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Why is there a tip jar at OrangeLeaf?


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Someone still prepares the food, displays it, makes it look presentable...


That minimum wage person behind the counter probably cleans the bathroom too. Maybe they had the cleanest shitter you've ever seen and was worthy of some extra recognition for scrubbing the tiniest of shit particles into oblivion. Maybe not. You don't have to tip.


So you want to tip them for doing their job? You got a participation trophy as a kid too didn't you.

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So you want to tip them for doing their job?


Or....you tip them because you want to thank them for doing their job because it is a hard job and it sucks and they were extra nice to you and you want them to feel appreciated....


...Or you realize they they figured out how to rise above their station of minimum wage by exploiting the custom of tipping in which case you may or may not leave a tip but might tip your hat to their ingenuity.


...or you can get on the internet and bitch and moan that some minimum wage dude figured out how to make a few extra bucks on the sly and you are outraged that how dare someone who has to take shit from retail customers ever aspire to make more than 8.50 an hour and how he should be terminated at once.


or you can just not tip and go about your life unaffected and never think about it again.

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Someone still prepares the food, displays it, makes it look presentable...


That minimum wage person behind the counter probably cleans the bathroom too. Maybe they had the cleanest shitter you've ever seen and was worthy of some extra recognition for scrubbing the tiniest of shit particles into oblivion. Maybe not. You don't have to tip.


FWIW...Orange Leaf is a fav of my family. The Grandview and UA locations are owned by the same franchisee. We go there at least 1-2x/month.


That being said, I've seen cleaner bathrooms at fast food restaurants off the interstate. That place is truly a self-service scale and Square machine for credit cards away from being totally DIY.

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That being said, I've seen cleaner bathrooms at fast food restaurants off the interstate.


Does it have the same extremely graphic racist/homophobic graffiti as most of those places? because nothing really sells it as awful as poorly rhyming limericks about Blacks and Jews.


also, that sounds pretty undeserving of a tip. but you need a tip jar in order to make the statement that refusing to tip comes with.


That place is truly a self-service scale and Square machine for credit cards away from being totally DIY.


machines do not require tip jars.

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Or....you tip them because you want to thank them for doing their job because it is a hard job and it sucks and they were extra nice to you and you want them to feel appreciated....


...Or you realize they they figured out how to rise above their station of minimum wage by exploiting the custom of tipping in which case you may or may not leave a tip but might tip your hat to their ingenuity.


...or you can get on the internet and bitch and moan that some minimum wage dude figured out how to make a few extra bucks on the sly and you are outraged that how dare someone who has to take shit from retail customers ever aspire to make more than 8.50 an hour and how he should be terminated at once.


or you can just not tip and go about your life unaffected and never think about it again.


I never thought I would side with this guy but life always throws you a curve ball.


You tip because you like the service. You tip because someone drove to your house. You don't tip because someone is making a low wage.


To answer OP question I've never been there so no idea. If no one served me I wouldn't tip. This is the same reason why I almost never tip when I get carryout. Only a few places will I tip on carryout and that is because their food is fucking awesome (Hass on sawmill for example).

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It's very simple. OP's original question was why there was a tip jar. I present this question. Was there money in it?


Then there's your answer. And you can leave it at that. Or...


Your question shouldn't be why you see a tip jar anywhere. It should be whether you feel like dropping a buck or some leftover change in there. Big difference. If you don't feel that tip jar is doing a good job at being a tip jar, then don't tip it. Grab your son's hand, walk on out to the parking lot and continue enjoying your day. Or, if you'd simply like some real problems to worry over, I can share some of mine with you. ;)

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i usually tip 20% if there's a service that involves a waitress and walking---period. get me my carryout food, or make me a sandwich---there's no tip. deliver my sandwich to my table and bring me drinks, and i leave all my shit on the table when i'm done---yes, theres a tip, and it's almost always 20%, unless you piss me off for some reason.


some of my fondest memories were getting ice cream after wrestling or soccer practice with my dad. its not a reward---its building memories that will literally last a lifetime. i am infinitely more sensitive to these things now that i'm a single father. shitty parents and people without kids just won't get it.


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