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Best Year Ever


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I suddenly want to be married and 40 years old...


WHEN Charla Muller’s hubby turned 40 she pledged him a gift no one else could – 365 nights of guaranteed SEX. The high-flying PR exec hit upon the idea for salesman Brad, now 42. But with jobs and two kids aged seven and five, would the passion passport make or break their eight-year marriage? Charla, 42, from North Carolina, USA, has now written a book about the year. DULCIE PEARCE brings you extracts...

WHEN I offered my husband sex every day for a year to celebrate his 40th birthday he literally fell over.

After hearing the words, Brad slipped on a toy on the floor and landed with a thud.

As I had spent so long thinking about an exciting present that I thought he would love, I was confident he would say yes.

But to my astonishment, Brad refused my offer. He said: “It’s a great idea, I just don’t think you really mean it.”

After a week, Brad finally agreed... then he carried on reading his newspaper and I loaded the dishwasher.

During the first month of the present Brad loved it.

He was so happy, he was beaming all the time.

Me? I was also beaming. Being intimate at night meant we worked better as a couple during the day.

Our house ran better because we were more agreeable.

Having sex regularly made me start looking around, wondering who else was getting good loving. Is it the good-looking women or the regular mums — like me?

Looks can be very deceiving. Sometimes I don’t shave my legs and have stinky breath, but Brad still finds me sexy.

I didn’t feel particularly sexy when we started the gift, and this was difficult to get around.

But once we got into the regular love making — and I realised how much Brad really enjoyed his present — I felt good, and even a little bit sexy.

However, I worried our sex every day arrangement may become a routine, like brushing my teeth or having a shower.

One Friday night, two months into the gift, Brad arrived home from work and I asked him suggestively if he wanted to join me in the bath.

“No, you go on,” he said. “I’m fine.”

Later that evening I told him that I had been trying to make things a bit more exciting with the bath invitation, to which he replied: “I’m sorry, I totally missed that. I’m just so used to our routine.”

Routines can be a curse.

Our love-making nearly always happened at night, and very occasionally in the morning. At the weekends it would be after a dinner date.

We had officially got into a love-making groove.

On the third month, Brad had to call it a day during one session. “We’ve been doing it for 88 days straight,” he said. “I don’t think I have it in me. After all, there’s always tomorrow.”

Normally Brad would have been appalled or embarrassed by the idea that he couldn’t deliver, but knowing he could have sex every day — no matter what the circumstances — meant the pressure was taken off constantly performing.

That night he happily watched the football in bed, instead of being embarrassed for hours.

After six months of the gift, we both worried whether it was possible to keep things new and exciting. I didn’t have the energy to constantly spice things up.

Before, just having sex was new and exciting.

Now we had to turn it up a notch to get out of the land of run-of-the-mill sex, to the kingdom of earth-shattering, wake-the-neighbours sex.

And shockingly, Brad did not want to have sex on New Year’s Eve. All over the world, frisky drunk people get lucky on New Year, but my husband decided to cash in his sex-every-day chip for a night of hard-earned sleep.

We were both so exhausted by the gift that it was starting to become a chore.

Even though I was bitter about Brad declining sex on New Year, I understood. We had gone from zero to 100 miles per hour in the sex department and it was becoming somewhat monotonous.

Seven months in, and we had hit a wall — the seven-month itch.

It was time to re-focus. Sex burns calories, which can only be a good thing. It also makes you healthier and relieves stress.

A nice romp with Brad was a wonderful distraction from my daily worries.

I decided to increase the intimacy levels. I talked to Brad more, we hugged more, kissed more and connected more.

However, our sex was still more sweet than sweaty.

On the 305th day I walked out of the bathroom after brushing my teeth and said: “Are you ready?”

While reading his paper in bed, Brad murmured: “I think I’m going to pass tonight, if you don’t mind?

“I’m tired and we’ve been having so much sex lately.”

However, it was not an option for me. It felt like the last ten months had been a marathon and I was getting very close to the end — I couldn’t give up now.

But Brad’s “passing” on another night of sex highlighted the difference between the sexes.

Before the gift, I suspected men would never reject the opportunity of sex and that women would try to avoid it.

So it was comforting to know that after all our exhausting sex, Brad could admit that he didn’t need sex that night.

But we were nearing the end of our agreement, and although all I wanted to do was crawl under the covers and go to sleep, I realised: Sometimes you gotta do it when you just don’t want to.

It was just like spending Christmas with your in-laws or cheering on a football team you couldn’t care less about.

“Let’s get on with it,” I muttered to Brad. “Just close your eyes.” Brad sighed, and did just that.

The day after Brad’s 41st birthday I was giddy with excitement, relieved and ebullient that I didn’t have to have sex every day.

I bounced around the house, singing: “I did it, I did it,” under my breath.

I was deeply satisfied that I had carried the present through.

Of course, there were times I felt overwhelmed by the prospect of daily sex, or just wanted to be on my own. But the gift brought something back to our marriage that I didn’t even know was missing — intimacy.

Before, I thought sex was the icing on the cake of a good marriage. But now I realise I had no idea what I was missing.

We communicated better, talked more, had more fun (between the sheets and out of them) and connected more.

In the year since the gift we have not had sex every day, as we both realise it is not sustainable. But there is no denying that Brad’s present has been the best year of our marriage... so far.

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Meh, I dunno.

The SAME girl every night, on a routine, there's only soo many positions and places to put things before it gets boring. How about 365 girls for 1 night a piece?

And, sorry to say - there is more to life than sex. Like riding.

Edited by JRMMiii
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