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I can't stand Doug DeMuro


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Sometimes I get a little laugh out of his articles, but mostly he comes off as a hipster-jalopfag catering toolbag.


It's hard to believe he's much of a car guy with as clueless as he seems on just about anything car-related. He's like a wannabe car-comic for normies.

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Anyone else think he's a self-absorbed narcissist? Is that what's needed to be successful as a blogger these days: the "look at how awesome/clever/handsome/smart-I-am" mentality? It's really annoying...


He's actually a pretty nice guy. There are some things I find he has an...ahem...immature viewpoint on but give the guy a break he's like 27 or something.


he's not really a grease in the fingernails car guy...he's what I would call a motor trend/car and driver car guy. Has no interest in the mechanical aspects of it, just wants to have fun with the hobby, buy magazines, and talk about the latest stuff. Still for that kind of car guy he's done some pretty fun things that I am willing to bet most members of this board haven't.


He's probably one of the best writers on jalopnik but that's because the majority of the writers on jalopnik are pretty shit.


If you want to talk pompous assholes in the Jalop-verse Ray Wert is a colossal self absorbed narcissistic dick. I can't even type anymore because thinking about him makes me rage. He did keep me out of jail once though, probably because I would have had to share a cell with him.

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I had no idea who he was before I clicked that link and watched the video, so I can't really judge him, but my first impression of the guy is that he's definitely a bit of a narcissist.


So people suggest a car and he buys it...ok, why should people care what he thinks about a car? Is he important enough that people will eagerly await his weekly updates? 'Oh jee whiz, I can't wait to hear Doug's new podcast this Thursday about how comfy he thinks the seats are!'

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Clarkson is a self-absorbed narcissist, but he has just enough awareness of it that it works. Jack Baruth is an obnoxious narcissist, but he manages to be entertaining enough that I'll give him a pass. Doug DeMuro's cardinal sin is that he's an insecure narcissist who manages not to be funny 99% of the time, even though he tries really hard.
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Clarkson is a self-absorbed narcissist, but he has just enough awareness of it that it works. Jack Baruth is an obnoxious narcissist, but he manages to be entertaining enough that I'll give him a pass. Doug DeMuro's cardinal sin is that he's an insecure narcissist who manages not to be funny 99% of the time, even though he tries really hard.




Couldn't agree more.

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to be fair you have to take into account that this is the Midwest where if a person refers to themselves in the first person they are considered a braggart.


regarding narcissist:


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Hey guys, have any of you seen Doug DeMuro and Geeto67 in the same room together?


Ha Ha. I have, but that doesn't count. I met him once a while back through some of the Jalopnik people I know in real life. If you want to bash Jalonik writers bash that Máté Petrány dude, I am pretty sure he shit on 4th gen F-bodies recently (http://jalopnik.com/cars-like-the-pontiac-trans-am-are-why-europeans-think-1746623372).


Love him or hate him dude has an audience and he caters to them. Granted most of that audience are what I like to call "car people in theory" in that they read more magazine articles than they spend driving, but they get a kick out of him taking a hummer to a track day and the ferrari 360 to a rural southern dragstrip. He also goes out of the way to interact with his audience. If you aren't one of them it's easy to not read his stuff...just look for the demuro byline and skip the link.

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Ha Ha. I have, but that doesn't count. I met him once a while back through some of the Jalopnik people I know in real life. If you want to bash Jalonik writers bash that Máté Petrány dude, I am pretty sure he shit on 4th gen F-bodies recently (http://jalopnik.com/cars-like-the-pontiac-trans-am-are-why-europeans-think-1746623372).


Love him or hate him dude has an audience and he caters to them. Granted most of that audience are what I like to call "car people in theory" in that they read more magazine articles than they spend driving, but they get a kick out of him taking a hummer to a track day and the ferrari 360 to a rural southern dragstrip. He also goes out of the way to interact with his audience. If you aren't one of them it's easy to not read his stuff...just look for the demuro byline and skip the link.



F-bodies deserve any form of filth that can be thrown their way.

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