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I have an initial consultation at NK9 Thursday at 11 and an appointment with the other trainer January 7th at 6:30p- will make a decision after and update everyone then!


NK9 is a great investment; we did a few dogs though there.


Ultimately, they can fix immediate issues but long term you have to take their training and keep it going. This means you have to adopt their style, which is proven, and learn-do it yourself ... which is pretty easy but requires consistency from -everyone-



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Craig Richardson. My best friend's family has always taken their dogs to him, when my fiancée and I moved in together my 1 stipulation was that she take her Italian Greyhound/Miniature Pinscher mix to Craig to get trained. Pete (the dog) was loud, had a really nasty habit of biting anyone that went near my lady if she even looked asleep or tired, and he constantly ran away if you left the front door open for .08 seconds.


IIRC Craig is a retired Marine and his knack for discipline is immediately noticed by dogs. Pete was immediately shaking the moment he was in Craig's presence because he knew he was about to get schooled. Several weeks and a few training sessions later, Pete was responding to sit, stay, and down. Every so often his instinct to chase a squirrel will kick in and he'll try to escape from the open door but a loud, firm "PETE" and he stops in his tracks and looks back apologetically at me.


Craig does training for therapy/handicap assistance dogs, and I'm not sure if he still does but I believe he used to train K9 Officers as well.


Seriously, Craig Richardson is the only person you need to call. Guy is a freaking ace at what he does.

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Start with some boundaries around the house first. I don't let my dog on furniture. Before I take him on a walk I make him sit at the stairs until he's making eye contact with me to leave the house. I use a gentle leader for walk training.


Dogs are food motivated. Get him/her to wait to eat until you say it's okay, again they should be making eye contact with you.


These are a few good easy steps to build a foundation until you get to an instructor.

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Posidog in Hilliard... I've done two sessions with them with my 7 month old lab/golden mix and he is one of the most well behaved puppies I've been around. That said the dog will get out of the training what you are willing to put into it Edited by Geeesammy
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NK9 is a great investment; we did a few dogs though there.


Ultimately, they can fix immediate issues but long term you have to take their training and keep it going. This means you have to adopt their style, which is proven, and learn-do it yourself ... which is pretty easy but requires consistency from -everyone-




This is correct. Everyone wants to think dogs aren't living creatures capable of making decisions, and it's like taking a wrench, turning a bolt, and everything is fixed. Not the case. You get out what you put in. I have told everyone that having a legit good dog is a lifestyle, not a hobby. Training can be incorporated in nearly EVERY aspect of life. Take your dog to get dog food and do heel auto-sits through the store. Do downs in the store, etc. If you want to have fun, do this stuff in front of a pet store "trainer" that is trying to walk around with their client's dog and get it to do "commands" with some meat paste out of a tube as a reward. It's kind of funny. Walks through goodale. Put the dog in a down command as you eat dinner. Etc. It's a lifestyle.


Start with some boundaries around the house first. I don't let my dog on furniture. Before I take him on a walk I make him sit at the stairs until he's making eye contact with me to leave the house. I use a gentle leader for walk training.


Dogs are food motivated. Get him/her to wait to eat until you say it's okay, again they should be making eye contact with you.


These are a few good easy steps to build a foundation until you get to an instructor.


The boundaries thing is good. A dog should NOT have free roam of the house off the bat. Also, waiting for food, etc is good too. It teaches the dog self control. Years and years ago I would hold a piece of food in front of the dog's face and correct the dog when it tried to take it before I gave the OK. The dog learns quick to pay attention to your Q. People would say its mean to tease the dog. I say BS. Everywhere in nature creatures have to earn the rewards of hard work. The dog always eventually got the food when it started paying attention to my Q's instead of trying to just take it. The critics were the kind of people that have their dogs pulling them at the end of the leash, which is what I found most amusing.

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This is correct. Everyone wants to think dogs aren't living creatures capable of making decisions, and it's like taking a wrench, turning a bolt, and everything is fixed. Not the case. You get out what you put in. I have told everyone that having a legit good dog is a lifestyle, not a hobby. Training can be incorporated in nearly EVERY aspect of life. Take your dog to get dog food and do heel auto-sits through the store. Do downs in the store, etc. If you want to have fun, do this stuff in front of a pet store "trainer" that is trying to walk around with their client's dog and get it to do "commands" with some meat paste out of a tube as a reward. It's kind of funny. Walks through goodale. Put the dog in a down command as you eat dinner. Etc. It's a lifestyle.




The boundaries thing is good. A dog should NOT have free roam of the house off the bat. Also, waiting for food, etc is good too. It teaches the dog self control. Years and years ago I would hold a piece of food in front of the dog's face and correct the dog when it tried to take it before I gave the OK. The dog learns quick to pay attention to your Q. People would say its mean to tease the dog. I say BS. Everywhere in nature creatures have to earn the rewards of hard work. The dog always eventually got the food when it started paying attention to my Q's instead of trying to just take it. The critics were the kind of people that have their dogs pulling them at the end of the leash, which is what I found most amusing.


The end of the leash thing is spot on. The rents gs did this all the time. Thought there was no way this would be fixed. After the NK9 training it was immediately solved before even working with the dog. Stayed even with whoever was walking him. If it seemed he was getting ahead, the word "heel" reset the pace. That sold me.

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Any idea on price of NK9? The personal trainer is $120/session and after 6 sessions our friends dog is excellent, and it was a puppy in much worse behavioral shape. My goal is to spend under $1,000 with material and that was $180, so basically 7 sessions is my max.
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Sit Means Sit is another option, and they use only e-collars. Their dogs are pretty impressive, but I am not a huge fan of their school of thought as the dogs are always at 100% and I don't care for the manner in which they incorporate the e-collar in training. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, and it does "work" very well depending on how you define "well", but it's not my cup of tea. It's kind of a quantity over quality deal IMHO. You can find videos of SMS trained dogs all over the interwebz. I can give you some more details on their philosophy if you need more.


I used this on my dog. I adopted a 9 month old dog that had 0 training. It was ~$1000 for 6 sessions and the equipment. I used 3 sessions and my dog is badass now. Never use a leash, always listens, and rarely have to use the collar anymore.


For those that may be scared of the shock collar this is not what you are thinking. It is muscle atrophy technology not taser. I have shown this to people on several occasions and they are always surprised how mellow the 'shock' is.

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She's jumping a ton on walks, damn near ruined my coat today. Nibbling quite a bit (it's play, doesn't work). Needless to say, next Thursday with our 1 on 1 trainer can't come soon enough. We are trying our hardest to have consistent messaging with her but she's not listening well. We did teach her to "come" last night.


I am having gates put up in my yard today (we have a chain link fence but I removed the gates last year because they were broke) so we can start putting her out back to go to the bathroom- no more walks until she's trained and we have reasons to do it (training, park, etc.)

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Go get a gentle leader, watch the DVD and keep walking your dog. Walking is one of the best ways to start a companionship with your dog. Have him sit at the street crossings. If another person can go with you put your dog in the middle of you two to give her the pack.mentality


A 20 minute walk might turn into a hour but you'll accomplish a lot with her.

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Marcum K9 740-243-1251. Allison is the owner and trainer. Shepard's and Shepard mixes are her specialty. We sent ours to her 10 day training. Many CR members have been to my house and seen how CPL Murphy is. He is one of the most obedient dogs I have seen. Prior to the training, we were having all the typical issues. I did't have the time to train him the way he needed, so the 10 day session was perfect. It will run you $1000 + the training collar. It is the best $1000 I have spent.
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Bad news- sucks to write because it's been a rough night. My wife and I made the decision tonight to bring her back. She was showing some aggression towards our cats and that was our biggest stipulation- they came first. We tried different ways of introducing and she just wasn't having it, one cats were scared shitless. Before we got too attached, we decided she wasn't the right temperament for what our home offers. We made a mistake and I balled like a 10 year old girl when we went through with it.


We are going to take a break and search in a few months. Thanks all for your help, we really do appreciate it. :(


I know some won't agree with the decision and I respect that, but after we saw her reaction to them it made my wife uncomfortable enough that she didn't even want to pet Olivia. Not good for either party.

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We were in the same situation. Before training, our dog was terrible. I can not express enough, how valuable the training is. We dropped him off and 10 days later he was amazing. Once we were all on the same page, he was happier and so were we. I understand with other pets that this is an immediate issue for you. But, if funds aren't the issue, and you even like this dog a little, call my trainer. Allison can fix your issues. Then, it's better for the dog and your family. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/B05FEC43-5997-4F99-B720-4806E7EE90EF_zpsxqzpqzlt.jpg
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We were in the same situation. Before training, our dog was terrible. I can not express enough, how valuable the training is. We dropped him off and 10 days later he was amazing. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/B05FEC43-5997-4F99-B720-4806E7EE90EF_zpsxqzpqzlt.jpg


True, the old saying, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" is garbage. The percentage of older dogs that can not be trained is very very small, and it's usually due to a legit medical/brain issue.


That being said, IMO, starting from a puppy is almost always easier/better long term, because you don't have to try to mod bad behaviors, you only have to ensure the pup only learns good ones. But, I have had dogs from pups, and dogs from adulthood. Haven't come across one that couldn't be trained yet.

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True, the old saying, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" is garbage. The percentage of older dogs that can not be trained is very very small, and it's usually due to a legit medical/brain issue.




Lola has been having seizures and we have had to train her to lean on the wall to use the stairs for stability.


She took to it after about 4 tries and realizing I wasn't trying to smash her or push her down

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Sure. Have the dog trained.


Obedience and tricks are two different things. Most dogs sit, lie, come, etc as a trick, not a true command. When I tell a dog to sit, it's to sit and stay seated until released or given another command. Most dogs sit until they get bored or distracted, then they proceed on to something else they want. The fact that the dog understands what "sit" means is good. But now that it knows the general concept of sit, it can be taught, that it's a command, not a request at it's discretion. Once you open up a line of communication through training, the dog can be taught pretty much anything because there is an understandable ability between the handler and the dog to communicate.

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Any tips for keeping a dog from jumping up on a person? We just got a husky puppy, and I've taught her to sit, and shake for fun, and to go to the door to go out. Also need to work on the nibbling that turns into biting.


Bathe in Cayenne Pepper Sauce. They hate it

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i make her sit both before attaching her leash and after. I've been trying to get her to stay as well. I have never tried to train a dog, growing up our dog was outside all the time and our dog that passed a year ago we didn't do well with and we just did the newspaper in one room thing.
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Ignore the dogs behavior of jumping and reward it when it returns to a calm state with food.


Have a friend or neighbor help you out with it for a half hour or an hour per day. You can also use a rope to create a boundary at the front door the dog shouldn't pass.

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We made a mistake and I balled like a 10 year old girl when we went through with it.


We are going to take a break and search in a few months. Thanks all for your help, we really do appreciate it. :(


I know some won't agree with the decision and I respect that, but after we saw her reaction to them it made my wife uncomfortable enough that she didn't even want to pet Olivia. Not good for either party.


We just put our dog down the other night after months of failed attempts at working with him on aggression issues towards other pets and people. (yes we worked with trainers) What a miserable thing to have to do to a physically healthy animal. But we come first and cant take any chances with him biting/hurting someone. Sucks bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...
what are some tips for the crate training? By that I mean how do we get her to stop using the crate as a bathroom at night? We take her out until she does both before putting her in and we take away food before 730, and water an hour before bed- different nights is different times, food is constant times though
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what are some tips for the crate training? By that I mean how do we get her to stop using the crate as a bathroom at night? We take her out until she does both before putting her in and we take away food before 730, and water an hour before bed- different nights is different times, food is constant times though


Your crate may be too big. If the dog has room to mess in one corner and lay in the other they will not figure it out as quickly.

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