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The flip side to Dwiggs situation


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Dude, people grow up and live their whole lives in Sudan and shit and still manage to be happy and live fulfilling lives. If you can't be happy in Cleveland I'd say Doc's quote is dead on.


My first duty station was in Omaha, and when I got there and all of us newbs inevitably started complaining, that was the first time I heard what I'm sure is a common military trope: "Every assignment is what you make of it." Meaning you can't choose where you go, but you can choose your attitude. And so I found a way to have fun in Nebraska. Would I choose to live there ever again? Heck no. But that's not really the point.


Cleveland might not be your favorite place, but that doesn't mean you can't make the most of wherever you are. Happiness is all mental.



Obviously happiness is mental, that goes without saying, but I think you missed my point.



I'm not saying I hated the world, and was on the verge of suicide living in Cleveland. The area was the one thing I disliked, so I moved. I still had plenty of fun, just disliked the surroundings. Pretty simple. You stating you disliked Nebraska but made the most out of it, but would never live there again, is the exact same thing I described...

Staying in one place that you dislike, even with a positive mindset is completely pointless, and the exact reason you won't live in Nebraska. You would never truly be happy, you would be settling.



Thanks for the service.

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I didn't dislike Nebraska though. I complained at first because it was, you know, Nebraska. That's just the reflex. We all complained before we even got there; how does that make sense? We were just setting ourselves up to be unhappy.


It seems trite, but whoever told me that put me in the right mindset to make the most of the next 3 years. I wouldn't choose to go back, but if I was forced to go there again, I'd be fine with it. Pretty sure I'd be fine with anything.


Everyone's zen on the internet :)

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I didn't dislike Nebraska though. I complained at first because it was, you know, Nebraska. That's just the reflex. We all complained before we even got there; how does that make sense? We were just setting ourselves up to be unhappy.


It seems trite, but whoever told me that put me in the right mindset to make the most of the next 3 years. I wouldn't choose to go back, but if I was forced to go there again, I'd be fine with it. Pretty sure I'd be fine with anything.


Everyone's zen on the internet :)


I get what your trying to say, and you stating you wouldn't choose to go back to Nebraska only makes my point more valid. Sure it's easy to make the most out of a situation if you have good mental health but why would someone decide to live in a place they dislike?

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You can have a steady 40 hr/week job that you hate and ties you down, or you can have a steady 40/hr week job that you enjoy and that lets you pursue a hobby and take vacations.


You can have a house, a family, and responsibilities that tie you down and feel like a burden, or you can have all of those things that bring you joy and stability.


Life, especially what we'd call modern life, is all about finding a balance. We don't have to strive for extreme ends of the spectrum; you could be a survivalist dependent on no one, able to live on off the grid on your meager savings for the rest of your life, or you could be a yuppie strung out on debt with no flexibility to adjust course when the mood or the moment strikes because you get high off the thrill of living a high-speed, high-stakes lifestyle.


Whatever works for you is fine, I think most of us prefer to be somewhere in the middle. But I'm sure we all second guess our decisions. I choose to drive cheap cars because I don't want to tie money up in something nicer, but when I drive someone's BMW I wonder if maybe that little bit of financial security wouldn't be worth giving up for this badass 27-way power heated and cooled seat. I choose to live in an expensive neighborhood because I like the security and advantages it offers, but when I write my fucking check to RITA every quarter I wonder if maybe those benefits wouldn't be worth giving up to live somewhere outside the loop and have a badass finished basement.


You can't have it all, but that doesn't mean you can't find happiness in the middle.



CLIFFS: "Happiness isn’t having what you want, but wanting what you have.”

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What are the cliffnotes on that guy? I only made through the first 20 pages or so. Karma caught up?


I'm with you, have no idea who the guy is and/or why everyone hates him or what has happened. I get the distinct feeling he enjoys the attention though?


Regardless, As much fun as it would be to take a multi-week trip across the country and live out of a backpack I think i would miss home and miss my friends, family, the significant people in my life eventually if I lived that vagabond lifestyle permanently. While I may not be where I want to be I still feel happy and fulfilled. Running away wouldn't necessarily change that for the better or the worse.


Now if I had the ability and means to purchase some land in Colorado or even just rural mid-west I might be interested in doing so. Someone posted a link to a tiny home, i think those are so cool. Buy a small plot of land, put a tiny home on it, have a rural cabin/destination for yourself.

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I actually did this 5 years ago. Granted I didn't have a gf/wife and I have no kids and was still in my 20s at the time.


Sold everything and moved to Phoenix. Best decision I have made despite how rough it was the first 2 years of living here.


I was just unhappy living in Columbus the cold the rain, the gray skies .. wintertime. Yard work having to travel far distances to do fun outdoorsy type stuff you name it I was just fed up lol

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Now if I had the ability and means to purchase some land in Colorado or even just rural mid-west I might be interested in doing so. Someone posted a link to a tiny home, i think those are so cool. Buy a small plot of land, put a tiny home on it, have a rural cabin/destination for yourself.


I literally have land in Colorado I am selling. PM me if you want more info.

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Cleveland has a weird vibe though over most places. People are extremely proud to be from Cleveland, look at how many places survive from selling Cleveland related clothing.....


There is a reason for it, because many people genuinely love living here.


Some areas have really transformed, and grown. Overall it's still a seedy ass place, even the nicer areas are really nothing special... Depressing is right.


You are insane, and you overly ambitious distaste for the area is evident in your hate!


A Cleveland suburb is #33 on this list of the 50 best suburbs in the US (2 from C bus and 2 from Cinci as well). I don't even see one listed for NC??





And just to clarify-didn't you leave Cleveland with you GF at the time? What happened to her?

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There is a reason for it, because many people genuinely love living here.




You are insane, and you overly ambitious distaste for the area is evident in your hate!



Exhibit A:



Exhibit B:




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There is a reason for it, because many people genuinely love living here.




You are insane, and you overly ambitious distaste for the area is evident in your hate!


A Cleveland suburb is #33 on this list of the 50 best suburbs in the US (2 from C bus and 2 from Cinci as well). I don't even see one listed for NC??





And just to clarify-didn't you leave Cleveland with you GF at the time? What happened to her?



I grew up in the Cleveland area, have many reasons to dislike the place. You cannot tell me coming from 77 into Cleveland isn't depressing? it literally looks like something out of The Walking Dead. Everything is run down, busted ass rusty cars everywhere, and roads not suitable for a Ford Raptor.



Posting those click bait, "favorite cities" stories, mean nothing. Everyone of those articles are different.


Things that do matter though, are stats, not some fluff article. Where is lovely Cleveland rated for crime? Oh yeah it's constantly ranked top 10 most dangerous city in America, and America is a pretty big place.... http://www.msn.com/en-us/health/wellness/the-10-most-dangerous-cities-in-america/ss-AAfDo9R#image=3


Where does my town rank? Oh yeah number one in all of NC. http://www.wcnc.com/story/news/local/2015/06/10/davidson-ranked-safest-city-in-nc/71028082/ and Charlotte, doesn't even break the top 100.



Yeah I moved almost 5 years ago with my girlfriend of 6 years at the time, waited for her to graduate college and we moved. After two years of being here, I broke up with her. Nothing crazy happened, I even let her live with me until she found the right home. Let her take every single thing in my house, because she's a broke teacher. Still friendly and chat with her. Would you like to know the color of my eyes, how many languages I can speak? Or a photo of the mess my lactose intolerant ass is currently leaving while writing this? :gabe:

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Exhibit A:


Exhibit B:



I could come down to the hood of Cbus or any major city and make the same satire video. Although funny, it does not "prove" anything.


Its all a matter of opinion so there will never be a winner and a loser. But the main issue is the area of Cleveland that is an issue, no one that likes Cleveland lives in! 95% of the riff raf live in once concentration on the east side of the City. All of the people that live, and love Cleveland live in the near suburbs. So, its really moot point.



I grew up in the Cleveland area, have many reasons to dislike the place. You cannot tell me coming from 77 into Cleveland isn't depressing? it literally looks like something out of The Walking Dead. Everything is run down, busted ass rusty cars everywhere, and roads not suitable for a Ford Raptor.


Things that do matter though, are stats, not some fluff article. Where is lovely Cleveland rated for crime? Oh yeah it's constantly ranked top 10 most dangerous city in America, and America is a pretty big place.... http://www.msn.com/en-us/health/wellness/the-10-most-dangerous-cities-in-america/ss-AAfDo9R#image=3


Yeah I moved almost 5 years ago with my girlfriend of 6 years at the time, waited for her to graduate college and we moved. After two years of being here, I broke up with her. :


If you come down 77, yes for 3 minutes of that drive you indeed drive though a large steel mill, which is situated in the middle of the east side- a place where no one of Merritt lives (see above) so its a moot point to argue. If you come though 90 east or west, you drive past some of the most affluent suburbs in the entire state.


I wont harp on the GF situation, but I can understand why you at times seem like a salty dog. As others have mentioned, if your not happy in general, changing your location wont magically bring you happiness. I will be the first to say there are many things that are better about other places I have lived when compared to Cleveland. But overall for who I am, and what I am doing, I am very happy with the area an what it offers me and my family.

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I could come down to the hood of Cbus or any major city and make the same satire video. Although funny, it does not "prove" anything.


Its all a matter of opinion so there will never be a winner and a loser. But the main issue is the area of Cleveland that is an issue, no one that likes Cleveland lives in! 95% of the riff raf live in once concentration on the east side of the City. All of the people that live, and love Cleveland live in the near suburbs. So, its really moot point.





If you come down 77, yes for 3 minutes of that drive you indeed drive though a large steel mill, which is situated in the middle of the east side- a place where no one of Merritt lives (see above) so its a moot point to argue. If you come though 90 east or west, you drive past some of the most affluent suburbs in the entire state.


I wont harp on the GF situation, but I can understand why you at times seem like a salty dog. As others have mentioned, if your not happy in general, changing your location wont magically bring you happiness. I will be the first to say there are many things that are better about other places I have lived when compared to Cleveland. But overall for who I am, and what I am doing, I am very happy with the area an what it offers me and my family.



I'm not salty? Just because I dislike Cleveland, doesn't mean I'm salty? I fully agree, if someone isn't happy overall a change of scenery isn't going to change that. I was never not happy, just grew up in Cleveland obviously because of my parents, so I made the best of it. I had great times, but staying in Cleveland my whole life wasn't something I wanted... I didn't want to be one of those people who never left the general area of where they grew up, I love new experiences. I left Cleveland in a happy state of mind, and moving only made things better. I absolutely love where I'm at, otherwise I would have moved back 5 years ago if that wasn't the case.



I'm not alone in my thoughts about Cleveland.




There's no denying the city is literally crumbling, tons of abandoned property's, the roads of a third world country (Even suburbs have shit roads), crazy crime, And the lake is useless unless you want a staph infection.

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The guy is selling off all he can, it seems. He is presumably in financial survival mode. CR watches, and relishes in the irony of his arrogance, to what he is going through.


So on the flip side, what if you had to go through a catastrophic life style change? That's all I'm asking. The flip side is, the members here don't have the lies, business, and deception as factors for my question to them.



I lost everything when my wife got sick :( I left a job i loved to do a job that paid more and i had to move in my parents basement. It sucks and if he's truly going through that i feel for him

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I'm not salty? Just because I dislike Cleveland, doesn't mean I'm salty? I fully agree, if someone isn't happy overall a change of scenery isn't going to change that. I was never not happy, just grew up in Cleveland obviously because of my parents, so I made the best of it. I had great times, but staying in Cleveland my whole life wasn't something I wanted... I didn't want to be one of those people who never left the general area of where they grew up, I love new experiences. I left Cleveland in a happy state of mind, and moving only made things better. I absolutely love where I'm at, otherwise I would have moved back 5 years ago if that wasn't the case.



I'm not alone in my thoughts about Cleveland.




There's no denying the city is literally crumbling, tons of abandoned property's, the roads of a third world country (Even suburbs have shit roads), crazy crime, And the lake is useless unless you want a staph infection.



No, I think your salty because the long time girlfriend that you stated you hung around" Cleveland waiting for her to graduate, and then left town with to start a new life, left you. Now your seemingly alone in a new town, forced to make a new friend network. Now, that's not hard for an extrovert (I don't remember you being an extrovert though) but true and great friendships are not forged over weeks, months or years, they are forged over decades. You may say you give no fucks about her, or that situation, but in reality that stance would seem an impossible feat considering the time invested and emotional commitment it carries. The seeds of that waste? Good ol' Cleveland.


I only bring this up because in matters of opinion (like this) the perspective if the person giving that opinion is very relevant to the opinion they give.


As for the decrepit roads and foreclosed homes, yes. The near east side (97% non white... only 30% homeowners..$13,900 average per capita income) is clapped out-because NO ONE CARES about the area, or the government supported people that live there. Comparing that area to any suburb is ridiculous. Yes, not all near city burbs are great either, but god bless america, because you are not forced to live there either.


There is not one pot hole I could think of in the suburb I live now (Independence) or the one I may be moving too (Avon). Cost of living is crazy low compared to most of the US. My houses have appreciated 30-40% since I bought my first in 2007, and both school systems are ranked in the top 40 public systems of the state (out of almost 900).


I will however never say I enjoy the snow, or salt. ;) But overall, after sampling several places in the US to possibly settle down, I'm more than happy with NE Ohio.

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I've been waiting til I'm stable enough to buy a sprinter van, load it with my climbing gear and taking off. There are jobs in every town there is climbing and most have their own little climbing communities.


Head north in the summer and south in the winter.

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I've been waiting til I'm stable enough to buy a sprinter van, load it with my climbing gear and taking off. There are jobs in every town there is climbing and most have their own little climbing communities.


Head north in the summer and south in the winter.



How many climbing jobs though? Not sure those that resume would work.







Yes, Im mad cheap living and great opprotunity in NEO has led to my uneducated immigrant ass to become part of the "5%". :p

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No, I think your salty because the long time girlfriend that you stated you hung around" Cleveland waiting for her to graduate, and then left town with to start a new life, left you. Now your seemingly alone in a new town, forced to make a new friend network. Now, that's not hard for an extrovert (I don't remember you being an extrovert though) but true and great friendships are not forged over weeks, months or years, they are forged over decades. You may say you give no fucks about her, or that situation, but in reality that stance would seem an impossible feat considering the time invested and emotional commitment it carries. The seeds of that waste? Good ol' Cleveland.


I only bring this up because in matters of opinion (like this) the perspective if the person giving that opinion is very relevant to the opinion they give.


As for the decrepit roads and foreclosed homes, yes. The near east side (97% non white... only 30% homeowners..$13,900 average per capita income) is clapped out-because NO ONE CARES about the area, or the government supported people that live there. Comparing that area to any suburb is ridiculous. Yes, not all near city burbs are great either, but god bless america, because you are not forced to live there either.


There is not one pot hole I could think of in the suburb I live now (Independence) or the one I may be moving too (Avon). Cost of living is crazy low compared to most of the US. My houses have appreciated 30-40% since I bought my first in 2007, and both school systems are ranked in the top 40 public systems of the state (out of almost 900).


I will however never say I enjoy the snow, or salt. ;) But overall, after sampling several places in the US to possibly settle down, I'm more than happy with NE Ohio.




Dude you completely pull shit out of your ass. Saying I'm salty and she broke up with me and I'm alone? That's humorous. I broke up with her, allowed her to live with me till she could afford to move out. She was forced to get roommates, and still has them three years later. I stopped liking her and saw her as a friend, were much better friends than being a couple.



Oh yeah my current girl has lived with me for two years. Furthest thing from salty,and alone, constantly busy and couldn't be happier. I just dislike Cleveland, that doesn't make me a unhappy person. I'm currently sitting in Cleveland, I just hate this place. Everything is just so dismal. Nasty roads, rusty cars everywhere, falling apart buildings, 60 mph speed limits with cops everywhere, bad weather. There's a reason it's cheap living. Just not my speed.


I wouldn't change my life for anything, extremely happier where I'm at.

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Dude you completely pull shit out of your ass. Saying I'm salty and she broke up with me and I'm alone? That's humorous. I broke up with her, allowed her to live with me till she could afford to move out. She was forced to get roommates, and still has them three years later. I stopped liking her and saw her as a friend, were much better friends than being a couple.

Oh yeah my current girl has lived with me for two years. Furthest thing from salty,and alone, constantly busy and couldn't be happier. I just dislike Cleveland, that doesn't make me a unhappy person. I'm currently sitting in Cleveland, I just hate this place. Everything is just so dismal. Nasty roads, rusty cars everywhere, falling apart buildings, 60 mph speed limits with cops everywhere, bad weather. There's a reason it's cheap living. Just not my speed.

I wouldn't change my life for anything, extremely happier where I'm at.



Props! :)

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On the topic of how the suburbs are not comparable to the Ghetto....


I saw this thing drive by me on the way to lunch being tailed by a cop. Never have seen one before. Well, thats because its 1 of 24, and its 2.3 Million to buy. LOL






Funny this guy lives 3 blocks from where I just put an offer in on a house. He also has an FXX, Lambo, and other high end junkers.


But yes, its all bad in CLE. Nothing good goes on here, and everyone is poor and miserable. ;)

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