Just my 2 cents and with inflation it's probably not worth anything near that anymore.

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So, my aunt is against my guns and so is my father in law and they try and antagonize me with the "why do you need..." Questions... My answer always lays around the "I want equal or greater opposite force" argument.


Then... They (and most) revert to the "what's really going to happen at your house in your neighborhood" question as if I'm going to feel safe. I have the best low conflict question for them.


I simply say 2 things:

1. "Would you want me to be carrying right now" if the exception (something bad, that instant, my house, nice neighborhood). They pause, reflect, and then say "yes".


2. I remind them that the "it won't happen here, it won't happen to us" comment once applied to movie theaters 5 years ago...

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What troubles me is that the common citizen has no idea why the 2A is even in place. Or if they do, I typically get the, "That won't happen here. Quit being paranoid" answer.


I'm sorry, but I'm not willing to take that chance. Find another way to stop these 'mass killings' that the media latches onto on a monthly basis. The real meat in the statistics is gang violence, and no gun control is going to fix that. These 'mass killings' that make the news are a drop in the bucket compared to those.

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One common demoninator in every "mass shooting" in the US is the mental health status of the shooter.


To me the problem isn't guns, its the inability of modern healthcare to diagnose and treat the mentally ill.


But... but... they all used guns, therefore gunz r bad, mmmkay?

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A rational discussion on gun violence is not possible in the United States. Many anti-gun people argue that the 2nd amendment does not allow people to have hand guns at all. This is a position that could never be agreed upon here. People who are "pro 2nd amendment" or "pro gun" do not allow for any form of gun control due to two main arguments: Criminals will not follow the law so you are just hurting law abiding citizens (even when the law wouldn't effect them at all). Anything involving licencing, registration, background checks, etc...cannot be done because "the government wants to get my guns".


I see a few points as true in the different sides of the argument:


1. The constitution does allow for individuals to own firearms.

2. You will never ever ever use your guns to defend against a corrupt government, or whatever reason you think you might need them to defend freedom.


In the end it doesn't matter what any of us think because this is a very emotional issue and we will never have any change in it either way. If you look at it pragmatically, it is really a shame.

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its the inability of modern healthcare to diagnose and treat the mentally ill.


IMO there are many cases where there is no treatment but our society refuses to accept that and like with Rapists, murders, pedophiles, etc. we insist on trying to re-integrate them into society. These tragedies are just the price we pay for it. We can prevent repeat offenses of many types of crime but again, it's the price we pay to feel as if we're being fair and equitable for all.

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