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I haven't gotten on here or posted much in a while like most people because of life. I just took 5 minutes and read this. I've never met him and haven't read very many of his long winded post so I don't really have an opinion of him so I don't mean any offense by posting this.


If no one likes this geeto guy why is his opinion taking over the topic of this discussion. If everyone including mods are wanting him banned why is everyone going back and forth with him about how to make CR better for him. Just because he has more words in his post doesn't make him right.

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If no one likes this geeto guy why is his opinion taking over the topic of this discussion. If everyone including mods are wanting him banned why is everyone going back and forth with him about how to make CR better for him. Just because he has more words in his post doesn't make him right.



In the end everyone has opinions, including him. IMO many cases his points are valid but perhaps the delivery or in some cases the messenger aren't approved of. No doubt people may choose not to agree with his points and that's okay. Even I don't in some cases and in some cases I may not agree with how he delivers the message.


In the end though for me I usually reserve a ban request until I've met the person face to face. Been there done that thus my opinion still stands. Everyone's mileage will vary. I give him props for being a good guy in person. Still a lawyer from NY so if that rubs you then don't expect that to change. He's not bashful and will go to a meet. He's not rude just blunt and he holds true to his passions which include cars and bikes.


Carry on.

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I have to agree that having the whole site locked down without a log-in is detrimental to growth. There are tons of sites that allow people to look, poke around, and read without a log-in. It lets people get a feel for the community, and hopefully, become enticed to join it. Then once they have a log-in and are approved, they can post and join in.


First taste is free.


There are two things about CR that I really like and keep me coming back:


1. Meets/Events. There are events and meets all the time where I can meet the other people here. I may not be into drag racing a whole lot, but C&C and the growing CR presence at AutoX events are great. Then there's also the nearly weekly meet ups for dinner on the weekends as well. VERY few forums have so many opportunities for the members to get together.


2. Diverse expertise. There is such a wide variety talents and resources in the membership here. If I need advice or hookup on something that isn't car related, I know there's a good chance I can find it on CR. Hell, I got a custom hand-made cornhole set here that's easily the best made set I've ever seen.


These two items are what forums are all about; Community and Information. Facebook's community feels hollow and comes with a lot of stress. And Information? Facebook would be the LAST place I'd look for a how-to on anything.


Perhaps Johnny Bravo is right and it's time to de-emphasize the "Racing" in CR. I'm not saying get rid of it, or shove it in a corner. Put the automotive forums up front proudly, as cars will always be at the core of this community. But maybe start to provide a larger platform for Columbus Residents (sucky name, I know). The Parking Lot forum is the most active forum here, perhaps it deserves to grow into it's own section.


Well stated and I agree.

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The forum is dead, most have migrated to other outlets such as Facebook. It's a shame, the forum is a dying breed.


I wouldn't say forums are dead, they're just much more niche now. There are still things they do much better than Facebook, the top three on my list being how they keep topics/threads separated, making it obvious which topics have real new content versus which were puked up by some obtuse (and incredibly annoying) "Top Stories" algorithm, and being able to search back posts for vendor recs or other shenanigans. In my case, I've actually been debating whether or not to re-online my HS forum on account of how much a pain FB really is when it comes to keeping track of who says what, when, and what's a new thought versus a reply to or regurgitation of something that was settled months ago.

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I wouldn't say forums are dead, they're just much more niche now. There are still things they do much better than Facebook, the top three on my list being how they keep topics/threads separated, making it obvious which topics have real new content versus which were puked up by some obtuse (and incredibly annoying) "Top Stories" algorithm, and being able to search back posts for vendor recs or other shenanigans. In my case, I've actually been debating whether or not to re-online my HS forum on account of how much a pain FB really is when it comes to keeping track of who says what, when, and what's a new thought versus a reply to or regurgitation of something that was settled months ago.


I agree somewhat, but the general forum is dying. Many I've been a part of since their beginning have folded due to near zero traffic.

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