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Looking to buy 3 cheap laptops - Advice?


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Hi guys,


A smart business decision has led us to the direction that we want to purchase 3 laptops for the sole purpose of getting on the internet, fulfilling orders, printing labels, and answering email inquiries.


Where could I get 3 good basic cheap laptops? Somewhere like microcenter?


Any other ideas? We'd ideally like to stay under 300.00/unit and have as large of screens as possible and "whatever makes them fast on the internet".


recommendations would be great!





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Chromebook might be dicey with a label printer. Fast on the internet is going to depend more on the connection coming in.


Do you have any specific operating system requirements? If not, MC has a few i3's starting at $279.





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When you go that low in price you are really looking at an AMD A6 processor with Windows 10 and MAYBE 4GB of ram. sometimes you can find an i3 or i5... but not many good ones or new* systems.


Something like this guy is rated Business class and is $299 at the stop of your budget. It is also rated at 9 hours of battery on a single charge which is always a plus.




Another system to look at would be something on Woot like a convertible ASUS for business. Once updated to Windows 10 they run good for the most part. Just throwing the idea out there.




Last... In my opinion the Cadillac of business computers are still Lenovo (IBM) Thinkpad systems. This system is a little over your budget and lacks in the battery department, but it makes up for all that in the raw specs. The processor is a very good i5 5200U (2.2GHz) that can really give good performance and reliability. All that, and Lenovo always puts rock solid networking in their system.


(two different systems to consider)



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Coworker got a refurb Lenovo T420 at Micro-center for stupid cheap. Though, at least per their website, they don't have any right now.


It's what I use at work right now. Everyone I know who uses Leonovos for work loves them, they are tanks. I wouldn't want to use anything else at work.


I think the Thinkpads are their 'business' laptops, they are probably built better than their normal use/personal laptops.

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I got this one... I3, 8gb (I think that stuff matters...?)




The salesman asked me if I needed anti virus software and I responded dead seriously "I'm not using this one to masturbate, just work stuff".... He looked at me funny, I smirked, and then we proceeded to laugh for a minute straight.

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have as large of screens as possible and "whatever makes them fast on the internet".


The salesman asked me if I needed anti virus software and I responded dead seriously "I'm not using this one to masturbate, just work stuff".... He looked at me funny, I smirked, and then we proceeded to laugh for a minute straight.


I would stop right here before your smart Business decision becomes your worst Nightmare.


Please don't take offense, but it's obvious your not up-to-speed on the threats facing Small Business's in today's online environment.


Spend a solid 8-hours researching online-threats as it pertains to running a Small Business. (http://krebsonsecurity.com is a great start) Then ask yourself these questions:


Who is going to be using these computers? Are they tech savvy? Are any financial transactions going to be taking place on the network? Are you, the Vice President, going to be interfacing with the network with any of your personal devices? do you use said devices to conduct financial transactions?


There's a reason the salesman looked at you funny...




The project was designed to explain simply and visually to the sort of computer user who can’t begin to fathom why miscreants would want to hack into his PC



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Back on topic, I would get Chromebooks or older Mac's. PC's can be a nightmare for small Business if you don't have every last security box checked, and even then...


Edit: just caught where you already purchased a PC. Cross your T's and dot your i's when it comes to Security.

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The PC I currently use has no virus protection (nor has it for the last 11 month's we've been in business). I'm merely switching to one that is newer.


I'm a 33% partner of a home-based business with 2 other people that I trust and have been in business with for 4 years in another venture. Can I trust them? Uh, yeah...


If my business gets hacked and I lose money I will ABSOLUTELY let you know so you can have a nice big "I TOLD YA SO"... Until then, I will politely decline your recommendation to "spend 8 hours researching".


Can a mod close this thread? I sense another tin-foil hat reply brewing...

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Who is going to be using these computers? Are they tech savvy? Are any financial transactions going to be taking place on the network? Are you, the Vice President, going to be interfacing with the network with any of your personal devices? do you use said devices to conduct financial transactions?


If they're just label printers, you likely only have to tweak internetz access so low-paid workers don't check their facebook and get malware from click-bait and other BS.


I deal with small businesses every day that have dumb non-computer people- "Oh I ONLY use this for work" okay explain all these coupon printers and fake AV products and other BS you just downloaded?

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