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Vote Yes on Issue 3! and NO Issue 2!


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What's the problem? The "Monopoly" thing? Didn't we already put the casino monopoly in the state constitution?


Changing the state constitution just to make a group of people rich is wrong. That is the problem. On top of that the law does not make weed technically legal. All is does make legal is the handful of growers can produce. If you are not one of these don't try to make your own because it is against the law. That aside lets just say you "acquired" weed from someone other than the group of buyers. Illegal. And don't even think of selling this or even giving this away to someone. Also illegal.


Vote no on ISSUE 3 and yes on ISSUE 2.




420 blaze it fagoat

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Asking this may very well point right to the answer...but how the hell did this get far enough to the point that the public gets to vote on it? Like greg mentioned, how is this even a thing???


Which part? The partial legalization of pot, or allowing a monopoly to be voted on?


If the former, i've got bad news for you. If the later, well folks are dumb.

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When in doubt, vote no.


It won't get pass first try but in couple years it will. Just like the Casino. Speaking of casino, we need to burn that place down. What's a nasty dirty shit hole (in case you wondering it's been kicking my ass ��)


got approached by a prostitute my first time there as I was walking around



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FK responsible OH. I am all for legalization, not for yet another monopoly. Better laws can be had. People shouldn't settle for this garbage. You shouldn't only allow a handful of already filthy rich companies to grow and profit from this. Regulate it like alcohol. If I am not mistaken, if you can come up with the funds, equipment, etc, you can start your own microbrewery. Why shouldn't you be allowed to grow pot? Just stupid.
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Even my hard-core, real-deal-weedsmoker buddies arent voting for this


Exactly. Why vote for a bad law when under current laws in OH, you can have up to 1oz and its a $100 ticket and no jail time? It's less than a speeding ticket. Or just go to Toledo now.

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