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New to CR? Here are some basics.


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New user


We have recently removed our reputation system, so new members are no longer "repped" in. All you simply need to do is, make an introduction thread. After you have done that, the forum will automatically update your profile within about 10 minutes so that you can view the rest of the forum.


Profile information


Your total combined size for pictures in your signature should not exceed 500x200. That doesn’t mean if you have more than one picture that they can both be 500x200. The combined total of any images should be no larger than 500x200. Additionally, the total of all images in your signature should not exceed 60K.


Your custom title and other information on the right side of your posts should be truncated as to not make your posts a nuisance that take up half of the screen. Nuisance info will be removed.


Also, we’ve had an increasing problem with signatures and avatars that are not safe for work. We’re logging significant complaints on this one. We’re going to send you a PM if we notice your profile being too risqué. If you receive a notice, please comply immediately.


NWS (Not work safe) links/pictures/etc


Hotlinking NWS pictures is not allowed. If you want to post this stuff, use the flashing NWS icon to clearly show what it is, and post a link for users to click on to be able to see it.


Some people view CR from work or other places where they don't want inappropriate pictures to show up on their screens. These people probably wouldn't want to be fired or divorced because of something stupid.


Racism, personal threats


Since this is a local forum that encourages its users to actually meet and become friends with each other, it has been decided long ago that hostility and intolerance on here can lead to physical altercations, which we would like to prevent. There are to be no racist comments or slurs, and no threats (veiled or direct) towards any other members.


Law Enforcement Officers, News Reporters


While this is a private forum, what you say on here isn't 100% private. You are responsible for everything you say on here, whether in public post or private message. We know there are officers of the law on here along with journalists. And now you do too.


Street Racing


The administration of this website does not encourage street racing. We also do not encourage talking of street racing (see above).


There are many legal forms of racing that occur only on closed track with proper safety equipment, which we would like to see our members participate in. CR does provide track days for it's members as both a recreational event and as an alternative to racing on the streets. These can be found in the "CR Track Days" section if and when you're able to view the rest of the forums.


Selling/Buying goods


Columbus Racing has various For Sale sections where people can buy/sell/trade goods. You must have a postcount of 25 before being allowed to participate. Do not postwhore to get to that point, we have countermeasures.


Before posting in these sections, please be sure you have read the section's rules, and that you are classifying your item(s) correctly.




From time to time the Staff of CR may feel the need to edit, delete or lock posts. From time to time our decisions are not agreed with, but we do what we do for a reason. This forum also has some of the most lax rules on posting, and unless something is way out of hand the Staff generally debates over issues before making a decision.


For those who like to claim First Amendment - that only applies to the government, not private organizations. What this boils down to is that this is a privately owned and operated forum - your membership is a privilege, not a right. If you can't follow the rules, and want to be a problem, we reserve the right to remove you or what you say on here.


OMG! Women on CR?!


Jumping all over a woman on CR, asking for pics, etc will get you banned. You losers need to lay off the women on CR. You aren't going to get ass from them, so stop harassing them and treat them like any other member.

Women, I'll ban you too if you encourage this. The next "Hi, I'm a girl" title gets you banned too.

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